Teleconference 2017-01-26 14:00 UTC
- Hugh Cayless (HC)
- James Cummings (JC)
- Peter Stadler (PS)
- Sarah Stanley (SS)
- Raff Viglianti (RV)
- Elisa Beshero-Bondar (EB)
- Magdalena Turska (MT)
- Martina Scholger (MS)
- Syd Bauman (SB), from 14:10 to 14:30 only
- Alejandro Bia
Welcome Sarah and Alex
- Mentoring for new members? Note:
- SB has volunteered. JC is willing. Any others? Sarah is fine with SB.
Planning for F2F
- Tickets: HC will be assigning those that are not assigned. Try to do a triage on this before the meeting.
- @type (and others) fixing feedback
- Need to be grouped into attribute classes
- Action: EM and SB to share current spreadsheet. Council to provide feedback and decide
- Public Day:
- Larger projects in 2017?
- Roma replacement (RV asks if we can find room in the agenda (1 hour or so) to go over
some RomaJS wireframes (UI))
- JC notes that this should be one of our main priorities for 2017, with lots of documentation on maintenance, dependencies, etc.
- Talk about components, distributing work
- RV: Consider splitting off into an implementation subgroup
- SB: New ODD processor for the Guidelines? (also include Martin Holmes)
- RV: Researching Chapter 11
- Finally resolving Package Distribution
- Getting TEI into other XML Editors
- TEI2German (MS to report on translatathon)
- What else are we going to do with the Processing Model
- SB is still working on CH, not sure if Stefan M. is still contributing to that project or not. (we don't know what this means)
- Others?
- Roma replacement (RV asks if we can find room in the agenda (1 hour or so) to go over
some RomaJS wireframes (UI))
- (If Syd is available) ODD4ODDs schema (see
- SB wasn’t here at this point, JC mentioned what the ODD does. And says we should ensure that it is all stuff we think is good practice if adopting it as an exemplar (if that is the right word in this case). There is a meta-question of whether it is better to have things like this adopted by the TEI-C or out in the community — which makes the TEI look stronger? [SB notes JC is correct, but that we already addressed this and decided it should go in Exemplars/. Although SB is not 100% sure that was the right decision :-)]