Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
- Host: King's College London
- Other institutions involved: Centre Ausonius, Bordeaux International Union of Academies
- URL:
- Main language: Greek
General description: The Project (IOSPE, from the Latin Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae;) will publish inscriptions from 33 city-states in the northern Black Sea area dating from the sixth century BCE to the mediaeval period. The inscriptions will be marked up in EpiDoc TEI XML in order to generate both the print and online editions, indices and a faceted search interface. The XML will also be made available for download and re-use.
Implementation description: The EpiDoc subset of the TEI is used to mark up these texts (
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- EpiDoc Guidelines:
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Contact: Irene Polinskaya