Anemoscala: Corpus of Modern Greek Poetry
- Host: Centre for the Greek Language
- Other institutions involved: Co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund), through the Operational Programme "Educational and Lifelong Learning", NSRF 2007-2013.
- URL:
- Main language: Greek
General description: Anemoskala is a fully searchable corpus and concordance tool of Modern Greek Poetry, developed as a project by the Centre for the Greek Language, co-financed by Greece and the European Union. We implement the TEI schema to create a digital edition of the texts and allow for a rich tagging of text properties. The corpus includes works of 19th and 20th century poetry, including those by the two Nobel Prize-winning poets (Seferis and Elytis); depending on the status of intellectual rights and copyright of the works themselves, some are not only searchable but also available as full texts (read only, not for download), while others can be accessed only through the concordance function at line level. The TEI tagging allows for searches to the whole text (by author/s or collection) or specific sections (i.e. only in titles or only paratextual features etc) as well as searches for names and places, words in ancient Greek, etc. In all cases, the corpus presents a text that does not transcribe a print edition but rather offers an updated, modernized version. The copyright to the digital encoded version is held by the Centre for the Greek Language, in conjunction with the various holders of intellectual property, and redistribution is not allowed in order to protect the rights of the print edition publishers.
Implementation description: TEI All (instead of TEI Lite which was our original intention), but we are working on a slightly modified DTD which is TEI-conformant.
Related resources: Akritidou, Maria, Modern Greek Studies facing the digital reality. Developing a Modern Greek Poetry Corpus with TEI:Η_ανάπτυξη_ψηφιακού_σώματος_νεοελληνικής_ποίησης_από_το_ΚΕΓ_με_το_διεθνές_πρότυπο_Text_Encoding_Initiative_Developing_a_digital_corpus_of_Modern_Greek_Poetry
Contact: Maria Akritidou
Address: Centre for the Greek Language, 1 Karamaouna Str.- Skra Sq., Kalamaria, 55132, Greece. Email: