Boissy Archive

General description: The basic objective of the project is to provide a digital edition of the works of the French playwright Louis de Boissy (1694-1758), ideally of the entirety of his production (including translations in other languages, writings for the Mercure de France, speeches, songs and poems).

A more ambitious objective is to experiment with enriched encoding, destined to support new forms of distant readings for the study of the theater. Basic encoding and existent tools, such as Philologic and TXM, while rendering very important services to the scholarly community, are either not very rich from a semantic point of view, or more adapted for linguistic studies. Literary scholars may want to ask questions about the persistence of types and topoi, about character building, intertextual effects, etc., and the aim of the project is to reflect upon the needs in terms of conceptualisation and upon the technical solutions allowing to answer them.

Implementation description: The texts have been encoded keeping in mind the needs of various disciplines, hence the use of a quite large set of tags:

  • those developed for the theatrical texts;

  • but also a (partial) encoding of punctuation and orthographical variations, of interest for the historians of the language.

The most recent added plays contain also some feature libraries, destined to fine encode characters and "caractérisèmes".

Related resources: See "Guide d'encodage d'unités sémantiques dans les pièces de théâtre" on GitHub/ Dramacode and

Ioana Galleron "Enriching the TEI encoding for character analysis in theatrical studies: needs, problems and foreseen solutions" (forthcoming).

Copyright information: All texts are subjected to a CC_BY-NC-SA license.


Ioana Galleron

UBS, UFR LLSHS, 4 rue Jean Zay, 56321 LORIENT, France
