Dante's Lemmatized Works

  • Host: Pisa University
  • Other institutions involved: CiBit - Consorzio Interuniversitario Biblioteca Italiana Telematica (Interuniversitary Center for the Italian Telematic)
  • URL: http://dante.di.unipi.it/ricerca/dante.html

Description: The Latin and Vernacular works of Dante have been elaborated by tracing every form in texts to:

  1. the relevant lemma, with additional indications;
  2. the grammatical category to which they belong. Documentation at: http://dante.di.unipi.it/ricerca/dante.html

Implementation description: The kind of language used by Dante Alighieri, both in Vernacular and in Latin, is of great relevance for the Italian culture. Dante's contemporaries already recognized the relevance of his literary work. His choice of language has deeply influenced the whole Italian literary tradition and the Italian language itself. To know the usus scribendi of Dante as much as possible, then, deepens our knowledge not only of an outstanding historical and critical subject, but also of the evolutionary processes of the Italian language itself. The project is addressed to scholars as well as literary and linguistic students, but can freely availed by anyone with particular interest on Dante's works or language.

Other Related Resources: All texts are available both for reading as hypertext and linguistic querying and are XML-TEI encoded. The user interface for managing and querying the texts is also optimized for the same encoding language. The query is performed by the XCDE Search Engine, a tool developed at Pisa University by Prof. Paolo Ferragina. The used TEI tagset is a mixed base, including elements from the prose and verse base, with some local modifications in order to include two new elements: LM for providing the lemma and the grammatical information about the lemma; and OCC for providing grammatical and lexical information about the word.


Elena Pierazzo

Dipartimento Studi Italianistici Via del Collegio Ricci, 11 56126 - Pisa (Italy)

Tel: +39 0502215056

Fax: +39 050 500896

Email: pierazzo@ital.unipi.it