Darwin Correspondence Project
Host: Cambridge University Library URL: https://www.darwinproject.ac.uk Description: The Darwin Correspondence Project is an independently funded research team, jointly managed by Cambridge University Library and the American Council of Learned Societies, and affiliated to the Department of History and Philosophy of Science in Cambridge. We locate and research letters written by and to the evolutionary scientist, Charles Darwin (1809–1882), and publish complete transcripts together with contextual notes and articles. Darwin’s letters are an essential resource for understanding the development of his own ideas, and are an important source for the lives and work of more than 2000 correspondents and others mentioned in the letters. A 30-volume print edition of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin (Cambridge University Press, 1985–), will be completed in 2022, and will contain more than 15000 letters, around 9000 of which are in Cambridge University Library’s Darwin Archive. The letters are made available to read and search on our website four years after print publication. Images of original letters are being incorporated through collaboration with Cambridge University Digital Library. All letter transcripts are edited in TEI P5. Contact: Elizabeth Smith, Associate Editor for Digital Development, els47@cam.ac.uk