Rôles et pouvoirs des femmes au XVIe siècle dans la France de l'ouest
- Host: Private site of the author
- URL: http://nicole.dufournaud.net/these/
Description: Social history relies on primary sources to study the life and habits of populations. This corpus consists in 950 manuscripts transcribed and encoded using TEI P4. They have been used for the Thesis of Nicole Dufournaud called "Rôles et pouvoirs des femmes au XVIe siècle dans la France de l'ouest" defended Sep. 25th, 2007 at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. The thesis and its appendices are available at the same site and heavily refer to portions of the manuscripts to support important hypotheses about the role and power of women in the 16th century in Western France.
Implementation description: 16th century manuscript documents have been transcribed and encoded in TEI P4 (SGML automatically converted to XML). The original TEI files and an HTML rendition are available, as well as all the Perl scripts used to process them (create indexes, translate SGML to XML, etc.)
Other Related Resources: Uses unmodified tei-lite ("-//TEI//DTD TEI Lite 1.6 //EN") and several Perl scripts to create indexes, all available at the web site.
Nicole Dufournaud,
Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance,
Université François Rabelais, Tours - UMR 6576 du CNRS
59, rue Néricault-Destouches - BP 11328 - 37013 Tours Cedex 1
Tel: +33 2 47 36 77 60
Fax: +33 2 47 36 77 62
Email: nicole@dufournaud.net