The Scholarly Electronic Text and Image Service


(SETIS) at the University of Sydney Library provides access to a large number of networked and in-house full text databases, primarily but not exclusively, source texts within the humanities. Many of these are commercially licensed texts and available only to users at the University of Sydney. However, in addition to these literary, philosophical and religious texts the service is engaged in a number of text and image creation projects the results of which are generally available freely world wide.

Through grants and sponsorships obtained from outside the library budget SETIS seeks to create full text databases based upon the TEI guidelines for text encoding and interchange. These projects are either initiated at SETIS, usually in collaboration with other digital library initiatives, or are in response to initiatives of academic staff at the university. Digital library initiatives include the collection of Australian Literary and Historical Texts which began in response to the national Australian Cooperative Digitisation Project 1840–45 and has most recently grown through SETIS' participation in the Australian Literature Electronic Gateway. Other projects are: the Australian Federation Full Text Database funded by the New South Wales Centenary of Federation (a collection including the debates and conventions of the decade preceding Australian Federation in 1901, as well as contextual writings and memoirs by the participants and founders of federation). Projects in response to academic research and teaching interests include: Joseph Henry Maiden's

Forest Flora of New South Wales (1902–24), and other works in natural history; unpublished lecture notes and other writings by Professor John Anderson, an influential philosopher and social/political thinker at the University of Sydney 1927–55; Mary Shelley's manuscript biography of her father, William Godwin, edited by Judith Barbour in the English Department; poet John Tranter's web site; selected texts from the Sydney University Press backlist.

– Creagh Cole


Dr Creagh Cole

SETIS Coordinator

University of Sydney Library

University of Sydney

2006 Australia

Tel: +61 2 9351-7408

Fax: +61 2 9351-7290
