SIG Rules and Regulations

The function of a SIG is to provide a forum for people working in a particular area, or with a specific set of concerns, to exchange opinions and build consensus. That might lead to any number of outputs, including specific training courses or documentation, proposals for extension or modification to the Guidelines, or development of particular software. A SIG is not a TEI workgroup but could lead to one being set up, or greatly contribute to its work, by providing consultation, field-trials, outreach etc.

The TEI is a community-driven initiative: it is really up to convenors and members of the SIG to decide how best to accomplish its goals, and indeed to determine what those goals may be. The TEI Consortium offers a communications channel (via our web site and discussion lists) and a route into the technical procedure by which the Guidelines are developed and promoted (via the TEI Technical Council and GitHub project), but how SIGs choose to use those facilities is really up to them. The TEI Consortium's health depends on a well-informed and enthusiastic membership, of which SIGs are an important part.

SIG Coordinator

This is usually the chair of the TEI Technical Council but may be another person appointed by the chair. The SIG Coordinator keeps on top of what is going on with the TEI SIGs. This SIG Coordinator maintains a minimal level of contact with each SIG, to confirm that they still exist and to ask if they need help or advice, a few times a year. This person is also responsible for forwarding any reports or proposals produced by a SIG to the Technical Council or Board as appropriate. In the event that the SIGs become too numerous for a single person to maintain useful contact, the Coordinator may identify additional people to assist with this task.

SIG Creation

SIGs may be proposed by any TEI member. To propose a SIG, the proposer should send a brief description to the SIG Coordinator or chair of the TEI Technical Council, who will forward it to TEI Council for approval. The description needs to include some statement of the SIG's mission and must name a contact person responsible for the SIG. If a SIG is proposed which overlaps significantly with an existing SIG, the Council may propose that the two be merged or work together.

Contact Person

Each SIG must have a designated contact person, so that the editors, Council, and others concerned can ascertain whether a SIG is still active or not and what it is doing.


In general, there is no reason to limit the lifespan of a SIG artificially, unless they become so numerous that they pose an administrative burden. However, any SIG may be dissolved by the TEI Board if:

  • its activities are considered harmful to the TEI
  • it shows no sign of existence for one year (e.g. contact person cannot be reached or reports no activity)

SIG Activities and Restrictions

SIGs operate more or less independently without any restriction as long as their activities are relevant to the TEI's goals and are not harmful to the TEI or others. However, any requests for external funding (e.g. from foundations or public funding bodies) must be approved by the TEI Board to prevent inadvertent competition with other TEI funding efforts. The TEI provides some basic services to SIGs to assist them in their activities:

  • Mailing lists: The TEI will provide an electronic mailing list for any approved SIG. To request a mailing list SIGs should send mail to
  • Web space: The TEI provides web space for each SIG, linked from the main webpage for SIGs.
  • Wiki space: The TEI provides space for SIGs on its wiki, in the SIG area.
  • Meeting venue: The TEI provides SIGs with the opportunity to meet at the annual Members' Meeting, space and resources permitting.

Other Issues

SIGs are open to those who are not TEI members. However, anyone attending a SIG meeting that is held in conjunction with a TEI Conference is expected to be either a TEI member or an attendee of the TEI Conference. SIGs are free to meet at other times and places.

SIGs that wish to create proposals that will eventually become major modifications to the TEI Guidelines are recommended to do so by writing a well-documented TEI P5 ODD file expressing both the rational and the modifications necessary. Doing so will make it easier for the TEI Technical Council to assess and implement the proposed changes if they are accepted. If the modifications are minor then submitting individual issues in the TEI GitHub project is recommended.