Beispiel: <time> (time)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <time> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <time> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 2 The TEI Header
- 9 Computer-mediated Communication
- 14 Names, Dates, People, and Places
- 16 Language Corpora
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
<date when="2001-09">September 2001</date>
<date when="2001-09-11">11 Sep 01</date>
<date when="--09-11">9/11</date>
<date when="--09">September</date>
<date when="---11">Eleventh of the month</date>
<time when="08:48:00">8:48</time>
<date when="2001-09-11T12:48:00">Sept 11th, 12 minutes before 9 am</date>
<time> (en)
quarter struck — <time when="11:45:00">the quarter to twelve</time>.
<time> (fr)
à Paris, il est seulement <time when="07:00:00">7 h.</time> Je te
rapporterai plein de souvenirs pour te faire partager cette
expérience unique.
<time> (zh-TW)
1 The TEI Infrastructure
att.cmc (en)
indentLevel="2" synch="#t00394407" who="#WU00005582">
<p> Kurze Nachfrage: Die Hieros für den Goldnamen stammen
auch von Beckerath gem. Literatur ? Grüße —</p>
<signed generatedBy="template"
<gap reason="signatureContent"/>
<time generatedBy="template">18:50, 22. Okt. 2008 (CEST)</time>
att.cmc (en)
<!-- ... main content of posting ... -->
<signed generatedBy="template">
<gap reason="signatureContent"/>
<time generatedBy="template">12:01, 12. Jun. 2009 (CEST)</time>
att.datable.w3c (en)
<date when="1945-10-24">24 Oct 45</date>
<date when="1996-09-24T07:25:00Z">September 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>
<time when="1999-01-04T20:42:00-05:00">Jan 4 1999 at 8 pm</time>
<time when="14:12:38">fourteen twelve and 38 seconds</time>
<date when="1962-10">October of 1962</date>
<date when="--06-12">June 12th</date>
<date when="---01">the first of the month</date>
<date when="--08">August</date>
<date when="2006">MMVI</date>
<date when="0056">AD 56</date>
<date when="-0056">56 BC</date>
att.datable.w3c (fr)
<date when="1945-10-24">24 Oct 45</date>
<date when="1996-09-24T07:25:00Z">24 septembre 1996 à 3h 25 du matin</date>
<time when="1999-01-04T20:42:00-05:00">4 janvier 1999 à 8h de l'après-midi.</time>
<time when="14:12:38">14 h 12 minutes et 38 secondes</time>
<date when="1962-10">octobre 1962</date>
<date when="--06-12">12 juin</date>
<date when="---01">premier du mois</date>
<date when="--08">Août</date>
<date when="2006">MMVI</date>
<date when="0056">56 ap. J.-C.</date>
<date when="-0056">56 av. J.-C.</date>
att.datable.w3c (en)
<placeName>Dorchester, Village,</placeName>
<date when="1828-03-02">March 2d. 1828.</date>
Mrs. Cornell,</salute> Sunday <time when="12:00:00">noon.</time>
indentLevel="3" synch="#t02622878" who="#WU00018921">
<p> Wie du siehst hab ich die Lemma geändert, danke für den Hinweis, ich war nämlich selbst auch etwas unsicher bei der ganzen Sache und bin jetzt damit auch viel glücklicher!—</p>
<signed rend="inline"
<gap reason="signatureContent"/>
<time generatedBy="template">12:01, 12. Jun. 2009 (CEST)</time>
2 The TEI Header
<profileDesc> (en)
<language ident="fr">French</language>
<textDesc n="novel">
<channel mode="w">print; part issues</channel>
<constitution type="single"/>
<derivation type="original"/>
<domain type="art"/>
<factuality type="fiction"/>
<interaction type="none"/>
<preparedness type="prepared"/>
<purpose type="entertain" degree="high"/>
<purpose type="inform" degree="medium"/>
<name>Paris, France</name>
<time>Late 19th century</time>
<profileDesc> (fr)
<language ident="fr">français</language>
<textDesc n="roman">
<channel mode="w">copie; extraits </channel>
<constitution type="single"/>
<derivation type="original"/>
<domain type="art"/>
<factuality type="fiction"/>
<interaction type="none"/>
<preparedness type="prepare"/>
<purpose type="distraction" degree="high"/>
<purpose type="information"
<name>Paris, France</name>
<time>Fin 19e</time>
<profileDesc> (zh-TW)
<language ident="fr">法文</language>
<textDesc n="novel">
<channel mode="w">出版品;專題輯</channel>
<constitution type="single"/>
<derivation type="original"/>
<domain type="art"/>
<factuality type="fiction"/>
<interaction type="none"/>
<preparedness type="prepared"/>
<purpose type="entertain" degree="high"/>
<purpose type="inform" degree="medium"/>
9 Computer-mediated Communication
9.3.3 Attributes for General CMC Encoding
xml:id="cmc_post19" indentLevel="0" who="#u005" synch="#t005">
<p>I'm not sure that this is a proper criterium, or even what this means. What if we set
an explosion that breaks a comet into two pieces? What if we build a moon? Cheers,
<signed generatedBy="template"
<ref target="/wiki/User:Greenodd">Greenodd</ref> (<ref target="/wiki/User_talk:Greenodd">talk</ref>) <time>01:00, 21
July 2011 (UTC)</time>
9.3.3 Attributes for General CMC Encoding
generatedBy="human" synch="#tweetsbcrn18.t001"
xml:id="cmc_post_1043764753502486528" who="#u1" xml:lang="de">
<time generatedBy="system"> 12:31 </time> Heute mit super Unterstützung, wir grunzen,
wenn die Zeit vorbei ist. <ref type="hashtag"
<ref type="hashtag"
target="">#wikidach</ref> PS: Die beiden brauchen noch Namen. Hinweise dazu am Empfang abgeben!
<ref type="twitter-account"
<figure type="image">
<graphic url=""/>
<post modality="written"
generatedBy="unspecified" type="tweet" who="#u1"
synch="#tweetsbcrn18.t002" xml:id="cmc_post_1043769240136880128">
<ptr type="retweet"
<post modality="written"
generatedBy="human" type="tweet" who="#u3"
synch="#tweetsbcrn18.t002" xml:lang="de"
<time generatedBy="system"> 12:43 </time>
<figure type="image" generatedBy="human">
<graphic url=""/>
who="#f2213001.A06" xml:id="cmc_post06">
<time generatedBy="system">21:52</time>
das ist auf jedenfall krankheit
generatedBy="human" synch="#tweetsbcrn18.t006"
xml:id="cmc_post_1043823300479258624" who="#u1" xml:lang="de">
<time generatedBy="system"> 16:24 </time> Bro hab ich mir das
vorgestellt!!! @AndreLo79 #bcrn18 #wikidach @Heiko komm' mal Twitter! #Engel <figure type="image" generatedBy="human">
<graphic url=""/>
generatedBy="human" type="tweet" who="#u1"
xml:id="cmc_post_1043796550101716993" synch="#tweetsbcrn18.t004" xml:lang="de">
<ptr type="retweet"
target="#cmc_post_1043796093786566656"/> Ich mich auch? <ref type="hashtag"
<ref type="hashtag"
<ref type="hashtag"
<ref type="hashtag"
<post modality="written"
generatedBy="human" type="tweet" who="#u2"
synch="#tweetsbcrn18.t003" xml:lang="de"
<time generatedBy="system"> 14:35 </time> Immer wieder gerne. Kann ich mich schon für
nächstes Jahr als Empfangs- <ref type="hashtag"
target="">#Engel</ref> für das nächste
BarCamp bewerben <w pos="EMO">🤪</w>
<ref type="hashtag"
<f name="favoritecount">
<numeric value="4"/>
rend="color:black" synch="#t010.a" who="#A03.a"
rend="color:black" synch="#t010.b" who="#A03.b"
<time> 00:22 </time>
<w norm="so">soooooo</w>
<w norm="Stress">stress</w>
rend="color:black" synch="#t010.c" who="#A03.c"
<time> 00:22 </time>
<w lemma="sein" pos="VAFIN" xml:id="m16.t9">Bin</w>
<w lemma="so" norm="so" pos="PTKIFG"
<w lemma="in" pos="APPRART"
<w lemma="Stress" norm="Stress" pos="NN"
<w lemma="sein" pos="VAPP" xml:id="m16.t13">gewesen</w>
<w lemma="ich" pos="PPER" xml:id="m16.t14">ich</w>
<w lemma="Armer" pos="NN" xml:id="m16.t15">Armer</w>
<w lemma="lol" pos="AKW" xml:id="m16.t16">lol</w>
<post> (en)
indentLevel="3" synch="#t02622878" who="#WU00018921">
<p> Wie du siehst hab ich die Lemma geändert, danke für den Hinweis, ich war nämlich
selbst auch etwas unsicher bei der ganzen Sache und bin jetzt damit auch viel
<signed rend="inline"
<gap reason="signatureContent"/>
<time generatedBy="template">12:01, 12. Jun. 2009 (CEST)</time>
<post> (en)
xml:id="sgml-tei-3" replyTo="#sgml-tei-1">
<time generatedBy="system">04:37:51 UTC</time>
<seg generatedBy="system">In article
<ref target="#sgml-tei-1"><2****.**********0@m*******.***.*****.**></ref> S.*.*.*****z@e**.*****.** (Sebastian Rahtz) writes:</seg>
<bibl>[for] Lou Burnard:</bibl>
<quote>the Text Encoding Initiative document is a many-splendoured thing,
redolent of the mysterious east, caribbean evenings and the scent of
fresh pine in the himalayas [...]</quote>
<p>Very poetic.</p>
<p>But really, what is it?</p>
<signed generatedBy="human">Doug</signed>
<signed generatedBy="template">Doug Merritt ****@e***.******** (ucbvax!eris!doug) or!crossck!dougm
14 Names, Dates, People, and Places
14.4.1 Relative Dates and Times
<time dur="PT30M0S">precisely half an hour</time>
<time when="13:45:00" type="occasion">the departure of the afternoon train to Boston</time>
14.4.2 Absolute Dates and Times
14.4.2 Absolute Dates and Times
14.4.2 Absolute Dates and Times
when="13:45:00-05:00"> a quarter of two </time>
att.datable.iso (en)
<date when-iso="1996-09-24T03:25-04">Sept. 24th, 1996 at 3:25 in the morning</date>
<time when-iso="1999-01-04T20:42-05">4 Jan 1999 at 8:42 pm</time>
<time when-iso="1999-W01-1T20,70-05">4 Jan 1999 at 8:42 pm</time>
<date when-iso="2006-05-18T10:03">a few minutes after ten in the morning on Thu 18 May</date>
<time when-iso="03:00">3 A.M.</time>
<time when-iso="14">around two</time>
<time when-iso="15,5">half past three</time>
att.datable.iso (fr)
<date when-iso="1996-09-24T03:25-04">le 24 sept. 1996, à 3 h 25 du matin.</date>
<time when-iso="1999-01-04T20:42-05">le 4 janvier 1999 à 8 h.42 du soir </time>
<time when-iso="1999-W01-1T20,70-05">le 4 janvier 1999 à 8 h.42 du soir </time>
<date when-iso="2006-05-18T10:03">quelques minutes après 10 heures du matin, le mardi 18
<time when-iso="03:00">3 h. du matin.</time>
<time when-iso="14">aux alentours de deux heures.</time>
<time when-iso="15,5">trois heures et demi.</time>
att.datable.iso (fr)
<time when-iso="12">autour du midi</time>
</q>, et il est apparu à <time when-iso="12:00:00">midi </time>à l'heure pile.
att.datable.iso (en)
<time when-iso="12">around noon</time>
</q>, and he showed up at <time when-iso="12:00:00">12 O'clock</time> on the dot.
14.4.3 More Expressive Normalizations
14.4.3 More Expressive Normalizations
14.4.3 More Expressive Normalizations
16 Language Corpora
16.2.3 The Setting Description
<setting who="#p1 #p2">
<name type="city">Bedford</name>
<name type="region">UK: South East</name>
<date>early spring, 1989</date>
<locale>rug of a suburban home</locale>
<setting who="#p3">
<name type="city">Bedford</name>
<name type="region">UK: South East</name>
<date>early spring, 1989</date>
<locale>at the sink</locale>
<setting who="#p4">
<name type="place">London, UK</name>
<locale>broadcasting studio</locale>
<activity>radio performance</activity>