
att.msExcerpt (manuscript excerpt) provides attributes used to describe excerpts from a manuscript placed in a description thereof. [11.6 Intellectual Content]
Module msdescription — Manuscript Description
Members colophon explicit finalRubric incipit msContents msItem msItemStruct quote rubric
defective⚓︎ indicates whether the passage being quoted is defective, i.e. incomplete through loss or damage.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.xTruthValue

In the case of an incipit, indicates whether the incipit as given is defective, i.e. the first words of the text as preserved, as opposed to the first words of the work itself. In the case of an explicit, indicates whether the explicit as given is defective, i.e. the final words of the text as preserved, as opposed to what the closing words would have been had the text of the work been whole.