Ejemplo: <valItem>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <valItem> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <valItem> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

23 Documentation Elements

23.4.1 Description of Components

<valList type="open">
 <valItem ident="susp">
  <desc>the abbreviation provides the first letter(s) of the word or phrase, omitting the
 <valItem ident="contr">
  <desc>the abbreviation omits some letter(s) in the middle.</desc>

<equiv> (en)

<elementSpec ident="himode="change">
 <equiv name="BOLD"/>
 <desc>bold typography</desc>
  <attDef ident="rendmode="change">
    <valItem ident="bold"/>
<elementSpec ident="bomode="add">
 <equiv name="BOLD"

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<equiv> (fr)

<elementSpec ident="himode="change">
 <equiv name="BOLD"/>
 <desc>caractères gras</desc>
  <attDef ident="rendmode="change">
    <valItem ident="bold"/>
<elementSpec ident="bomode="add">
 <equiv name="BOLD"

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<equiv> (zh-TW)

<elementSpec ident="himode="change">
 <equiv name="BOLD"/>
  <attDef ident="rendmode="change">
    <valItem ident="bold"/>
<elementSpec ident="bomode="add">
 <equiv name="BOLD"

Mostrar todo ⚓︎ Value Specification

<valItem ident="dub">
 <altIdent xml:lang="fr">dou</altIdent>
 <equiv name="unknown"/>
 <desc>used when the application of this element is doubtful or uncertain</desc>
⚓︎ Value Specification

<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="opt">
⚓︎ Value Specification

<attDef ident="typeusage="opt">
 <desc versionDate="2005-01-14"
characterizes the movement, for example as an
   entrance or exit.</desc>
 <desc versionDate="2007-12-20"
예를 들어 입장 또는 퇴장과 같은, 이동의 특성을 기술한다.</desc>
  <dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
 <valList type="open">
  <valItem ident="entrance">
   <desc versionDate="2007-06-27"
character is entering the stage.</desc>
   <desc versionDate="2007-12-20"
등장인물이 무대에 등장하고 있다.</desc>
  <valItem ident="exit">
   <desc versionDate="2007-06-27"
character is exiting the stage.</desc>
   <desc versionDate="2007-12-20"
등장인물이 무대에서 퇴장하고 있다.</desc>
  <valItem ident="onStage">
   <desc versionDate="2007-07-04"
character moves on stage</desc>
   <desc versionDate="2007-12-20"
등장인물이 무대에서 이동한다.</desc>
⚓︎ Defining a processing model

<valItem ident="link">
 <desc>create a hyperlink</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="content">
   <desc>supplies the location of some content describing the link</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="uri">
   <desc>supplies the location of the intended hyperlink</desc>
⚓︎ Defining a processing model

<valItem ident="alternate">
 <desc versionDate="2015-08-21"
support display of alternative visualisations, for
   example by displaying the preferred content, by displaying both in parallel, or by toggling
   between the two.</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="default">
   <desc versionDate="2015-08-21"
supplies the location of the preferred
  <paramSpec ident="alternate">
   <desc versionDate="2015-08-21"
supplies the location of the alternative

<paramList> (en)

<valItem ident="alternate">
 <desc versionDate="2015-08-21"
create a specialized display of alternating elements for displaying the preferred version and an alternative, both at once or by some method of toggling between the two.</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="default">
   <desc>preferred content</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="alternate">
   <desc>alternate content</desc>
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<paramSpec> (en)

<valItem ident="link">
 <desc>create a hyperlink</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="content">
   <desc>supplies the location of some content describing the link</desc>
  <paramSpec ident="link">
   <desc>supplies the location of the intended URL</desc>
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<valItem> (en)

<valItem ident="dub">
 <altIdent xml:lang="fr">dou</altIdent>
 <equiv name="unknown"/>
 <desc>used when the application of this element is doubtful or uncertain</desc>
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<valItem> (fr)

<valItem ident="dub">
 <altIdent xml:lang="fr">dou</altIdent>
 <equiv name="unknown"/>
 <desc>utilisé quand l'emploi de cet élément est douteux ou incertain.</desc>
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<valItem> (zh-TW)

<valItem ident="dub">
 <altIdent xml:lang="fr">dou</altIdent>
 <equiv name="unknown"/>
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<valItem> (en)

<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="border">
  <desc>used to signify that there is border around a page.</desc>
 <valItem ident="border-rule">
  <desc>used to signify that there is a border made of ruled lines.</desc>
 <valItem ident="border-ornamental">
  <desc>used to signify that there is an ornamental border.</desc>
 <valItem ident="catch">
  <desc>for catch words.</desc>
 <valItem ident="lineNum">
  <gloss>line number</gloss>
  <desc>for printed line numbers (usually in poetry).</desc>
 <valItem ident="listHead">
  <gloss>list heading</gloss>
  <desc>for headings of lists or similar constructs; often used in tables of contents for the
  <q>page</q> heading.</desc>
 <valItem ident="pageNum">
  <gloss>page number</gloss>
  <desc>for page numbers.</desc>
 <valItem ident="pressFig">
  <gloss>press figure</gloss>
  <desc>for press figures. These are usually numbers, but are not sequential or regularly
     printed like signatures.</desc>
 <valItem ident="sig">
  <desc>for printed signatures.</desc>
 <valItem ident="unknown">
  <desc>for a metawork whose function you do not know.</desc>
 <valItem ident="vol">
  <gloss>volume number</gloss>
  <desc>for printed volume numbers.</desc>
 <valItem ident="other">
  <desc>anything not covered by the above values.</desc>
   <p>Used for an ornament, decorated tool line, or symbol(s) that is not officially a
       delimiter (and thus there is no element on which to put <val>pre()</val> or
   <val>post()</val>) but is used to fill space at the bottom of a page so that a
   <gi>floatingText</gi> or similar can start at the top of the next.</p>
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<valList> (en)

<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="opt">
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<valList> (fr)

<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="opt">
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<valList> (zh-TW)

<valList type="closed">
 <valItem ident="req">
 <valItem ident="rec">
 <valItem ident="opt">
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7 Performance Texts

7.2.4 Stage Directions

<schemaSpec ident="myDrama">
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="structure"/>
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="drama"/>
 <elementSpec ident="stagemode="change">
   <attDef ident="typemode="replace">
    <valList type="closed">
     <valItem ident="setting">
      <desc>describes the set</desc>
     <valItem ident="blocking">
      <desc>describes movement across stage, position, etc.</desc>
     <valItem ident="business">
      <desc>describes movement other than blocking</desc>
     <valItem ident="delivery">
      <desc>describes how the line is said</desc>
     <valItem ident="motivation">
      <desc>describes character's emotional state or through line</desc>

14 Names, Dates, People, and Places

14.3.2 The Person Element

<elementSpec ident="person"

  <attDef mode="replaceident="age">
    <dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
   <valList type="closed">
    <valItem ident="child">
     <desc>less than 18 years of age</desc>
    <valItem ident="adult">
     <desc>18 to 65 years of age</desc>
    <valItem ident="retired">
     <desc>over 65 years of age</desc>

24 Using the TEI Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists

<elementSpec ident="egmodule="tagdocs"

  <attDef ident="valid"

   <desc>indicates the validity of the example by supplying one of three predefined
       codes for it.</desc>
    <dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
   <valList type="closed">
    <valItem ident="A">
     <desc>validity is of the highest class</desc>
    <valItem ident="B">
     <desc>validity is of the second highest class</desc>
    <valItem ident="C">
     <desc>validity is of the lowest class</desc>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Classes

<classSpec module="versetype="atts"

  <attDef ident="enjambusage="opt">
   <desc>indicates whether the end of a verse line is marked by enjambement.</desc>
    <dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
   <valList type="open">
    <valItem ident="no">
     <desc>the line is end-stopped </desc>
    <valItem ident="yes">
     <desc>the line in question runs on into the next </desc>
    <valItem ident="weak">
     <desc>the line is weakly enjambed </desc>
    <valItem ident="strong">
     <desc>the line is strongly enjambed</desc>
bibliografía ⚓︎ Classes

<attDef ident="fullusage="opt">
 <valList type="closed">
  <valItem ident="yes">
   <desc>the name component is spelled out in full.</desc>
  <valItem ident="abb">
   <desc>the name component is given in an abbreviated form.</desc>
  <valItem ident="init">
   <gloss>initial letter</gloss>
   <desc>the name component is indicated only by one initial.</desc>
bibliografía ⚓︎