Exemple: <stage> (stage direction)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <stage> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <stage> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.13.1 Core Tags for Verse

<l>Thou fumblest <name>Eros</name>, and my Queenes a Squire</l>
<l>More tight at this, then thou: Dispatch. O Loue,</l>
<l>That thou couldst see my Warres to day, and knew'st</l>
<l>The Royall Occupation, thou should'st see</l>
<l part="I">A Workeman in't.</l>
<stage>Enter an Armed Soldier.</stage>
<l part="F">Good morrow to thee, welcome.</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

3.13.2 Core Tags for Drama

<div2 n="I.2type="scene">
 <head>Scene 2.</head>
 <stage type="setting">Peachum, Filch.</stage>
  <p>Sir, Black Moll hath sent word her Trial comes on in
     the Afternoon, and she hopes you will order Matters
     so as to bring her off.</p>
  <p>Why, she may plead her Belly at worst; to my
     Knowledge she hath taken care of that Security.
     But, as the Wench is very active and industrious,
     you may satisfy her that I'll soften the Evidence.</p>
  <p>Tom Gagg, sir, is found guilty.</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

3.13.2 Core Tags for Drama

<div1 n="Itype="Act">
 <head>ACT I</head>
 <div2 n="1type="Scene">
  <head>SCENE I</head>
  <stage rend="italic">Enter Barnardo and Francisco,
     two Sentinels, at several doors</stage>
   <l part="Y">Who's there?</l>
   <l>Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself.</l>
   <l part="I">Long live the King!</l>
   <l part="M">Barnardo?</l>
   <l part="F">He.</l>
   <l>You come most carefully upon your hour.</l>
   <l>'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to bed, Francisco.</l>
   <l>For this relief much thanks. 'Tis bitter cold,</l>
   <l part="I">And I am sick at heart.</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

3.13.2 Core Tags for Drama

<stage>Enter two Centinels.
<add place="margin">Now call'd <name xml:id="barnardo">Bernardo</name> &amp;
 <name xml:id="francisco">Francesco</name>.</add>
<sp who="#francisco">
 <l part="Y">Stand: who is that?</l>
<sp who="#barnardo">
 <l part="Y">Tis I.</l>
<sp who="#francisco">
 <l>O you come most carefully vpon your watch,</l>
<sp who="#barnardo">
 <l>And if you meete Marcellus and Horatio,</l>
 <l>The partners of my watch, bid them make haste.</l>
<sp who="#francisco">
 <l part="Y">I will: See who goes there.</l>
<stage>Enter Horatio and Marcellus.</stage>
bibliographie ⚓︎

3.13.2 Core Tags for Drama

<div1 n="Itype="act">
 <div2 n="1type="scene">
  <head rend="italic">Actus primus, Scena prima.</head>
  <stage rend="italictype="setting">A tempestuous
     noise of Thunder and Lightning heard: Enter
     a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.</stage>
   <p>Heere Master: What cheere?</p>
   <p>Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall
       too't, yarely, or we run our selues a ground,
       bestirre, bestirre. <stage type="move">Exit.</stage>
  <stage type="move">Enter Mariners.</stage>
   <p>Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: yare,
       yare: Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters whistle:
       Blow till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-nough.</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

3.13.2 Core Tags for Drama

 <speaker>Lord Curryfin</speaker>
 <stage>(after a pause).</stage>
  <q>Mass</q> as the second grave-digger says
   in <title>Hamlet</title>, <q>I cannot tell.</q>
<p>A chorus of laughter dissolved the sitting.</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

<speaker> (en)

<sp who="#ni #rsa">
 <speaker>Nancy and Robert</speaker>
 <stage type="delivery">(speaking simultaneously)</stage>
 <p>The future? ...</p>
<list type="speakers">
 <item xml:id="ni"/>
 <item xml:id="rsa"/>
Toute la liste ⚓︎

<speaker> (zh-TW)

<sp who="#zh-tw_ni #zh-tw_rsa">
 <stage type="演講或歌唱">(同時)</stage>
<list type="speakers">
 <item xml:id="zh-tw_ni"/>
 <item xml:id="zh-tw_rsa"/>
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<stage> (en)

<stage type="setting">A curtain being drawn.</stage>
<stage type="setting">Music</stage>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Husband as being thrown off his horse and falls.</stage>
<!-- Middleton : Yorkshire Tragedy -->
<stage type="exit">Exit pursued by a bear.</stage>
<stage type="business">He quickly takes the stone out.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">To Lussurioso.</stage>
<stage type="novelistic">Having had enough, and embarrassed for the family.</stage>
<!-- Lorraine Hansbury : a raisin in in the sun -->
<stage type="modifier">Disguised as Ansaldo.</stage>
<stage type="entrance modifier">Enter Latrocinio disguised as an empiric</stage>
<!-- Middleton: The Widow -->
<stage type="location">At a window.</stage>
<stage rend="inlinetype="delivery">Aside.</stage>
Toute la liste ⚓︎

<stage> (en)

<l>Behold. <stage n="*place="margin">Here the vp<lb/>per part of the <hi>Scene</hi> open'd; when
   straight appear'd a Heauen, and all the <hi>Pure Artes</hi> sitting on
   two semi<lb/>circular ben<lb/>ches, one a<lb/>boue another: who sate thus till the rest of the
 <hi>Prologue</hi> was spoken, which being ended, they descended in
   order within the <hi>Scene,</hi> whiles the Musicke plaid</stage> Our
Poet knowing our free hearts</l>
Toute la liste ⚓︎


<stage type="setting">La scène est dans une place de ville.</stage>
<stage type="exit">, s'en allant.</stage>
<stage type="business">(Arnolphe ôte par trois fois le chapeau de dessus la tête d'Alain.)</stage>
<stage type="delivery">, à <name>Georgette</name>.</stage>
<stage type="setting">(Tous étant rentrés.)</stage>
<stage type="delivery">, riant.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">, lui montrant le logis d'<name>AGNÈS</name>.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">, à part.</stage>
<stage type="business">(Frappant à la porte.)</stage>
<stage type="delivery">, assis.</stage>
<stage type="business">(Il se lève.)</stage>
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<stage> (zh-TW)

<stage type="setting">電梯開門</stage>
<stage type="setting">指揮聲</stage>
<stage type="entrance">小陳和小王騎車回來</stage>
<stage type="exit">搬家工人把家具搬進電梯</stage>
<stage type="business">小玉清點家具數量</stage>
<stage type="delivery">將簽收單交給搬家工人</stage>
<stage type="novelistic">家具佔去出入口,小玉顯得有些不好意思。</stage>
<stage type="modifier">小陳眼睛為之一亮</stage>
<stage type="location">電梯口</stage>
<stage rend="inlinetype="delivery">悄悄話</stage>
Toute la liste ⚓︎

1 The TEI Infrastructure

att.ascribed.directed (en)

<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="emil">Emilius.</role>
<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="lov">Lovisa</role>
<castItem type="role">
 <role xml:id="serv">A servant</role>
<!-- ... -->
<sp who="#emiltoWhom="#lov">
 <l n="1">My love!</l>
<sp who="#lovtoWhom="#emil">
 <l n="2">I have no Witness of my Noble Birth</l>
 <stage who="emiltoWhom="#serv">Pointing to her Woman.</stage>
 <l>But that poor helpless wretch——</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7 Performance Texts

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

 <head>Written by <name>Colley Cibber, Esq</name>
   and spoken by <name>Mrs. Cibber</name>
  <lg type="stanza">
   <l>Since Fate has robb'd me of the hapless Youth,</l>
   <l>For whom my heart had hoarded up its truth;</l>
   <l>By all the Laws of Love and Honour, now,</l>
   <l>I'm free again to chuse, — and one of you</l>
  <lg type="stanza">
   <l>Suppose I search the sober Gallery; — No,</l>
   <l>There's none but Prentices — &amp; Cuckolds all a row:</l>
   <l>And these, I doubt, are those that make 'em so.</l>
  <stage>Pointing to the Boxes.</stage>
  <lg type="stanza">
   <l>'Tis very well, enjoy the jest:</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

  <div1 type="scene">
    <l part="Y">I'le deliver all,</l>
    <l>And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,</l>
    <l>Be free and fare thou well: please you, draw neere.</l>
    <stage>Exeunt omnes.</stage>
   <head>Epilogue, spoken by Prospero.</head>
    <l>Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne,</l>
    <l>And what strength I have's mine owne</l>
    <l>As you from crimes would pardon'd be,</l>
    <l>Let your Indulgence set me free.</l>
   <p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
   <head>Names of the Actors.</head>
   <castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
   <castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
   <castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

 <l part="Y">I'll deliver all,</l>
 <l>And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales,</l>
 <l>Be free and fare thou well. <stage type="exit">Exit Ariel</stage>
   Please you, draw near. <stage type="exit">Exeunt all but Prospero</stage>
  <note place="margin">Epilogue</note>
 <l>Now my charms are all o'erthrown,</l>
 <l>And what strength I have's mine own</l>
 <l>As you from crimes would pardoned be,</l>
 <l>Let your indulgence set me free.</l>
<stage type="mix">He awaits applause, then exit.</stage>
bibliographie ⚓︎

<epilogue> (en)

 <head>Written by <name>Colley Cibber, Esq</name> and spoken by <name>Mrs. Cibber</name>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>Since Fate has robb'd me of the hapless Youth,</l>
   <l>For whom my heart had hoarded up its truth;</l>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>By all the Laws of Love and Honour, now,</l>
   <l>I'm free again to chuse, — and one of you</l>
  <lg type="triplet">
   <l>Suppose I search the sober Gallery; — No,</l>
   <l>There's none but Prentices — &amp; Cuckolds all a row:</l>
   <l>And these, I doubt, are those that make 'em so.</l>
  <stage type="business">Pointing to the Boxes.</stage>
  <lg type="couplet">
   <l>'Tis very well, enjoy the jest:</l>
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<epilogue> (zh-TW)

 <stage type="business">飾國王者向觀眾致辭</stage>
  <lg type="stanza">
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<castList> (en)

  <head rend="braced">Mendicants</head>
   <actor>Femi Johnson</actor>
   <actor>Femi Osofisan</actor>
   <actor>Wale Ogunyemi</actor>
   <actor>Tunji Oyelana</actor>
  <role>Si Bero</role>
  <roleDesc>Sister to Dr Bero</roleDesc>
  <actor>Deolo Adedoyin</actor>
  <head rend="braced">Two old women</head>
   <role>Iya Agba</role>
   <actor>Nguba Agolia</actor>
   <role>Iya Mate</role>
   <actor>Bopo George</actor>
  <role>Dr Bero</role>
  <actor>Nat Okoro</actor>
  <actor>Gbenga Sonuga</actor>
  <role>The old man</role>
  <roleDesc>Bero's father</roleDesc>
  <actor>Dapo Adelugba</actor>
<stage type="mix">The action takes place in and around the home surgery of
Dr Bero, lately returned from the wars.</stage>
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<castList> (zh-TW)

  <head rend="braced">楊延輝</head>
  <head rend="braced">楊家兄弟</head>
<stage type="mix">場景交換於遼國廷內與飛虎峽宋營之間。</stage>
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

7.2.1 Major Structural Divisions

 <div1 type="actn="1">
  <head>Act One</head>
  <div2 type="scenen="1">
   <stage>Pa Ubu, Ma Ubu</stage>
    <speaker>Pa Ubu</speaker>
  <div2 type="scenen="2">
   <stage>A room in Pa Ubu's house, where a magnificent
       collation is set out</stage>
 <div1 type="actn="2">
  <head>Act Two</head>
  <div2 type="scenen="1">
   <head>Scene One</head>
  <div2 type="scenen="2">
   <head>Scene Two</head>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.2 Speeches and Speakers

  <role xml:id="nan">Nano</role>
  <role xml:id="cas">Castrone</role>
<stage>Nano and Castrone sing</stage>
<sp who="#nan #cas">
 <l>Fools, they are the only nation</l>
 <l>Worth men's envy or admiration</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.4 Stage Directions

<stage type="setting">The throne descends.</stage>
<stage type="setting">Music</stage>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Husband as being thrown off his horse.</stage>
<stage type="exit">Exit pursued by a bear.</stage>
<stage type="business">He quickly takes the stone out.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">To Lussurioso.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">Aside.</stage>
<stage type="delivery">Not knowing what to say.</stage>
<stage type="costume">Disguised as Ansaldo.</stage>
<stage type="location">At a window.</stage>
<stage type="novelistic">Having had enough, and embarrassed
for the family.</stage>

7.2.4 Stage Directions

<div1 n="1type="act">
 <stage type="setting">
  <p>Scene. — A room furnished comfortably and
     tastefully but not extravagantly ...
     The floor is carpeted and a fire burns in the stove.
     It is winter.</p>
  <p>A bell rings in the hall; shortly afterwards the
     door is heard to open. Enter NORA humming a tune ...</p>
  <p>Hide the Christmas Tree carefully, Helen. Be sure the
     children do not see it till this evening, when it is
     dressed. <stage type="delivery">To the PORTER taking
       out her purse</stage> How much?</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.4 Stage Directions

  <role xml:id="bella">Bellafront</role>
<stage type="entrance">
 <move who="#bellatype="enter"/>
Enter Bellafront mad.
bibliographie ⚓︎

<spGrp> (en)

 <speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER:</speaker>
 <p> Herr Schultz! Can I believe what I see? <stage>(HERR SCHULTZ nods
     proudly)</stage> But this is — too much to accept. So rare — so costly —
   so luxurious. </p>
<stage>(She sings)</stage>
<spGrp n="4">
  <l>If you bought me diamonds, If you bought me pearls,</l>
  <l>If you bought me roses like some other gents</l>
  <l>Might bring to other girls,</l>
  <l>It couldn't please me more</l>
  <l>Than the gift I see -</l>
  <stage>(She takes a large pineapple out of the bag)</stage>
  <l>A pineapple for me!</l>
  <stage>(Singing) </stage>
  <l>If, in your emotion, </l>
  <l>You began to sway, </l>
  <l>Went to get some air, </l>
  <l>Or grabbed a chair </l>
  <l>To keep from fainting dead away, </l>
  <l>It couldn't please me more </l>
  <l>Than to see you cling </l>
  <l>To the pineapple I bring.</l>
  <l>Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah</l>
<!-- ... -->
 <stage>(They dance)</stage>
 <speaker>FRAULEIN SCHNEIDER: </speaker>
 <p>But you must not bring me
   any more pineapples! Do you hear? It is not proper. It is a gift a
   young man would present to his lady love. It makes me blush!
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<move> (en)

<performance xml:id="perf1">
 <p>First performance</p>
   <role xml:id="bellaf">Bellafront</role>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<stage type="entrance">
 <move who="#bellaftype="enterwhere="L"
Bellafront mad.
Toute la liste ⚓︎


<performance xml:id="fr_perf1">
 <p>Première apparition</p>
   <role xml:id="fr_clar">Clarence</role>
<stage type="entrance">
 <move who="#fr_clartype="enter"
(Entre Clarence,
entouré de gardes).
bibliographie Toute la liste ⚓︎

<move> (zh-TW)

<performance xml:id="zh-tw_perf1">
   <role xml:id="zh-tw_bellaf">楊四郎</role>
<!-- 其他角色 -->
<!-- ... -->
<stage type="entrance">
 <move who="#zh-tw_bellaftype="enter"

Toute la liste ⚓︎

7.2.6 Embedded Structures

 <p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with th' love of gain.
   You thry to pin on others th' dirty decorations that
   may be hangin' on your own coats.</p>
 <stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
   and Flagonson. Lilting)</stage>
 <lg type="song">
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
  <l>Who you were with last night?</l>
 <stage>(in anguished indignation).</stage>
 <p>This is more than a hurt to us: this hits at the
   decency of the whole nation!</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.6 Embedded Structures

 <p>Aha, so you've bad minds along with ...</p>
<stage>(He points, one after the other at Conroy, Bull,
and Flagonson. Lilting):</stage>
  <titlePart>Kelly's Song</titlePart>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Who were you with last night?</l>
  <l>Will you tell your missus when you go home</l>
  <l>Who you were with last night?</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.6 Embedded Structures

 <stage>(wheeling quietly in his semi-dance,
   as he goes out):</stage>
 <lg type="stanzapart="I">
  <l>Goodbye to holy souls left here,</l>
  <l>Goodbye to man an' fairy;</l>
 <speaker>Widda Machree</speaker>
 <stage>(wheeling quietly in her semi-dance,
   as she goes out):</stage>
 <lg type="stanzapart="F">
  <l>Goodbye to all of Leicester Square,</l>
  <l>An' the long way to Tipperary.</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.6 Embedded Structures

<div1 n="4type="act">
 <div2 n="5type="scene">
  <stage>Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
  <stage type="setting">Enter Ophelia, distracted.</stage>
   <p>Where is the beauteous Majesty of Denmark?</p>
   <p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
   <lg next="#Tl2xml:id="Tl1type="song"

    <l>How should I your true-love know</l>
    <l>From another one?</l>
    <l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
    <l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
   <p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
   <p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
   <lg prev="#Tl1xml:id="Tl2type="song"

    <l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
    <l>He is dead and gone;</l>
    <l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
    <l>At his heels a stone.</l>
   <p>O, ho!</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.6 Embedded Structures

  <div1 n="4type="act">
   <div2 n="5type="scene">
    <stage type="setting">Elsinore. A room in the Castle.</stage>
     <p>How now, Ophelia?</p>
     <stage type="delivery">Singing</stage>
     <lg xml:id="TL1type="songpart="Y">
      <l>How should I your true-love know</l>
      <l>From another one?</l>
      <l>By his cockle hat and staff</l>
      <l>And his sandal shoon.</l>
     <p>Alas, sweet lady, what imports this song?</p>
     <p>Say you? Nay, pray you mark.</p>
     <stage type="delivery">Sings</stage>
     <lg xml:id="TL2type="songpart="Y">
      <l>He is dead and gone, lady,</l>
      <l>He is dead and gone;</l>
      <l>At his head a grass-green turf,</l>
      <l>At his heels a stone.</l>
     <p>O, ho!</p>
     <join type="lgtarget="#TL1 #TL2"/>
bibliographie ⚓︎

7.2.7 Simultaneous Action

 <stage type="delivery">wildly</stage>
 <p>Look here: I'm going to take off all my clothes.</p>
 <stage type="action">he begins tearing off his coat.</stage>
<spGrp type="simultaneousrend="braced">
  <speaker>Lady Utterword</speaker>
  <p>Mr Mangan!</p>
  <speaker>Captain Shotover</speaker>
  <p>Whats that?</p>
  <p>Ha! ha! Do. Do.</p>
  <p>Please dont.</p>
 <stage type="delivery">in consternation</stage>
 <speaker>Mrs. Hushabye</speaker>
 <stage type="action">catching his arm and stopping him</stage>
 <p>Alfred: for shame! Are you mad?</p>
bibliographie ⚓︎

17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

17.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors

<div1 n="Itype="act">
 <div2 n="1type="scene">
  <head rend="italic">Actus primus, Scena prima.</head>
  <stage rend="italictype="setting"> A tempestuous noise of
     Thunder and Lightning heard:
     Enter a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.</stage>
   <ab>Heere Master: What cheere?</ab>
   <ab>Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall too't, yarely,
       or we run our selues a ground, bestirre, bestirre.
   <stage type="move">Exit.</stage>
  <stage type="move">Enter Mariners.</stage>
   <ab>Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: yare, yare:
       Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters whistle: Blow
       till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-nough.</ab>
bibliographie ⚓︎

22 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility

<respons> (en)

<!-- in the <teiHeader>: --><respStmt xml:id="enc03">
 <persName ref="../contextual/persons.xml#across.dta"/>
<!-- in the <text>: -->
<spGrp rend="braced(atonce1)"

 <sp who="#mo">
  <speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
  <p rend="break(no)">So, so, so!</p>
 <sp who="#hg">
  <speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
   <persName>Mr. H</persName>.</speaker>
  <p rend="break(no)">What, without my Leave!</p>
 <sp who="#la">
  <speaker rend="align(left)slant(italic)">
   <persName>Lady D</persName>.</speaker>
  <p rend="break(no)">Amazing!</p>
<stage rend="align(right)slant(italic)"
All together.</stage>
<!-- anywhere: -->
<respons target="sgrp05locus="name"

 <desc>Ashley did not know what to do with this; I have decided it
   best fits as a braced <gi>spGrp</gi>
<respons target="sgrp05match=".//@rend"

 <desc>fixed <att>rend</att> attributes</desc>
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