Call for papers
Document Contents
Note that the call for Papers is now closed. The deadline for submission was 30th April 2008.
The Programme Committee of the TEI Members' Meeting invites individual paper proposals, panel sessions, poster sessions, and tool demonstrations particularly, but not exclusively, on the theme, broadly conceived, TEI: Supporting Cultural Heritage Research.
Submission Topics
Topics might include but are not restricted to:
- TEI-based projects involving cultural heritage
- Using TEI to create:
- scholarly editions
- hybrid publications (digital and print)
- Tools that use TEI
- TEI used in conjunction with:
- different technologies
- other standards
- TEI as:
- metadata standard
- interchange format: sharing, mapping and migrating data
- TEI and its contribution to digital scholarship
- TEI and markup theory
In addition, we are seeking P5 micropaper proposals for 5 minute presentations on the topic My favourite (or least favourite) P5 feature, chapter, or addition.
Submission Types
Individual paper presentations will be allocated 30 minutes: 20 minutes for delivery, and 10 minutes for questions & answers.
Panel sessions will be allocated 1.5 hours and may be of varied formats, including:
- three paper panels: 3 papers on the same or related topics;
- working paper session: 3-6 papers circulated and read by the audience in advance, so the entire session is dedicated to discussion of and questions & answers about, the papers rather than presenting the papers;
- round table discussion: 3-6 presenters on a single theme. Ample time should be left for questions & answers after brief presentations.
Posters (including tool demonstrations) will be presented during the poster session. The local organizer will provide flip charts and tables for poster session/tool demonstration presenters, along with wireless internet access. Each poster will have the opportunity to participate in a slam immediately preceding the poster session.
P5 micropapers will be allocated 5 minutes.
Submission Procedure
All proposals should be submitted at by 30 April 2008.
You will need to create an account (i.e., username and password) in order to file a submission. For each submission, you may upload files to the system after you have completed filling out demographic data and the abstract.
- Individual paper proposals, poster session (including tool demonstrations):
- Please submit a brief abstract (no more than 500 words) in the "Abstract" field.
- Supporting materials (including graphics, multimedia, etc., or even a copy of the complete paper) may be uploaded after the initial abstract is submitted.
- P5 micropaper:
- The procedure is the same as for an individual paper, however the abstract should be no more than 300 words, but may be as short as the name of the feature.
- Please be sure the abstract mentions the feature to be presented!
- Panel sessions [Due to restrictions imposed by the submissions software, the
following instructions vary from those originally included with the CFP for panel sessions]:
- Submit 3 separate individual paper proposals first (provide abstracts for each of the involved papers -no more than 500 words each- Please upload these additional abstracts as separate files and include the author of this paper, the author institutional affiliation/s, the author's email address).
- Provide a brief overview of the session (no more than 300 words OR a 500 word abstract for a panel discussion) in the "Abstract" field of the panel session proposal.
- If you are submitting a panel session as a SIG convener, please indicate so in the "Remark / Message to the Conference Chairs" field of the panel session proposal..
- For working paper sessions only, if the panel is accepted, each full paper (no more than 3000 words) should be submitted by 15 September to be made available in advance to those wishing to attend the session.
Please send queries to the meeting chair:
Conference submissions will be considered for a conference proceedings. Further details on the submission process will be forthcoming.