TEI: Supporting Cultural Heritage Research
6-8 November 2008, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London, UK
Welcome to the main website for the TEI 2008 Members Meeting and conference. This site provides information about the meeting and conference, the host organisation CCH and the call for papers.
The eighth annual meeting of members of the TEI Consortium will be held on 6-8 November 2008 at King's College London, UK, and hosted by the Centre for Computing in the Humanities.
This year, the three-days event will include a full academic conference program with invited speakers, peer-reviewed papers, posters, tool demonstrations, and meetings of the TEI Special Interest Groups.
The meeting is open to all and free of charge for the TEI consortium subscribers, institutional members, and invited guests. If you are not a member of the TEI, but would like to become one, see how to join the TEI.
The programme with links to paper and poster abstracts is available. We are especially pleased to announce the keynote talks by:
- Vanda Broughton (University College London)
- Dino Buzzetti (University of Bologna)
- Charlotte Roueché (King's College London)
See how to register for the TEI 2008 members meeting on this website.
Please feel free to download the flyer [PDF] for the TEI 2008 Members Meeting as a pdf file and post it in your local institution to advertise the conference.
The TEI Consortium and the local organisers gratefully thanks the sponsors for the TEI Members' Meeting 2008.