Monica Berti (UniversitÀt Leipzig), Bridget Almas (Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University) | The Linked Fragment: TEI and the encoding of text re-uses of lost authors |
Michelle Dalmau (Indiana University, United States of America), Kevin S. Hawkins (University of Michigan, United States of America) | âReports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggeratedâ: Findings from the TEI in Libraries Survey |
Martin de la Iglesia (Göttingen State and University Library, Germany), Mathias Göbel (Göttingen State and University Library, Germany) | From entity description to semantic analysis: The case of Theodor Fontaneâs notebooks |
Ăyvind Eide (University of Oslo, Norway) | Ontologies, data modelling, and TEI |
Doug Emery (University of Pennsylvania, United States of America), Dot Porter (University of Pennsylvania, United States of America) | TEI and the description of the Sinai Palimpsests |
Peter Fankhauser (IDS Mannheim, Germany), Oliver Pfefferkorn (IDS Mannheim, Germany), Andreas Witt (IDS Mannheim, Germany) | From TUSTEP to TEI in Baby Steps |
Michael Andrew Gavin (University of South Carolina, United States of America), Rachel Scott Mann (University of South Carolina, United States of America) | How TEI is Taught: a Survey of Digital Editing Pedagogy |
Stefanie Gehrke (Equipex Biblissima, France) | TEI metadata as source to Europeana Regia â practical example and future challenges |
FrĂ©dĂ©ric Glorieux (UniversitĂ© Paris-Sorbonne, France), Vincent Jolivet (UniversitĂ© Paris-Sorbonne, France) | Documenter des âattentes applicativesâ (processing expectations) |
Susanne Haaf (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Deutsches Textarchiv), Alexander Geyken (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Deutsches Textarchiv) | The Lifecycle of the DTA Base Format (DTABf) |
Henri Hudrisier (Paragrpahe, Université Paris 8, France), Rachid Zghibi (ISD, Université La Manouba, TUNISIE), Sihem Sghidi (ISD, Université La Manouba, TUNISIE), Mokhtar Ben Henda (MICA, Université Bordeaux 3, France) | Promoting the linguistic diversity of TEI in the Maghreb and the Arab region |
Neven JovanoviÄ (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia) | XQuerying the medieval Dubrovnik |
Alexei Lavrentiev (ICAR Research Lab – Lyon University and CNRS, France), Serge Heiden (ICAR Research Lab – Lyon University and CNRS, France), Matthieu Decorde (ICAR Research Lab – Lyon University and CNRS, France) | Analyzing TEI encoded texts with the TXM platform |
Wioletta Miskiewicz (Institut d’Histoire et de la Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques IHPST/CNRS/Paris, Head of Archives e-LV: | Text, TEI and Computer-Aided Humanities. |
Karlheinz Moerth (Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria), Gerhard Budin (Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria; Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna, Austria), Laurent Romary (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, France) |
Modelling frequency data: methodological considerations on the relationship between dictionaries and corpora |
Paolo Monella (University of Palermo, Italy) | A Saussurean approach to graphemes declaration in charDecl for manuscripts encoding |
Trevor Muñoz (University of Maryland, United States of America), Raffaele Viglianti (University of Maryland, United States of America), Neil Fraistat (University of Maryland, United States of America) | Texts and Documents: new challenges for TEI interchange and the possibilities for participatory archives |
Wilhelm Ott (UniversitĂ€t TĂŒbingen, Germany), Tobias Ott (Stuttgart Media University, Germany; pagina Gmbh TĂŒbingen) |
Beyond nodes and branches: scripting with TXSTEP |
Wendell Piez (Piez Consulting Services, United States of America) | TEI in LMNL: Implications for modeling |
Brian L. Pytlik Zillig (Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of America), Brett Barney (Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of America) | TEI at Thirty Frames Per Second: Animating Textual Data from TEI Documents using XSLT and SVG |
Alessia Scacchi (University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italia) | Analysis of isotopy: a hermeneutic model |
AntĂłnio Rito Silva (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal), Manuel Portela (University of Coimbra, Portugal) | TEI4LdoD: Textual Encoding and Social Editing in Web 2.0 Environments |
Francesca Trasselli (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Italia), Giliola Barbero (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Italia), Gian Paolo Bagnato (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Italia) | TEI <msDesc> and the Italian Tradition of Manuscript Cataloguing |
Raffaele Viglianti (University of Maryland), Solveig Schreiter (Musikabteilung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), Benjamin Bohl (UniversitĂ€t Paderborn) | A stand-off critical apparatus for the libretto of Der FreischĂŒtz |