
The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web

TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013: October 2-5, Rome (Italy)

SIG meetings

The following TEI special interest groups (SIG) will keep their meetings this year in Roma. The day reserved for SIG activity is Thursday 3 October.

SIG TEI for Linguists. Convener: Piotr Bański and Andreas Witt
Room F h. 14.30

SIG Manuscripts. Conveners: Dot Porter and Gerrit Brüning
Plenary session Room A h. 14.30
Sub-meeting on apparatus Room A, h. 16.30
Sub-meeting on genetic editions encoding, Room A h. 17.30

Draft programme for the meeting.

14:30 – Welcome and introductions

14:45 – Roundtable: What we’re doing with Manuscripts (and TEI)

15:45 – Discussion

Outcome: Building new collaborations between scholars and projects

 16:00 – Coffee break

 16:30 – Submeeting on apparatus: Discussion of recommendations from the apparatus working group:

Report of issues on the Wiki:
Useful overview of the approach from the people interested in automatic collation:

Outcome: Convening new group to move the recommendations forward.

17:30 – Submeeting on genetic editing

SIG Ontologies. Conveners: Øyvind Eide and Christian-Emil Ore

LEVI Hall, h. 14.30

Draft programme for the meeting.

1) Introduction for newcomers to the work and topic of the SIG

2) A discussion on the introduction of TEI elements for concrete and abstract object

3) Tentative: Should the TEI have a typed hierarchy of its elements for real world information?

SIG Text and Graphics. Conveners: Martin de la Iglesia and John Walsh
Room 117 h. 14.30

SIG Music. Convener: Raffaele Viglianti
Room 117, h. 16.30

Draft agenda for the meeting.

1) Round of introductions

2) Overview of past work and using TEI+MEI ODDs and schemata

3) Open discussion of future goals. Suggested focus:

* support for existing projects

* tool development

* texts about music (encoding terminology and references to music notation)

4) Overview of tools for rendering TEI + MEI in the browser. Tentative: some hacking and bashing to combine TEI Boilerplate and MEItoVexFlow.

SIG Tools. Convener: Marjorie Burghart
Room B h. 14.30

Draft agenda for the meeting.

1) Round of introductions

2) Open discussion on the role and future goals of the SIG

3) Feedback from tool developpers: what does it mean (and take) to support the TEI? How can we help you?

4) Formation of workgroup(s)

SIG CMC. Convener: Michael Beißwenger
Room F h. 14.30

SIG Correspondence. Conveners: Peter Stadler and Joachim Veit
Aula corsi. 14.30

SIG Libraries. Conveners: Michelle Dalmau and Kevin Hawkins
Aula corsi 16.30