Instructions for presenters

Instructions for poster presenters:

We will provide one side of poster board for each poster presenter. Size of the poster board is 90 cm wide and 210 cm high

The “poster slam” starts at 16:45 on September 10 jointly with JADH at the room A-4, where poster presenters will have the opportunity to introduce his or her own presentation for one minute. Thus presenters should submit one page slide for the poster slam to conf2018[at] before 11:00 on September 9.


    A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2,3 Hall C1,2,3 D1 E1
9 (Sun) Morning Viglianti, Cayless / Publishing TEI on the web without XSLT: CETEIcean... Cayless, Mylonas, Kawamoto, Takeuchi / Introduction to EpiDoc Bauman, Stanley, Beshero-Bondar  / Introduction to XPATH Nagasaki / Introduction to TEI in Japanese


TEI2018, hosted by the University of Tokyo, will take place at Hitotsubashi Hall . The venue is near the Imperial Palace. It is easily accessible via subway. It is near two Metro stations Takebashi (T08) and Jimbocho (S06, I10, Z07) intersecting with four Metro lines. The metro is Tokyo is efficient and easy to navigate. A Subway Map in English and  other languages is available for download.


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