<div7> (區段層次七) 文本的正文前資訊、正文及正文後資訊的最低層分段,分段層級高於段落。 4.1.2 Numbered Divisions | |
組件 | textstructure — 4 Default Text Structure |
除全域屬性以外 | att.divLike (@org, @sample, @part) (att.metrical (@met, @real, @rhyme)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls) |
屬於 | |
可包含 |
core: bibl biblStruct cb cit desc gap head index l label lb lg list listBibl meeting milestone note p pb q quote said sp stage
dictionaries: entry entryFree superEntry
header: biblFull
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: listEvent listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace
tagdocs: classRef classSpec eg egXML elementRef elementSpec listRef macroRef macroSpec moduleRef moduleSpec schemaSpec specGrp specGrpRef
宣告 |
element div7 { att.global.attributes, att.divLike.attributes, att.metrical.attributes, att.typed.attributes, att.declaring.attributes, ( ( model.divTop | model.global )*, ( ( ( model.common ), model.global* )+, ( ( model.divBottom ), model.global* )* )? ) } |
例子 |
<div2 type="chapter">
<head>Recipes</head> <head>Chapter VI.</head> <div3> <head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head> <p>...</p> <div4> <head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head> <div5 type="recipe"> <head>Asparagus soup</head> <div6 type="altRecipe"> <head>I.</head> <div7> <head>Ingredients</head> <list> <item> ...</item> </list> </div7> <div7> <head>Mode</head> <p>Put the beef, cut into pieces and rolled in flour, into a stewpan...</p> </div7> <!-- ... --> </div6> <div6 type="altRecipe"> <head>II.</head> <div7> <head>Ingredients</head> <list> <item> ...</item> </list> </div7> <div7> <head>Mode</head> <p>Boil the peas, and rub them through a sieve; add the gravy...</p> </div7> </div6> </div5> </div4> </div3> </div2> |