<lg rhyme="abababcc"> <l>'Tis pity learned virgins ever <rhyme label="a">wed</rhyme> </l> <l>With persons of no sort of edu<rhyme label="b">cation</rhyme>,</l> <l>Or gentlemen, who, though well born and <rhyme label="a">bred</rhyme>,</l> <l>Grow tired of scientific conver<rhyme label="b">sation</rhyme>:</l> <l>I don't choose to say much on this <rhyme label="a">head</rhyme>,</l> <l>I'm a plain man, and in a single <rhyme label="b">station</rhyme>,</l> <l>But — Oh! ye lords of ladies inte<rhyme label="c">llectual</rhyme>,</l> <l>Inform us truly, have they not hen-<rhyme label="c">peck'd you all</rhyme>?</l> </lg>