(target language) specifies which language to use when creating the objects in a schema if names for elements or attributes are available in more than one language
(documentation language) specifies which languages to use when creating documentation if the description for an element, attribute, class or macro is available in more than one language
A schemaSpec combines references to modules, individual element or macro declarations, and specification groups together to form a unified schema. The processing of the schemaSpec element must resolve any conflicts amongst the declarations it contains or references. Different ODD processors may generate schemas and documentation using different concrete syntaxes.
The source may be specified in the form of a private URI, for which the form recommended is tei:x.y.z, where x.y.z indicates the version number, e.g. tei:1.5.1 for 1.5.1 release of TEI P5 or (as a special case) tei:current for whatever is the latest release. The context indicated must provide a set of TEI-conformant specifications in a form directly usable by an ODD processor. By default, this will be the location of the current release of the TEI Guidelines.
This schema combines elements from the current versions of the drama and core modules, the current release version of the header module, and elements from an existing RELAX NG schema available from the URL indicated.
This schema starts with a pre-existing customization of the TEI called TEI Bare (a customization with a minimal selection of elements). The q element is not available in TEI Bare, but it can be brought back. In this case, we will get the version defined in TEI P5 release 3.0.0