<postCode> (郵遞區號) 包含一個數字或字母加數字的區域代碼,屬於郵寄地址的一部分,用以簡化郵件的分類及寄送工作。 [3.5.2 Addresses] | |
組件 | core — Elements Available in All TEI Documents |
屬性 | att.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.rendition (@rend, @style, @rendition)) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) (att.global.responsibility (@cert, @resp)) (att.global.source (@source)) |
俱乐部会员 | |
可包含在於 | core: address |
可包含 | 僅文字符號資料 |
註 | The position and nature of postal codes is highly country-specific; the conventions appropriate to the country concerned should be used. |
例子 | |
例子 | |
例子 | |
Content model | <content> |
宣告 | <rng:element name="postCode"> element postCode { att.global.attributes, att.global.rendition.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.global.responsibility.attributes, att.global.source.attributes, text } |