Example: <unitDef> (unit definition)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <unitDef> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <unitDef> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

2 The TEI Header

2.3.9 The Unit Declaration

  <unitDef xml:id="keeltype="weight">
   <placeName ref="#england"/>
   <conversion fromUnit="#chalder"
    toUnit="#keelformula="$fromUnit * 20from="1421"

   <conversion fromUnit="#chalder"
    toUnit="#keelformula="$fromUnit * 16from="1676"

   <desc>Keel was a unit measuring weight of coal. It had been equal to 20 chalders from 1421 to 1676, and it was made to be equivalent to 16 chalders from 1676 to 1824.</desc>
  <unitDef xml:id="chaldertype="weight">
   <placeName ref="#england"/>
   <conversion fromUnit="#bushel"
    toUnit="#chalderformula="$fromUnit * 32from="1421"

   <conversion fromUnit="#bushel"
    toUnit="#chalderformula="$fromUnit * 36from="1676"

   <desc>Chalder was a unit measuring weight of coal. It had been equal to 32 bushels from 1421 to 1676, and it was made to be equivalent to 36 bushels from 1676 to 1824.</desc>
  <unitDef xml:id="busheltype="weight">
   <placeName ref="#england"/>
   <desc>Bushel was a unit measuring weight of coal.</desc>

2.3.9 The Unit Declaration

  <unitDef xml:id="Celsius"

   <label>Celsius or Centigrade scale</label>
   <conversion fromUnit="#Fahrenheit"
    toUnit="#Celsiusformula="($fromUnit - 32) * (5 div 9)"/>

   <desc>To convert from the Fahrenheit to the Celsius scale, subtract 32 from the Celsius temperature and multiply by 5/9.</desc>


 <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">
  <label xml:lang="ja"></label>
  <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">kin</label>
  <conversion fromUnit="#両toUnit="#斤"

 <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">
  <label xml:lang="ja"></label>
  <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">ryo</label>
  <conversion fromUnit="#分toUnit="#両"

 <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">
  <label xml:lang="ja"></label>
  <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">Bu</label>
  <conversion fromUnit="#銖toUnit="#分"

 <unitDef xml:id="type="weight">
  <label xml:lang="ja"></label>
  <label xml:lang="ja-Latn">Shu</label>
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 <unitDef xml:id="pechystype="length">
  <placeName ref="#athens"/>
  <conversion fromUnit="#daktylos"
   toUnit="#pechysformula="$fromUnit div 24"/>

  <desc>Equivalent to a cubit or 24 daktyloi.</desc>
 <unitDef xml:id="daktylostype="length">
  <placeName ref="#athens"/>
  <desc>A basic unit of length equivalent to one finger (or the size of a thumb) in ancient Greece.</desc>
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  <unitDef xml:id="stadiumtype="linear">
   <placeName ref="#rome"/>
   <conversion fromUnit="#pes"
    toUnit="#stadiumformula="$fromUnit * 625"/>

   <desc>The stadium was a Roman unit of linear measurement equivalent to 625 pedes, or Roman feet.</desc>


  <unitDef xml:id="wmwtype="power">
   <conversion fromUnit="#hpk"
    toUnit="#wmwformula="$fromUnit * 1"/>

   <desc>In the Potrzebie system of measures as introduced by Donald Knuth, the whatmeworry unit of power is equivalent to one hah per kovac.</desc>
  <unitDef xml:id="kwmwtype="power">
   <conversion fromUnit="#wmw"
    toUnit="#kwmwformula="$fromUnit div 1000"/>

   <desc>The kilowhatmeworry is equivalent to 1000 whatmeworries.</desc>
  <unitDef xml:id="aptype="power">
   <conversion fromUnit="#kwmw"
    toUnit="#apformula="$fromUnit div 100"/>

   <desc>One unit of aeolipower (A.P.) is equivalent to 100 kilowhatmeworries.</desc>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents


<measure type="weight">
 <num>2</num> pounds of flesh
<measure type="currency">£10-11-6d</measure>
<measure type="areaunitRef="#merk">2 <unit>merks</unit> of old extent</measure>
<!-- In the TEI Header: -->
  <unitDef xml:id="merktype="area">
   <placeName ref="#Scotland"/>
   <desc>A merk was an area of land determined variably by its agricultural productivity.</desc>
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 <unit unitRef="#ell">ells</unit>
<!-- In the TEI Header: -->
  <unitDef xml:id="ell">
   <placeName ref="#iceland"/>
   <desc>A unit of measure for cloth, roughly equivalent to 18 inches, or from an adult male’s elbow to the tip of the middle finger.</desc>
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