
model.limitedPhrase 존재하는 원본의 전사의 주요 목적에 해당하는 요소를 배제한 구 층위 요소를 모아 놓는다. [1.3 The TEI Class System]
모듈tei — The TEI Infrastructure
에 의해 사용된
원소model.emphLike [code distinct emph foreign gloss ident mentioned soCalled term title] model.hiLike [hi q] [model.addressLike [address affiliation email] model.dateLike [date time] model.measureLike [depth dim geo height measure measureGrp num unit width] model.nameLike [model.nameLike.agent [name orgName persName] model.offsetLike [geogFeat offset] model.persNamePart [addName forename genName nameLink persPronouns roleName surname] model.placeStateLike [model.placeNamePart [bloc country district geogName placeName region settlement] climate location population state terrain trait] idno lang objectName rs] ] model.pPart.editorial [abbr am choice ex expan subst] model.pPart.msdesc [catchwords dimensions heraldry locus locusGrp material objectType origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark] model.phrase.xml [att gi tag val] model.ptrLike [ptr ref]