
att.datcat provides the dcr:datacat and dcr:ValueDatacat attributes which are used to align XML elements or attributes with the appropriate Data Categories (DCs) defined by the ISO 12620:2009 standard and stored in the Web repository called ISOCat at [9.5.2 Lexical View 18.3 Other Atomic Feature Values]
組件tei — The TEI Infrastructure
成員att.lexicographic [case colloc def entryFree etym form gen gram gramGrp hom hyph iType lang lbl mood number oRef orth pRef per pos pron re sense subc syll tns usg xr] att.segLike [c cl m pc phr s seg w] binary f fs numeric string symbol
datcatcontains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the given element with the appropriate Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 1–∞ 次可出現: teidata.pointer 以空白鍵隔開
valueDatcatcontains a PID (persistent identifier) that aligns the content of the given element or the value of the given attribute with the appropriate simple Data Category (or categories) in ISOcat.
狀態 非必備的
資料類型 1–∞ 次可出現: teidata.pointer 以空白鍵隔開

In this example dcr:datcat relates the feature name to the data category "partOfSpeech" and dcr:valueDatcat the feature value to the data category "commonNoun". Both these data categories reside in the ISOcat DCR at, which is the DCR used by ISO TC37 and hosted by its registration authority, the MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.

 <f name="POS"
