Example: <pRef> (pronunciation reference)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <pRef> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <pRef> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

9 Dictionaries


  <orth>Handschuh</orth> ... </form>
 <etym type="compounding">
  <oRef>Hand</oRef> (<pRef notation="ipa">ˈhant</pRef>): <gloss>hand</gloss>,
 <etym type="metaphor">
   <oRef>Schuh</oRef> (<pRef notation="ipa">ʃuː</pRef>): <gloss>shoe</gloss>
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9.4 Headword and Pronunciation References

 <orth>hors d'oeuvre</orth>
  <usg type="lang">Fr</usg>
  <pron xml:id="di-p2">OR d0vR</pron>
<form type="inflected">
 <orth>hors d'oeuvres</orth>
 <orth>hors d'oeuvre</orth>
 <pron extent="part">"dUv(z)</pron>
  <usg type="lang">Fr</usg>
   <pRef target="#di-p2"/>


  <pron xml:id="umfahren1">umf'ahren</pron>
  <pron xml:id="umfahren2">'umfahren</pron>
  <quote>Paul musste die Pfütze <pRef target="#umfahren1"/>, wenn er nicht nass werden wollte.</quote>
  <quote>Paul wollte das Schild nicht absichtlich <pRef target="#umfahren2"/> und beschädigen.</quote>
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