Example: <placeName> (place name)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <placeName> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <placeName> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

13 Names, Dates, People, and Places

13.1.2 Dating Attributes

<placeName period="#christian">Stauropolis</placeName>

13.1.2 Dating Attributes

<event xml:id="eMBBfrom="1955-12-01"

 <label>Montgomery Bus Boycott</label>
 <desc>A political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of
   the city of <placeName ref="#MONT">Montgomery</placeName>.</desc>

13.2.1 Personal Names

 <surname type="toponymicref="#dystvold">Dystvold</surname>
<!-- ... -->
<placeName xml:id="dystvold">Dystvold</placeName>


About a year back, a question of considerable interest was agitated in the <orgName key="PAS1type="voluntary">
 <placeName key="PEN">Pennsyla.</placeName> Abolition Society
</orgName> [...]
Show all 


<orgName key="ssavtype="regional">Société savoisienne de <placeName key="GRE">Grenoble</placeName>
Show all 


大約一年前,在<placeName key="PEN">賓州</placeName><orgName key="PAS1type="voluntary">廢止黑奴協會</orgName>,有一場轟動的激辯。
Show all 


 <surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of
Show all 


  <placeName>法國</placeName>象徵派詩人 </roleName>
Show all 

13.2.3 Place Names

After spending some time in our <placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:NY1">modern <placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:BA1">Babylon</placeName>
</placeName>, <placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:NY1">New York</placeName>, I have proceeded
to the <placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:PH1">City of Brotherly Love</placeName>.
bibliography Geo-political Place Names

<placeName>Rochester, NY</placeName> Geo-political Place Names

 <settlement type="city">Rochester</settlement>, <region type="state">New York</region>
</placeName> Geo-political Place Names

<placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:LSEA1">
 <country type="nation">Laos</country>, <bloc type="sub-continent">Southeast Asia</bloc>
</placeName> Geo-political Place Names

 <district type="arondissement">6ème</district>
 <settlement type="city">Paris, </settlement>
</placeName> Relative Place Names

<placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:NRPA1">
 <offset>near the top of</offset>
</placeName> Relative Place Names

 <measure>20 km</measure>
 <offset>north of</offset>
 <settlement type="city">Paris</settlement>
</placeName> Relative Place Names

<placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:Duncan">
 <measure unit="kmquantity="17.7">11 miles</measure>
 <offset>Northwest of</offset>
 <settlement type="city">Providence</settlement>, <region type="state">RI</region>


 <region>New York</region>
Show all 


Show all 


 <geogName>Le Massif Armoricain</geogName>
Show all 


 <measure>2,5 milles</measure>
 <offset>à l'ouest de la </offset>
 <settlement>Pointe du Raz</settlement>
Show all 


Show all 


Show all 


Show all 


 <geogName>Arrochar Alps</geogName>
Show all 


 <measure>10 miles</measure>
 <offset>Northeast of</offset>
Show all 


 <region type="staten="IL">Illinois</region>
Show all 


 <region type="staten="IL">Illinois</region>
Show all 


 <region type="staten="IL">依利諾</region>
Show all 


 <settlement type="town">Glasgow</settlement>
Show all 


 <settlement type="town">Brest</settlement>
Show all 


 <settlement type="town">淡水</settlement>
Show all 


 <district type="ward">Jericho</district>
Show all 


 <district type="ward">La Castellane</district>
Show all 


 <district type="area">Rive gauche</district>
Show all 


 <district type="ward">中環</district>
Show all 


 <district type="area">南邊</district>
Show all 


 <district type="area">South Side</district>
Show all 


<placeName key="NRPA1">
 <offset>50 metres below the summit of</offset>
Show all 

13.2.4 Object Names

<p>The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the
<objectName ref="#AlfredJewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster
   Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>.</p>

13.3.1 Basic Principles

<place xml:id="Rome">
  <geo>41.891775, 12.486137</geo>
 <idno type="Pleiades">423025</idno>
 <note>capital of the Roman Empire</note>

13.3.2 The Person Element

 <listPerson type="fictional">
  <person xml:id="person_FAS">
   <persName>Adam Schiff</persName>
   <note>District Attorney for <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in
       seasons 1 to 10 of <title>Law and Order</title>.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_FML">
   <persName>Mike Logan</persName>
     <expan>New York Police
    </choice> Detective regularly appearing in
       seasons 1 to 5 of <title>Law and Order</title> and seasons 5 to 7
       of <title>Law and Order: Criminal Intent</title>.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_FBS">
   <persName>Benjamin Stone</persName>
   <note>Executive Assistant District Attorney for
   <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in seasons 1 to 4 of <title>Law
         and Order</title>
  <person xml:id="person_FJM">
   <persName>Jack McCoy</persName>
   <note>An Executive Assistant District Attorney then District
       Attorney for <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in seasons 5 to 10
       of <title>Law and Order</title>, in seasons 1, 9, 11, and 19 of
   <title>Law and Order: Special Victims Unit</title>, and in
       season 1 of <title>Law and Order: Trial by Jury</title>.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_FJR">
   <persName>Jamie Ross</persName>
   <note>An Assistant District Attorney for
   <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in seasons 7 &amp; 8 of
   <title>Law and Order</title>, and a defense attorney in seasons
       10 &amp; 11, and then a judge in <title>Law and Order: Trial by
  <person xml:id="person_FJF">
   <persName>Joe Fontana</persName>
     <expan>New York Police
    </choice> Detective regularly appearing
       in seasons 15 &amp; 16 of <title>Law and Order</title>.</note>
<!-- == == -->
 <listPerson type="real">
  <person xml:id="person_RAS">
   <persName>Adam Schiff</persName>
   <note>U.S. Representative from California since 2013.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_RML">
   <persName>Mike Logan</persName>
   <note>Gridiron football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers from
       2001 to 2006.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_RBS">
   <persName>Benjamin Stone</persName>
   <note>Michigan State Senator from 1968 to 1979.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_RJM">
   <persName>Jack McCoy</persName>
   <note>Iowa State Representative from 1955 to 1959.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_RJR">
   <persName>Jamie Ross</persName>
   <note>Broadway actor, with occasional forays into television,
       from 1971 to roughly 2007.</note>
  <person xml:id="person_RJF">
   <persName>Joe Fontana</persName>
   <note>A member of Canada’s House of Commons from 1987 to 2006,
       and mayor of London, Ontario from 2010 to 2014.</note>
</standOff> Personal Characteristics

<person xml:id="simon_son_of_richard2">
 <persName>Simon, son of Richard</persName>
 <floruit notBefore="1219notAfter="1223">1219-1223</floruit>
</person> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="LYON1type="city">
 <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
 <placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
  <geo>45.769559 4.834843</geo>
</place> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="LYON2">
 <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
 <placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
</place> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="BGbldgtype="building">
 <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
  <country key="FR"/>
  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>
  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>
  <placeName type="street">
   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>
</place> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="Atltype="imaginary">
  <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
</place> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="MYF">
 <placeName notAfter="1969">Yasgur's Farm</placeName>
 <placeName notBefore="1969">Woodstock Festival Site</placeName>
  <measure>one mile</measure>
  <offset>north west of</offset>
  <region>New York</region>
</place> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="locCAtype="cemetery">
 <placeName>Protestant Cemetery</placeName>
 <placeName type="officialxml:lang="it">Cimitero Acattolico</placeName>
 <location type="geopolitical">
 <location type="address">
   <addrLine>Via Caio Cestio, 6</addrLine>
   <addrLine>00153 Roma</addrLine>
</place> Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="locLyontype="city">
 <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
 <placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
     <gml:LinearRing> 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.8 -109.2 45.256 -110.45 </gml:LinearRing>
</place> Multiple Places

<place xml:id="locMascarenes"

 <placeName>Mascarene Islands</placeName>
 <placeName>Mascarenhas Archipelago</placeName>
 <place type="island">
  <listPlace type="offshoreIslands">
    <placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>
    <placeName>Île aux cerfs</placeName>
 <place type="island">
 <place type="island">
</place> Multiple Places

<place xml:id="walestype="country">
 <placeName xml:lang="cy">Cymru</placeName>
 <placeName xml:lang="en">Wales</placeName>
 <placeName xml:lang="la">Wallie</placeName>
 <placeName xml:lang="la">Wallia</placeName>
 <placeName xml:lang="fro">Le Waleis</placeName>
 <place xml:id="carmarthenshire"

  <region type="countyxml:lang="en"
  <place xml:id="carmarthen"

   <placeName xml:lang="en">Carmarthen</placeName>
   <placeName xml:lang="la"
   <placeName xml:lang="cy">Caerfyrddin</placeName>
   <place xml:id="carmarthen_castle"

    <settlement>castle of Carmarthen</settlement>
</place> Multiple Places

<place xml:id="pl-c-Htype="county">
 <listPlace type="villages">
  <place xml:id="pl-v-AD">
   <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
    <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
  <place xml:id="pl-v-AB">
   <placeName>Acton Beauchamp</placeName>
<!-- ... -->
 <listPlace type="towns">
  <place xml:id="pl-t-H">
  <place xml:id="pl-t-L">
<!-- ... -->
</place> States, Traits, and Events

<place xml:id="IS">
 <placeName xml:lang="en">Iceland</placeName>
 <placeName xml:lang="is">Ísland</placeName>
  <geo>65.00 -18.00</geo>
  <desc>Area: 103,000 sq km</desc>
 <state type="governancenotBefore="1944">
  <p>Constitutional republic</p>
 <state type="governancenotAfter="1944">
  <p>Part of the kingdom of <placeName key="DK">Denmark</placeName>
 <event type="governancewhen="1944-06-17">
  <desc>Iceland became independent on 17 June 1944.</desc>
 <state type="governancefrom="1944-06-17">
  <p>An independent republic since June 1944</p>
</place> States, Traits, and Events

<place xml:id="greece">
  <desc>Greece's climate is divided into three well defined classes:</desc>
   <desc>It features mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Temperatures rarely reach extremes, although snowfalls
       do occur occasionally even in <placeName>Athens</placeName>, <placeName>Cyclades</placeName> or
   <placeName>Crete</placeName> during the winter.</desc>
   <desc>It is found primarily in <placeName>
     <offset>Western</offset> Greece</placeName>
       (<placeName>Epirus</placeName>, <placeName>
     <offset>Central</offset> Greece</placeName>,
   <placeName>Thessaly</placeName>, <placeName>
     <offset>Western</offset> Macedonia</placeName> as well as
       central parts of <placeName>Peloponnesus</placeName> like <placeName>Achaea</placeName>,
   <placeName>Arcadia</placeName> and parts of <placeName>Laconia</placeName> where the Alpine range pass
   <desc>It is found in <placeName>
     <offset>Central</offset> and <offset>Eastern</offset> Macedonia</placeName> as
       well as in <placeName>Thrace</placeName> at places like <placeName>Komotini</placeName>,
   <placeName>Xanthi</placeName> and <placeName>
     <offset>northern</offset> Evros</placeName>. It features cold,
       damp winters and hot, dry summers.</desc>
</place> States, Traits, and Events

  <event when="1713"

   <label>Treaty of Utrecht</label>
   <desc>France ceded to Great Britain its claims to the <orgName>Hudson's Bay Company</orgName> territories in
   <placeName>Rupert's Land</placeName>, <placeName>Newfoundland</placeName>, and <placeName>Acadia</placeName> and
       recognized British suzerainty over <orgName type="tribe">the Iroquois</orgName> but retained its other pre-war
       North American possessions, including <placeName key="PEI">Île-Saint-Jean</placeName> (now <placeName key="PEI">Prince Edward Island</placeName>)...</desc>
  <event when="1774key="14-GeoIII-c83">
   <label>Quebec Act</label>
   <desc>This act of the British Parliament guaranteed free practice of the Catholic faith and restored use of the
       French Civil Code for private matters throughout the Province of Quebec, which had been expanded in territory
       following the <ref>Treaty of Paris</ref>.</desc>
  <event when="1778"

   <label>Treaty of Fort Pitt</label>
   <desc>Also known as the <name type="event">Treaty with the Delawares</name>, this was the first written treaty
       between the newly formed <orgName>United States</orgName> and any Native American people, in this case, the
   <orgName type="tribe">Lenape</orgName> or Delawares.</desc>
</standOff> Relations Between Places

 <place xml:id="MASC">
  <placeName>Mascarene islands</placeName>
  <placeName>Mascarenhas Archipelago</placeName>
 <place xml:id="MRU">
<!-- ... -->
 <place xml:id="ROD">
 <place xml:id="REN">
 <relation name="containsactive="#MASC"
  passive="#ROD #MRU #REN"/>

</listPlace> Relations Between Places

<place type="countryxml:id="FRA">


<place xml:id="ROMA">
<!-- ... -->
    <head>24-hr Average Temperature</head>
     <cell role="label">Jan</cell>
     <cell role="label">Jun</cell>
     <cell role="label">Dec</cell>
     <cell role="label">°C</cell>
     <cell role="data">7.1</cell>
     <cell role="data">21.7</cell>
     <cell role="data">8.3</cell>
     <cell role="label">°F</cell>
     <cell role="data">44.8</cell>
     <cell role="data">71.1</cell>
     <cell role="data">46.9</cell>
  <note>Taken from <bibl>
    <abbr>GHCN 2 Beta</abbr>: The Global Historical Climatology Network,
       version 2 beta, 1904 months between 1811 and 1980. <ptr target="http://www.worldclimate.com/cgi-bin/data.pl?ref=N41E012+1202+0004058G2"/>
Show all 


<listPlace type="offshoreIslands">
  <placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>
  <placeName>Ile aux cerfs</placeName>
Show all 


 <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
  <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
Show all 


<place xml:id="BGbuildingtype="building">
 <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
  <country key="FR"/>
  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>
  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>
  <placeName type="street">
   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>
Show all 


<place type="imaginary">
  <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
Show all 


<person xml:id="fr_Ovi01sex="1"

 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">Italie</country>
 <death notBefore="0017notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">Roumanie</country>
Show all 


<person xml:id="zh-tw_Ovi01sex="1"

 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="zh-TW">奧維德</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 西元前43年3月20日<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">義大利</country>
 <death notBefore="0017notAfter="0018">西元後17或18年<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">羅馬尼亞</country>
Show all 


<person xml:id="Ovi01sex="1role="poet">
 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC <placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">Italy</country>
 <death notBefore="0017notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD <placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">Romania</country>
Show all 


<residence notAfter="1997">Mbeni estate, Dzukumura region, Matabele land</residence>
<residence notBefore="1903notAfter="1996">
Show all 


<residence notAfter="1997">台北東區帝寶大廈</residence>
<residence notBefore="1903notAfter="1996">
Show all 


<residence notAfter="1997">Mbeni estate, Dzukumura region, Matabele land</residence>
<residence notBefore="1903notAfter="1996">
Show all 


<place xml:id="KERG">
 <placeName>Kerguelen Islands</placeName>
<!-- ... -->
  <desc>antarctic tundra</desc>
<!-- ... -->
Show all 

13.3.5 Objects

<!-- Inside <standOff>: --><listObject>
 <object xml:id="Alfred-Jewel">
   <country>United Kingdom</country>
   <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
   <repository>Ashmolean Museum</repository>
   <collection>English Treasures</collection>
   <idno type="ashmolean">AN1836p.135.371</idno>
   <idno type="wikipedia">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Jewel</idno>
   <objectName>Alfred Jewel</objectName>
   <p>The Alfred Jewel is about 6.4 cm in length and is made of combination of filigreed <material>gold</material>
       surrounding a polished teardrop shaped piece of transparent <material>quartz</material>. Underneath the rock
       crystal is a cloisonné enamel image of a man with ecclesiastical symbols. The sides of the jewel holding the
       crystal in place contain an openwork inscription saying "AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN", meaning 'Alfred ordered me
   <origin>It is generally accepted that the Alfred Jewel dates from the <origDate>late 9th Century</origDate> and
       was most likely made in <origPlace>England</origPlace>. </origin>
   <provenance when="1693">The jewel was discovered in 1693 at Petherton Park, North Petherton in the English county
       of Somerset, on land owned by Sir Thomas Wroth. North Petherton is about 8 miles away from Athelney, where King
       Alfred founded a monastery. </provenance>
   <provenance when="1698">A description of the Alfred Jewel was first published in 1698, in the Philosophical
       Transactions of the Royal Society.</provenance>
   <acquisition> It was bequeathed to Oxford University by Colonel Nathaniel Palmer (c. 1661-1718) and today is in
       the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. </acquisition>
<!-- Inside <text>: -->
<p> The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the
<objectName ref="#Alfred-Jewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster
   Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>.


The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the
<objectName ref="#AlfredJewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster
   Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>.
Show all 


 <object xml:id="Alfred_Jewel">
   <country>United Kingdom</country>
   <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
   <repository>Ashmolean Museum</repository>
   <collection>English Treasures</collection>
   <idno type="ashmolean">AN1836p.135.371</idno>
   <idno type="wikipedia">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Jewel</idno>
   <objectName>Alfred Jewel</objectName>
   <p> The Alfred Jewel is about 6.4 cm in length and is made of combination of filigreed <material>gold</material>
       surrounding a polished teardrop shaped piece of transparent <material>quartz</material>. Underneath the rock
       crystal is a cloisonné enamel image of a man with ecclesiastical symbols. The sides of the jewel holding the
       crystal in place contain an openwork inscription saying "AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN", meaning 'Alfred ordered
       me made'. </p>
   <origin>It is generally accepted that the Alfred Jewel dates from the <origDate>late 9th Century</origDate> and
       was most likely made in <origPlace>England</origPlace>. </origin>
   <provenance when="1693">The jewel was discovered in 1693 at Petherton Park, North Petherton in the English
       county of Somerset, on land owned by Sir Thomas Wroth. North Petherton is about 8 miles away from Athelney,
       where King Alfred founded a monastery. </provenance>
   <provenance when="1698">A description of the Alfred Jewel was first published in 1698, in the Philosophical
       Transactions of the Royal Society.</provenance>
   <acquisition> It was bequeathed to Oxford University by Colonel Nathaniel Palmer (c. 1661-1718) and today is in
       the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. </acquisition>
<!-- Elsewhere in document -->
<p> The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the
<objectName ref="#Alfred_Jewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster
   Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>.
Show all 

1 The TEI Infrastructure XML Whitespace

 <surname type="linked">Bulwer-Lytton</surname>, <roleName>Baron Lytton of


  <placeName>Dorchester, Village,</placeName>
  <date when="1828-03-02">March 2d. 1828.</date>
   Mrs. Cornell,</salute> Sunday <time when="12:00:00">noon.</time>

2 The TEI Header

2.3.9 The Unit Declaration

  <unitDef xml:id="keeltype="weight">
   <placeName ref="#england"/>
   <conversion fromUnit="#chalder"
    toUnit="#keelformula="$fromUnit * 20from="1421"

   <conversion fromUnit="#chalder"
    toUnit="#keelformula="$fromUnit * 16from="1676"

   <desc>Keel was a unit measuring weight of coal. It had been equal to 20 chalders from 1421 to 1676, and it was made to be equivalent to 16 chalders from 1676 to 1824.</desc>
  <unitDef xml:id="chaldertype="weight">
   <placeName ref="#england"/>
   <conversion fromUnit="#bushel"
    toUnit="#chalderformula="$fromUnit * 32from="1421"

   <conversion fromUnit="#bushel"
    toUnit="#chalderformula="$fromUnit * 36from="1676"

   <desc>Chalder was a unit measuring weight of coal. It had been equal to 32 bushels from 1421 to 1676, and it was made to be equivalent to 36 bushels from 1676 to 1824.</desc>
  <unitDef xml:id="busheltype="weight">
   <placeName ref="#england"/>
   <desc>Bushel was a unit measuring weight of coal.</desc>


 <unitDef xml:id="pechystype="length">
  <placeName ref="#athens"/>
  <conversion fromUnit="#daktylos"
   toUnit="#pechysformula="$fromUnit div 24"/>

  <desc>Equivalent to a cubit or 24 daktyloi.</desc>
 <unitDef xml:id="daktylostype="length">
  <placeName ref="#athens"/>
  <desc>A basic unit of length equivalent to one finger (or the size of a thumb) in ancient Greece.</desc>
bibliography Show all 


  <unitDef xml:id="stadiumtype="linear">
   <placeName ref="#rome"/>
   <conversion fromUnit="#pes"
    toUnit="#stadiumformula="$fromUnit * 625"/>

   <desc>The stadium was a Roman unit of linear measurement equivalent to 625 pedes, or Roman feet.</desc>

2.4.6 Correspondence Description

<correspAction type="sent">
 <persName>Adelbert von Chamisso</persName>
 <date when="1807-01-29"/>
<correspAction type="received">
 <persName>Louis de La Foye</persName>

2.4.6 Correspondence Description

<correspAction type="received">
 <persName>Hermann Hesse</persName>
 <persName>Ninon Hesse</persName>

2.4.6 Correspondence Description

<correspDesc xml:id="message1">
 <correspAction type="sent">
  <persName>John Gneisenau Neihardt</persName>
  <placeName>Branson (Montgomery)</placeName>
  <date when="1932-12-17"/>
 <correspAction type="received">
  <persName xml:id="JTH">Julius Temple House</persName>
  <placeName>New York</placeName>
<correspDesc xml:id="message2">
 <correspAction type="sent">
  <persName>Enid Neihardt</persName>
  <placeName>Branson (Montgomery)</placeName>
  <date when="1932-12-17"/>
 <correspAction type="received">
  <persName sameAs="#JTH"/>
  <placeName>New York</placeName>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents


<measure type="weight">
 <num>2</num> pounds of flesh
<measure type="currency">£10-11-6d</measure>
<measure type="areaunitRef="#merk">2 <unit>merks</unit> of old extent</measure>
<!-- In the TEI Header: -->
  <unitDef xml:id="merktype="area">
   <placeName ref="#Scotland"/>
   <desc>A merk was an area of land determined variably by its agricultural productivity.</desc>
bibliography Show all 


 <unit unitRef="#ell">ells</unit>
<!-- In the TEI Header: -->
  <unitDef xml:id="ell">
   <placeName ref="#iceland"/>
   <desc>A unit of measure for cloth, roughly equivalent to 18 inches, or from an adult male’s elbow to the tip of the middle finger.</desc>
Show all 

4 Default Text Structure

4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts

<div type="letter">
   <date when="1761-05-27">May ye 27th 1761</date>
 <p>Capt Stoddard's Business
 <lb/>calling him to Providence, have
 <lb/>got him to look at Hopkins brigantine
 <lb/>&amp; if can agree to Purchase her, shall
 <lb/>be much oblig'd for your further
 <lb/>assistance herein, &amp; will acquiesce with
 <lb/>whatever you &amp; he shall Contract
 <lb/>for — I Thank you for your
  <unclear>Line</unclear> respecting the brigantine &amp; Beg
 <lb/>leave to Recommend the Bearer
 <lb/>to you for your advice &amp; Friendship
 <lb/>in this matter</p>
  <salute>I am your most humble servant</salute>
  <signed>Joseph Wanton Jr</signed>
  <p>I have Mollases, Sugar,
  <lb/>Coffee &amp; Rum, which
  <lb/>will Exchange with you
  <lb/>for Candles or Oyl</p>


<div type="letter">
   <date when="2006-11-21">21 Nov 06</date>
  <salute>Dear Susan,</salute>
 <p>Thank you very much for the assistance splitting those
   logs. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding as to the size of
   the task. I really was not asking for help, only to borrow the
   axe. Hope you had fun in any case.</p>
  <salute>Sincerely yours,</salute>
  <p>The collision occured on <date when="2001-07-06">06 Jul 01</date>.</p>
Show all 

8 Transcriptions of Speech


<recording type="audiodur="P30M">
  <p>Recorded on a Sony TR444 walkman by unknown participants; remastered
     to digital tape at <placeName>Borehamwood Studios</placeName> by
  <orgName>Transcription Services Inc</orgName>.</p>
Show all 


<recording type="audiodur="P30M">
  <orgName>Harmonia Mundi</orgName> S.A., enregistré à <placeName>Boughton Aluph Saints
     Church</placeName>, <date>septembre 1977</date>.</p>
Show all 


<recording type="audiodur="P30M">
  <p>以Sony TR444 walkman錄成,參與者不明;<orgName>中國廣播公司</orgName><placeName>中廣電台</placeName>以數位磁帶重製。</p>
Show all 

15 Language Corpora


 <placeName>New York City, US</placeName>
 <locale>on a park bench</locale>
 <activity>feeding birds</activity>
Show all 

16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

16.10 The <standOff> Container

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="Cilicia">
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/658440</idno>
   <place xml:id="Creta">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Creta</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Crete</placeName>
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/589748</idno>
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="Rhodus">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Rhodus</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Rhodes</placeName>
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/590031</idno>
   <place xml:id="Syria">
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/1306</idno>
<!-- ... -->
   <div type="edition"

    <div type="textpartn="1"

     <head>Bellum Alexandrinum</head>
     <p n="1xml:id="p1">
      <seg n="1xml:id="seg-1.1">Bello Alexandrino conflato <persName ref="#Caesar">Caesar</persName>
         <placeName ref="#Rhodus">Rhodo</placeName>
        <rdg wit="#Sana="#orthographical">Ordo</rdg>
       </app> atque ex <placeName ref="#Syria">Syria</placeName>
       <placeName ref="#Cilicia">Cilicia</placeName>que omnem classem arcessit; <app>
         <placeName ref="#Creta">Creta</placeName>
        <rdg wit="#Sana="#orthographical">certa</rdg>
       </app> sagittarios, equites ab rege <orgName ref="#Nabataei">Nabataeorum</orgName>
       <persName ref="#Malchus">Malcho</persName> euocat; tormenta undique conquiri et
             frumentum mitti, auxilia adduci iubet.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

16.11 Annotations

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <title>De Bello Gallico</title>
<!-- ... -->
   <div type="edition">
    <div type="textpartsubtype="chapter"

     <p n="1xml:id="c1p1">
      <seg n="1xml:id="c1p1s1">Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam
             incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra
             Galli appellantur.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
      <seg n="6xml:id="c1p1s6">Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur,
             pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et
             orientem solem.</seg>
      <seg n="7xml:id="c1p1s7">Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et
             eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet; spectat inter occasum solis
             et septentriones.]</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Ch. 2 etc. ... -->
   <place xml:id="Gallia">
    <placeName xml:lang="la">Gallia</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Gaul</placeName>
    <idno type="URI">https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/993</idno>
<!-- ... -->
 <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- Metadata applying just to the set of annotations -->
    <annotation xml:id="ann01"

     <respStmt xml:id="ed">
      <persName>Fred Editor</persName>
      <change status="created"

      <change status="modified"

     <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"/>
<!-- Gallia in seg 1 -->
     <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6)"/>
<!-- Galliae in seg 6 -->
     <ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7)"/>
<!-- ... -->


<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="LATL">
     <region key="US-GA">Georgia</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.755 -84.39</geo>
    <population when="1963"

   <place xml:id="LBHM">
     <region key="US-AL">Alabama</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.653333 -86.808889</geo>
    <population when="1963"

<!-- ... -->
   <p>Moreover, I am <choice>
    </choice> of the interrelatedness of all communities and
   <lb/>states. I cannot sit idly by in <placeName ref="#LATL">Atlanta</placeName> and not be concerned about what happens
   <lb/>in <placeName ref="#LBHM">Birmingham</placeName>. <seg xml:id="FQ17">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</seg> We
   <lb/>are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment
   <lb/>of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never
   <lb/>again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial <soCalled rendition="#Rqms">outside agitator</soCalled>
    <lb/>idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered
   <lb/>an outsider anywhere in this country.</p>
<!-- ... -->
bibliography Show all 


<!-- In a placeography called "places.xml" --><place xml:id="LOND1"
 corresp="people.xml#LOND2 people.xml#GENI1">

 <desc>The city of London...</desc>
<!-- In a literary personography called "people.xml" -->
<person xml:id="LOND2"
 corresp="places.xml#LOND1 #GENI1">

 <persName type="lit">London</persName>
  <p>Allegorical character representing the city of <placeName ref="places.xml#LOND1">London</placeName>.</p>
<person xml:id="GENI1"
 corresp="places.xml#LOND1 #LOND2">

 <persName type="lit">London’s Genius</persName>
  <p>Personification of London’s genius. Appears as an
     allegorical character in mayoral shows.

21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility

21.1.1 Using Notes to Record Uncertainty

<persName>Elizabeth</persName> went to <placeName>Essex</placeName>. She had always liked <placeName>Essex</placeName>.
<note type="certaintyresp="#MSM">It is not
clear here whether <mentioned>Essex</mentioned>
refers to the place or to the nobleman. -MSM</note>

21.1.1 Using Notes to Record Uncertainty

<persName>Elizabeth</persName> went to <placeName xml:id="CE-p1a">Essex</placeName>.
She had always liked <placeName xml:id="CE-p1b">Essex</placeName>.
<note type="certaintyresp="#MSM"
 target="#CE-p1a #CE-p1b">
is not clear here whether <mentioned>Essex</mentioned>
refers to the place or to the nobleman. If the latter,
it should be tagged as a personal name. -<name xml:id="MSM">Michael</name>

21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty

Elizabeth went to
<placeName xml:id="CE-pl1">Essex</placeName>.

<!-- ... elsewhere in the document ... -->
<certainty target="#CE-pl1locus="name">
 <desc>possibly not a placename</desc>

21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty

Elizabeth went to
<certainty locus="namedegree="0.6"/>
</placeName>. Contingent Conditions

Elizabeth went to <placeName xml:id="CE-PL1">Essex</placeName>.
She had always liked <placeName xml:id="CE-PL2">Essex</placeName>.

<!-- ... -->
<!-- 60% chance that P1 is a placename, 40% chance a personal name. -->
<certainty xml:id="cert-1target="#CE-PL1"

 <desc>probably a placename, but possibly not"</desc>
<certainty xml:id="cert-2target="#CE-PL1"

 <desc>may refer to the Earl of Essex"</desc>
<!-- 60% chance that P2 is a placename, 40% chance a personal name. 100% chance that it agrees with P1. -->
<certainty target="#CE-PL2locus="name"

 <desc>if CE-PL1 is a placename, CE-PL2 certainly is"</desc>
<certainty target="#CE-PL2locus="name"

 <desc>if CE-PL1 is a personal name, then so is CE-PL2</desc>
</certainty> Contingent Conditions

Ernest went to old <persName>Saybrook</persName>. (0.6 * 0.9, or 0.54)
Ernest went to old <placeName>Saybrook</placeName>. (0.4 * 0.5, or 0.20)
Ernest went to <placeName>old Saybrook</placeName>. (0.4 * 0.5, or 0.20)