
att.typed provides attributes which can be used to classify or subclassify elements in any way. [1.3.1 Attribute Classes 17.1.1 Words and Above 3.6.1 Referring Strings 3.7 Simple Links and Cross-References 3.6.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions 3.13.1 Core Tags for Verse 7.2.5 Speech Contents 4.1.1 Un-numbered Divisions 4.1.2 Numbered Divisions 4.2.1 Headings and Trailers 4.4 Virtual Divisions Personal Relationships Core Elements for Transcriptional Work 16.1.1 Pointers and Links 16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 12.2 Linking the Apparatus to the Text Defining Content Models: RELAX NG 8.3 Elements Unique to Spoken Texts Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists]
Moduletei — The TEI Infrastructure
Membersatt.interpLike [interp interpGrp span spanGrp] [altGrp joinGrp linkGrp] TEI ab abbr accMat add addName addSpan affiliation age alt altIdent altIdentifier am anchor app application bibl biblStruct binaryObject birth bloc c camera castItem cb certainty change charProp cit cl classSpec climate collection colloc constitution constraintSpec corr correspAction correspDesc country custEvent damage damageSpan date death decoNote del delSpan derivation desc dim dimensions distinct district div div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 divGen domain eLeaf eTree education etym event exemplum explicit factuality faith figure filiation finalRubric floatingText forename forest form fw g gb genName geogFeat geogName gloss gram gramGrp graph group head iType ident idno incident incipit interaction join kinesic label langKnowledge lb lbl lg line link list listAnnotation listApp listBibl listChange listEvent listForest listNym listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRef listRelation location locus m mapping material measure measureGrp media milestone mod moduleSpec move msDesc msFrag msName msPart name nameLink nationality node notatedMusic note noteGrp num nym oRef object objectName occupation offset org orgName origDate origPlace orth path pause pb pc persName persPronouns phr place placeName population preparedness pron provenance ptr purpose quote rb re recording ref reg region relatedItem relation residence restore rhyme roleName rs rt rubric ruby s schemaRef seal seg settlement sex socecStatus sound spGrp space stamp standOff state surface surfaceGrp surname table tag tech teiCorpus term terrain text time title titlePage titlePart trailer trait unit unitDef usg vocal w witDetail writing xenoData xr zone
typecharacterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
<div type="verse">
 <head>Night in Tarras</head>
 <lg type="stanza">
  <l>At evening tramping on the hot white road</l>
 <lg type="stanza">
  <l>A wind sprang up from nowhere as the sky</l>

The type attribute is present on a number of elements, not all of which are members of att.typed, usually because these elements restrict the possible values for the attribute in a specific way.

subtype(subtype) provides a sub-categorization of the element, if needed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated

The subtype attribute may be used to provide any sub-classification for the element additional to that provided by its type attribute.


<sch:rule context="tei:*[@subtype]">
<sch:assert test="@type">The <sch:name/> element should not be categorized in detail with @subtype unless also categorized in general with @type</sch:assert>

When appropriate, values from an established typology should be used. Alternatively a typology may be defined in the associated TEI header. If values are to be taken from a project-specific list, this should be defined using the valList element in the project-specific schema description, as described in Modification of Attribute and Attribute Value Lists .