: <div5> (level-5 text division)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <div5> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <div5> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

4 Default Text Structure


<div2 type="chapter">
 <head>Chapter VI.</head>
  <head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
   <head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
   <div5 type="recipe">
    <head>Rich strong stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
   <div5 type="recipe">
    <head>Medium Stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
  <div4 type="recipe">
   <head>Apple soup</head>
     <item>2 lbs. of good boiling apples,</item>
     <item>3/4 teaspoonful of white pepper,</item>
     <item>6 cloves,</item>
     <item>cayenne or ginger to taste,</item>
     <item>3 quarts of medium stock</item>
    <p>Peel and quarter the apples taking out their cores; put them into
         the stock, stew them gently till tender, Rub the whole through a
         strainer, add the seasoning. give it one boil up, and serve.</p>
    <p>1 hour.</p>
    <head>Average cost</head>
    <p>per quart, 1s.</p>
    <p>from September to December.</p>
    <p> for 10 persons</p>
    <head>The apple</head>
    <p>This useful fruit is mentioned in Holy Writ; and Homer describes it
         as valuable in his time... As a food, the apple cannot be considered
         to rank high, as more than the half of it consists of water, and
         the rest of its properties are not the most nourishing. It is
         however a useful adjunct to other kinds of food, and, when cooked, is
         esteemed as slightly laxative.</p>
  <div4 type="recipe">
   <head>Artichoke (Jerusalem) soup</head>
<!-- other recipes here -->
서지목록 모두 보기 


<div2 type="chapter">
 <head>Chapter VI.</head>
  <head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
   <head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
   <div5 type="recipe">
    <head>Rich strong stock</head>
      <item>4 lbs of shin of beef,</item>
      <item>4 lbs of knuckle of veal,</item>
<!-- ... -->
      <item>4 quarts of water</item>
     <p>Line a delicately clean stewpan... Strain through a very
           fine hair sieve, or tammy, and it will be fit for use</p>
     <p>5 hours.</p>
     <head>Average cost</head>
     <p>1s 3d. per quart</p>
   <div5 type="recipe">
    <head>Medium Stock</head>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
서지목록 모두 보기 


<div2 type="chapter">
 <head>Chapter VI.</head>
  <head>Fruit and vegetable soups</head>
   <head>Stocks for all kinds of soups</head>
   <div5 type="recipe">
    <head>Asparagus soup</head>
    <div6 type="altRecipe">
       <item> ...</item>
      <p>Put the beef, cut into pieces and rolled in flour, into a
<!-- ... -->
    <div6 type="altRecipe">
       <item> ...</item>
      <p>Boil the peas, and rub them through a sieve; add the gravy...</p>
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