
<moduleRef> (module reference) references a module which is to be incorporated into a schema. [22.2 Modules and Schemas]
Modultagdocs — Documentation Elements
Attributeatt.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.rendition (@rend, @style, @rendition)) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) (att.global.responsibility (@cert, @resp)) (att.global.source (@source))
prefixspecifies a default prefix which will be prepended to all patterns from the imported module
Zustand Optional
Datentyp 0–1 Vorkommen von teidata.xmlName durch Leerzeichen getrennt

<s:rule context="tei:moduleRef">
<s:report test="//*[ not( generate-id(.) eq generate-id( current() ) ) ]/@prefix = @prefix">The prefix attribute
of <s:name/> should not match that of any other
element (it would defeat the purpose)</s:report>
includesupplies a list of the elements which are to be copied from the specified module into the schema being defined.
Zustand Optional
Datentyp 0–∞ Vorkommen von teidata.xmlName durch Leerzeichen getrennt
exceptsupplies a list of the elements which are not to be copied from the specified module into the schema being defined.
Zustand Optional
Datentyp 0–∞ Vorkommen von teidata.xmlName durch Leerzeichen getrennt
keythe name of a TEI module
Zustand Optional
Datentyp teidata.xmlName
url(uniform resource locator) refers to a non-TEI module of RELAX NG code by external location
Zustand Optional
Datentyp teidata.pointer
Mitglied des
Enthalten in
Kann enthalten
tagdocs: content

If neither include nor exclude is supplied, the effect of this element is to make all the declarations contained by the referenced module available to the schema being compiled. If both attributes are supplied, an ODD processor should signal an error.

A TEI module is identified by the name supplied as value for the ident attribute on a moduleSpec element. The source attribute may be used to specify an online source from which the specification of that module may be read. A URI may alternatively be supplied in the case of a non-TEI module, and this is expected to be written as a RELAX NG schema.

If the uri attribute is used, the content element may also be supplied as a child of this element. Its content (which is assumed to be a fragment of RELAX NG code) will be copied along with the content of the resource indicated by the uri attribute into the target RELAX NG schema.

<moduleRef key="linking"/>

This includes all objects available from the linking module.

<moduleRef key="linking"
 except="linkGrp link"/>

This includes all elements available from the linking module except for the link and linkGrp elements.

<moduleRef key="linking"
 include="linkGrp link"/>

This includes only the link and linkGrp elements from the linking module.


<s:rule context="tei:moduleRef">
<s:report test="* and @key">Child elements of <s:name/> are only allowed when an external module is being loaded
Content model
 <elementRef key="contentminOccurs="0"/>
Schema Deklaration
<rng:element name="moduleRef">
 <rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.rendition.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.linking.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.analytic.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.facs.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.change.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.responsibility.attributes"/>
 <rng:ref name="att.global.source.attributes"/>
  <rng:attribute name="prefix">
   <rng:ref name="teidata.xmlName"/>
   <rng:attribute name="include">
      <rng:ref name="teidata.xmlName"/>
   <rng:attribute name="except">
      <rng:ref name="teidata.xmlName"/>
   <rng:attribute name="key">
    <rng:ref name="teidata.xmlName"/>
   <rng:attribute name="url">
    <rng:ref name="teidata.pointer"/>
  <rng:ref name="content"/>
element moduleRef
   attribute prefix { teidata.xmlName }?,
      attribute include { list { teidata.xmlName* } }?
    | attribute except { list { teidata.xmlName* } }?
   ( attribute key { teidata.xmlName }? | attribute url { teidata.pointer }? ),