13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
This chapter describes a module which may be used for the encoding of names and other phrases descriptive of persons, places, or organizations, in a manner more detailed than that possible using the elements already provided for these purposes in the Core module. In section 3.6 Names, Numbers, Dates, Abbreviations, and Addresses it was noted that the elements provided in the core module allow an encoder to specify that a given text segment is a proper noun, or a referring string, and to specify the kind of object named or referred to only by supplying a value for the type attribute. The elements provided by the present module allow the encoder to supply a detailed sub-structure for such referring strings, and to distinguish explicitly between names of persons, places, and organizations.
This module also provides elements for the representation of information about the person, place, or organization to which a given name is understood to refer and to represent the name itself, independently of its application. In simple terms, where the core module allows one simply to represent that a given piece of text is a name, this module allows one further to represent a personal name, to represent the person being named, and to represent the canonical name being used. A similar range is provided for names of places and organizations. The main intended applications for this module are in biographical, historical, or geographical data systems such as gazetteers and biographical databases, where these are to be integrated with encoded texts.
The chapter begins by discussing attributes common to many of the elements discussed in the remaining parts of the chapter (13.1 Attribute Classes Defined by This Module) before discussing specifically the elements provided for the encoding of component parts of personal names (section 13.2.1 Personal Names), place names (section 13.2.3 Place Names) and organizational names (section 13.2.2 Organizational Names). Elements for encoding personal and organizational data are discussed in section 13.3 Biographical and Prosopographical Data. Elements for the encoding of geographical data are discussed in section 13.3.4 Places. Finally, elements for encoding onomastic data are discussed in 13.3.6 Names and Nyms, and the detailed encoding of dates and times is described in section 13.4 Dates.
TEI: Attribute Classes Defined by This Module¶13.1 Attribute Classes Defined by This Module
Most of the elements made available by this chapter share some important characteristics which are expressed by their membership in specific attribute classes. Members of the class att.naming have specialized attributes which support linkage of a naming element with the entity (person, place, organization) being named; members of the class att.datable have specialized attributes which support a number of ways of normalizing the date or time of the data encoded by the element concerned.
TEI: Linking Names and Their Referents¶13.1.1 Linking Names and Their Referents
- att.canonical 名前やタイトルのような表現を参照対象についての典拠情報と関連付けるのに利用する属性を提供する.
key 何らかのコード化された値を用いて,名付けられたエンティティを識別する外部的に定義された手段を提供する. ref (参照) 一つ以上のURIを用いて,名付けられたエンティティの完全な定義かIDを参照するための明確な手段を提供する.
- att.naming 名前,人物,場所,組織を示す要素に付与される属性を示す.
role may be used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name in the form of a set of whitespace-separated values, for example the occupation of a person, or the status of a place. nymRef (reference to the canonical name) 当該要素で名前が付与されている対象に関連する規範的な名前 (nym)の場所を示す.
, which will contain canonical information about this particular person, marked up using the elements discussed in 13.3 Biographical and Prosopographical Data below. The same element might alternatively be provided by some other document, of course, which the same attribute could refer to by means of a URI, as explained in 16.2 Pointing Mechanisms: type="person">David Paul Brown</name> has suffered ...
, a reference to ‘the Browns’ might be encoded <name key="FR" type="place">France</name>
However, as explained in 3.6.1 Referring Strings, interchange is improved by use of tag URIs in ref instead of key.
The nymRef attribute has a more specialized use, where it is the name itself which is of interest rather than the person, place, or organization being named. See section 13.3.6 Names and Nyms for further discussion.
All members of the att.naming class inherit the following attributes from the att.global.responsibility class:
- att.global.responsibility provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it.
resp (責任者) 介入や解釈の責任者を示す.例えば,編集者,翻刻者など。 cert (確実性) 当該解釈や調整の確信度を示す.介入や解釈に関する確信度を示す。
This enables an encoder to record the agency responsible for a given assertion (for example, the name) and the confidence placed in that assertion by the encoder. Examples are given below.
TEI: Dating Attributes¶13.1.2 Dating Attributes
Members of the att.datable class share the following attributes:
- att.datable 日付や時間または時間事象を含む要素の正規化手法を示す属性を示す.
period 年代測定可能な事柄が起きたとされる名前付の時間幅を定義する, 何らかの場所へのポインタを提供する. - att.datable.w3c W3CのXML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Editionに準拠した年代測定可能なイベントを含む要素の正規化に関する属性を提供する.
when 標準形式での日付や時刻を提供する.たとえば、yyyy-mm-dd notBefore 当該事象の一番古い日付を,標準形式で示す.例えば,yyyy-mm-dd. notAfter 当該事象の一番新しい日付を,標準形式で示す.例えば,yyyy-mm-dd. from 標準形で当該時間幅の始点を示す. to 標準形で当該時間幅の終点を示す.
<category xml:id="tyranny">
<catDesc>Before 510 BC</catDesc>
<category xml:id="classical">
<catDesc>Between 510 and 323 BC</catDesc>
<category xml:id="hellenistic">
<ref target="http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Hellenistic">Hellenistic</ref>. Commonly treated as <date notBefore="-0323" notAfter="-0031">from the death of Alexander to the Roman conquest.</date>
<category xml:id="roman">
<ref target="http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Roman_Empire">Roman</ref>
<category xml:id="christian">
<catDesc> The Christian period technically starts at the birth of Jesus, but in practice is considered to date from
the conversion of Constantine in <date when="0312">312 AD</date>. </catDesc>
<label>Montgomery Bus Boycott</label>
<desc>A political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of
the city of <placeName ref="#MONT">Montgomery</placeName>.</desc>
Since when is used for a particular date or time, from and to for a duration, and notBefore and notAfter for a date or time within a range, it makes no sense to use when in combination with one or more of the others. Thus these Guidelines at present recommend against the use of when in combination with any of from, to, notBefore, or notAfter.
The from or to attributes imply that the temporal expression to which they are attached signifies a duration, so the use of either with notBefore or notAfter means a duration is indicated.
notBefore | from | |
notAfter | range of possibilities, inclusive | duration from from to sometime before notAfter, inclusive |
to | duration from sometime after notBefore to to, inclusive | duration from from to to, inclusive |
to="1857-04-30">Lived in Amsterdam during March and April of 1857.</residence>
notAfter="1857-04-30">From the 1st of March to some time later in March or April of 1857.</date>
to="1857-04-30">From the 1st of March or sometime later to the end of April,
Normalization of date and time values permits the efficient processing of data (for example, to determine whether one event precedes or follows another). These examples all use the W3C standard format for representation of dates and times. Further examples, and discussion of some alternative approaches to normalization are given in section 13.4.3 More Expressive Normalizations below.
TEI: Names¶13.2 Names
TEI: Personal Names¶13.2.1 Personal Names
The core rs and name elements can distinguish names in a text but are insufficiently powerful to mark their internal components or structure. To conduct nominal record linkage or even to create an alphabetically sorted list of personal names, it is important to distinguish between a family name, a forename and an honorary title. Similarly, when confronted with a string such as ‘John, by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou’, the analyst will often wish to distinguish amongst the various constituent elements present, since they provide additional information about the status, occupation, or residence of the person to whom the name belongs. The following elements are provided for these and related purposes:
- persName (personal name) 人物の固有名詞を示す.例えば,名,姓,敬称,追加名など.
- surname (surname) (継承される)苗字を示す.姓名中の名,洗礼名,愛称,別称とは異なる.
- forename (forename) 人物に与えられた名前のうち,名の部分,すなわち個人を表す部分を示す.
- roleName (role name) 参照されるものの,社会的な役割や地位,例えば,公式な役職名や地位など を示す,名前要素を示す
- addName (追加的名称) 付加的な名前要素を示す.例えば,愛称,渾名,別名などの個人名.
- nameLink (name link) 名前の中で使われているが,その一部としては見られない,関連する句やリ ンクを示す.例えば,van derや ofなど.
- genName (generational name component) 似た名前を区別する為に,相対的な年齢関係,世代関係などの情報を示す.
In addition to the att.naming attributes mentioned above, all of the above elements are members of the class att.personal, and thus share the following attributes:
- att.personal (attributes for components of names usually, but not necessarily, personal names) 個人名の構成要素となる要素に付与される属性.
full 当該名前要素は省略がないか,省略形か,イニシャルのような簡単なも のか示す. sort (sort) 個人名間で並び替えをする際の順番を示す.
type="person">David Paul Brown</rs> has suffered the furniture of his office to be seized the third time for
<name>David Paul Brown</name>
</rs> has suffered ...
type="person">David Paul Brown</name> has suffered ...
Brown</persName> has suffered ...
The persName element is more powerful than the rs and name elements because distinctive name components occurring within it can be marked as such.
<surname>Roosevelt</surname>, <forename>Franklin</forename>
<forename type="first">Franklin</forename>
<forename type="middle">Delano</forename>
<forename type="given">Margaret</forename>
<forename type="unused">Hilda</forename>
<surname type="birth">Roberts</surname>
<surname type="married">Thatcher</surname>
<persName type="religious">Muhammad Ali</persName>
<surname type="complex">St John Stevas</surname>
<surname type="toponymic" ref="#dystvold">Dystvold</surname>
<!-- ... -->
<placeName xml:id="dystvold">Dystvold</placeName>
<surname type="complex">
<surname type="paternal">Hattersley</surname>- <surname type="maternal">Smith</surname>
</persName> to combine the two traditions in cyclic form.
</persName> acknowledged the artificiality of the procedure...
<addName type="patronym">Skallagrmsson</addName>
<forename sort="2">Sergei</forename>
<forename sort="3" type="patronym">Mikhailovic</forename>
<surname sort="1">Uspensky</surname>
This example also demonstrates the use of the sort attribute common to all members of the model.persNamePart class; its effect is to state the sequence in which forename and surname elements should be combined when constructing a sort key for the name.
<genName>Junior</genName>, <forename>Henrique</forename>
<surname>von Habsburg</surname>
<roleName type="honorific" full="abb">Mme</roleName>
<nameLink>de la</nameLink>
Finally, the addName and roleName elements are used to mark all name components other than those already listed. The distinction between them is that a roleName encloses an associated name component such as an aristocratic or official title which exists in some sense independently of its bearer. The distinction is not always a clear one. As elsewhere, the type attribute may be used with either element to supply culture- or application- specific distinctions. Some typical values for this attribute for names in the Western European tradition follow:
- nobility
- An inherited or life-time title of nobility such as Lord, Viscount, Baron, etc.
- honorific
- An academic or other honorific prefixed to a name e.g. Doctor, Professor, Mrs., etc.
- office
- Membership of some elected or appointed organization such as President, Governor, etc.
- military
- Military rank such as Colonel.
- epithet
- A traditional descriptive phrase or nick-name such as The Hammer, The Great, etc.
Note, however, that the role a person has in a given context (such as witness, defendant, etc. in a legal document) should not be encoded using the roleName element, since this is intended to mark roles which function as part of a person's name, not the role of the person bearing the name in general. Information about roles, occupations, etc. of a person are encoded within the person element discussed below in 13.3 Biographical and Prosopographical Data.
<roleName type="nobility">Princess</roleName>
<addName type="honorific">Grandma</addName>
<roleName type="office">President</roleName>
<roleName type="military">Colonel</roleName>
<addName type="epithet">the Great</addName>
<roleName type="office">Governor</roleName>
<forename sort="2">Edmund</forename>
<forename full="init" sort="3">G.</forename>
<addName type="nick">Jerry</addName>
<addName type="epithet">Moonbeam</addName>
<surname sort="1">Brown</surname>
<genName full="abb">Jr</genName>.
Although highly flexible, these mechanisms for marking personal name components will not cater for every personal name, nor for every processing need. Where the internal structure of personal names is highly complex or where name components are particularly ambiguous, feature structures are recommended as the most appropriate mechanism to mark and analyze them, as further discussed in chapter 18 Feature Structures.
White space is allowed and therefore significant between elements within name, persName, orgName, and placeName. Therefore
<persName> <forename>Mary</forename> <forename>Ann</forename> <nameLink>De</nameLink><surname>Mint</surname> </persName>⚓
encodes ‘Mary Ann DeMint’ and
<persName> <forename>Mary</forename><forename>Ann</forename> <nameLink>De</nameLink> <surname>Mint</surname> </persName>⚓
encodes ‘MaryAnn De Mint’. See XML Whitespace for more information on whitespace in XML.
TEI: Organizational Names¶13.2.2 Organizational Names
In these Guidelines, we use the term ‘organization’ for any named collection of people regarded as a single unit. Typical examples include institutions such as ‘Harvard College’ or ‘the BBC’ and businesses such as ‘Apple’ or ‘Google’ but also racial or ethnic groupings or political factions where these are regarded as forming a single agency such as ‘the Scythians’ or ‘the Militant Tendency’. Giving a loosely-defined group of individuals a name often serves a particular political or social agenda and an analysis of the way such phrases are constructed and used may therefore be of considerable importance to the social historian, even where the objective existence of an ‘organization’ in this sense is harder to demonstrate than that of (say) a named person. In the case of businesses or other formally constituted institutions, the component parts of an organizational name may help to characterize the organization in terms of its perceived geographical location, ownership, likely number of employees, management structure, etc.
Like names of persons or places, organizational names can be marked up as referring strings or as proper names with the rs or name elements respectively. The element orgName is provided for use where it is desired to distinguish organizational names more explicitly.
- orgName (organization name) 組織の名前を示す.
This element is a member of the same attribute classes as persName, as discussed above in 13.1.1 Linking Names and Their Referents.
was agitated in the <orgName type="voluntary"
ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:PAS1">Pennsyla. Abolition
was agitated in the <rs ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:PAS1"
<name>Pennsyla. Abolition Society</name>
<name ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:PAS1"
type="org">Pennsyla. Abolition Society</name>.
extra fee from <orgName type="acronym">BSkyB</orgName> rather than the
<orgName type="acronym">BBC</orgName>
<country>Canada</country> is one of strong aversion to the <orgName type="phrase">United States Government</orgName>,
and of predilection for self-government under the
<orgName type="phrase">English Crown</orgName>
</orgName> said ...
receive herewith has been formed by the <orgName>Democratic Whig <name type="role">party</name>
</orgName> after the most careful deliberation, with a reference to all the great objects of NATIONAL, STATE, COUNTY and
CITY concern, and with a single eye to the <hi>Welfare and Best Interests of the Community</hi>.
<orgName>Department of Modern History</orgName>
<name type="city">Glasgow</name>
<name type="role">University</name>
TEI: Place Names¶13.2.3 Place Names
Like other proper nouns or noun phrases used as names, place names can simply be marked up with the rs element, or with the name element. For cartographers and historical geographers, however, the component parts of a place name provide important information about the relation between the name and some spot in space and time. They also provide important evidence in historical linguistics.
These Guidelines distinguish three ways of referring to places. A place name (represented using the placeName element) may consist of one or more names for hierarchically-organized geo-political or administrative units (see section Geo-political Place Names). A place named simply in terms of geographical features such as mountains or rivers is represented using the geogName element (see section Geographic Names). Finally, an expression consisting of phrases expressing spatial or other kinds of relationship between other kinds of named place may itself be regarded as a way of referring to a place, and hence as a kind of named place (see section Relative Place Names).
As members of the att.naming class, all of these elements bear the attributes key, ref, and nymRef mentioned above. These attributes are primarily useful as a means of linking a place name with information about a specific place. Recommendations for the encoding of information about a place, as distinct from its name, are provided in 13.3.4 Places below.
type="place">modern <name ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:BA1"
</rs>, <name ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:NY1"
type="place">New York</name>, I have proceeded to the <rs ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:PH1"
type="place">City of Brotherly Love</rs>.
</placeName>, <placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:NY1">New York</placeName>, I have proceeded
to the <placeName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:PH1">City of Brotherly Love</placeName>.
TEI: Geo-political Place Names¶ Geo-political Place Names
- district (district) 場所を示す要素として,集落より小さい名前を示す.例えば,小教区や区な ど,行政上・地勢上の単位.
- settlement (settlement) 地政学上または行政上の単位としてある市,街,村などの居住地の名前を示 す.
- region (region) 行政上の単位の名前を示す.例えば,地方,郡,居住地など.居住地よりも 広く,国家より狭い地域.
- country (country) 1つの国家に相当する地政学的な単位名を示す.国家,植民地,共同体・連 邦を含む.これは,行政単位上の地域よりも大きい単位で,連合より小さな 単位である.
- bloc (bloc) 複数の国や地域を跨ぐ地政学的な名前を示す.
<settlement type="city">Rochester</settlement>, <region type="state">New York</region>
<country type="nation">Laos</country>, <bloc type="sub-continent">Southeast Asia</bloc>
<district type="arondissement">6ème</district>
<settlement type="city">Paris, </settlement>
TEI: Geographic Names¶ Geographic Names
In addition to the usual phrase level elements, the geogName element may contain the following specialized element:
- geogFeat (geographical feature name) 地理上の名前,例えば,谷,山などに含まれている地物を特定する名前を示 す.
type="place">Glencoe</name> into <geogName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:GLET1"
</geogName>, the <geogName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:LAGA1"
<geogFeat xml:lang="gd">Lairig</geogFeat>
</geogName> and the
<geogName ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:LAEI1"
<geogFeat xml:lang="gd">Lairig</geogFeat>
The Gaelic word lairig may be glossed as sloping hill face. The most efficient way of including this information in the above encoding would be to create a separate nym element for this component of the name and then point to it using the nymRef attribute, as further discussed in 13.3.6 Names and Nyms.
TEI: Relative Place Names¶ Relative Place Names
All the place name specifications so far discussed are absolute, in the sense that they define only one place. A place may however be specified in terms of its relationship to another place, for example ‘10 miles northeast of Paris’ or ‘near the top of Mount Sinai’. These relative place names will contain a place name which acts as a referent (e.g. ‘Paris’ and ‘Mount Sinai’). They will also contain a word or phrase indicating the position of the place being named in relation to the referent (e.g. ‘the top of’, ‘north of’). A distance, possibly only vaguely specified, between the referent place and the place being indicated may also be present (e.g. ‘10 miles’, ‘near’).
- offset (offset) 当該表現に含まれている2つの場所名,日付,時間のオフセットの方向を示 す,相対的な時空表現の部分を示す.
- measure (measure) ある対象や商品の大きさを表す語句を示す.一般には,数値,単位,商品名 を含む.
<offset>near the top of</offset>
<measure>20 km</measure>
<offset>north of</offset>
<settlement type="city">Paris</settlement>
<measure unit="km" quantity="17.7">11 miles</measure>
<offset>Northwest of</offset>
<settlement type="city">Providence</settlement>, <region type="state">RI</region>
The internal structure of place names is like that of personal names—complex and subject to an enormous amount of variation across time and different cultures. The recommendations in this section should however be adequate for a majority of users and applications; they may be extended using the mechanisms described in chapter 23.3 Customization to add new elements to the existing classes. When the focus of interest is on the name components themselves, as in place name studies for example, the elements discussed in 13.3.6 Names and Nyms may also be of use. Alternatively, the meaning structure itself may be represented using feature structures (18 Feature Structures).
TEI: Object Names¶13.2.4 Object Names
- objectName (name of an object) contains a proper noun or noun phrase used to refer to an object.
<objectName ref="#AlfredJewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster
Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>.</p>
The objectName element may be used to encode any named object whether or not this is a text-bearing object. The use of objectName by itself does not categorize the object referenced, but this may be done further with the type and subtype attributes or through reference to a taxonomy. Additionally, the use of the objectName element says nothing about the physical reality of the object – that is whether it is real, fictional, purported, or missing – and this may be one aspect that some may wish to record through the type attribute. Where more detailed information is available for a named object the ref attribute should be used to point to an object element or other source of information about this object. The objectName element is intended for named objects; where an object is mentioned through a descriptive phrase but not named explicitly the rs element should be used.
TEI: Biographical and Prosopographical Data¶13.3 Biographical and Prosopographical Data
This module defines a number of special purpose elements which can be used to markup biographical, historical, and prosopographical data. We envisage a number of users and uses for these elements. For example, an encoder may be interested in creating or converting a set of biographical records, for example of the type found in a Dictionary of National Biography. Another use is the creation or conversion of a database-like collection of information about a group of people, such as the people referenced in a marked-up collection of documents, or persons who have served as informants in the creation of spoken corpora. It is also appropriate to use these elements to register information relating to those who have taken part in the creation of a TEI document.
To cater for this diversity, these Guidelines propose a flexible strategy, in which encoders may choose for themselves the approach appropriate to their needs. If one were interested, for example, in converting existing DNB-type records, and wanted to preserve the text as is, the person element (see 13.3.2 The Person Element) could simply contain the text of an article, placed within p elements, possibly using elements such as name or date to mark up features of that text. For a more structured entry, however, one would extract the data and place information contained in the text, and encode it directly using the more specific elements described in this section.
TEI: Basic Principles¶13.3.1 Basic Principles
Information about people, places, and organizations, of whatever type, essentially comprises a series of statements or assertions relating to:
- characteristics or traits which do not, by and large, change over time
- characteristics or states which hold true only at a specific time
- events or incidents which may lead to a change of state or, less frequently, trait,
- external resources where other information on the subject can be found.
‘Characteristics’ or ‘traits’ are typically independent of an individual's volition or action and can be either physical, such as sex or hair and eye colour, or cultural, such as ethnicity, caste, or faith. The distinction is not entirely straightforward, however: while sex is fairly obviously a physical trait, gender should rather be regarded as culturally determined, and the division of mankind into different ‘races’, proposed by early (white European) anthropologists on the basis of physical characteristics such as skin colour, hair type and skull measurements, is now considered to be more a social or mental construct. Furthermore, while some characteristics will obviously change over time, hair colour for example, none, in principle—not even sex—is immutable.
‘States’ include, for example, marital status, place of residence and position or occupation. Such states have a definite duration, that is, they have a beginning and an end and are typically a consequence of the individual's own action or that of others.
By ‘changes in state’ are meant the events in a person's life such as birth, marriage, or appointment to office; such events will normally be associated with a specific date or a fairly narrow date-range. Changes in states can also cause or be caused by changes in characteristics. Any statement or assertion on any of these aspects of a person's life will be based on some source, possibly multiple sources, possibly contradictory. Taking all this into account it follows that each such statement or assertion needs to be able to be documented, put into a time frame and be relatable to other statements or assertions of the same or any of the other types.
The elements defined by the module described in this chapter may, for the most part, all be regarded as specializations of one or other of the above three classes. Generic elements for state, trait, and event are also defined:
- state (state) 人物,場所,組織などの,現在の社会的状態や地位を示す.
- trait (trait) 人物や場所の文化的な特性を示す.
- event (event) 人生における特定の重要事象の解説を示す.
where indicates the location of an event by pointing to a place element - listEvent (list of events) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable event.
When developing a prosopography record of a named entity it is a common practice to refer explicitly to other resources, for example the Library of Congress Name Authority File, Virtual Internationl Authority File (VIAF), a gazetteer of places like Pleiades, or a printed book.
- idno (identifier) 書誌項目、人物、タイトル、組織など、何らかのオブジェクトを標準化された方法で識別するために使用される任意の形式の識別子を提供する。
type 当該数値の分類を示す.例えば,ISBNなど. 提案する値は以下の通り: 1] ISBN; 2] ISSN; 3] DOI; 4] URI; 5] VIAF; 6] ESTC; 7] OCLC
<geo>41.891775, 12.486137</geo>
<idno type="Pleiades">423025</idno>
<note>capital of the Roman Empire</note>
TEI: The Person Element¶13.3.2 The Person Element
Information about a person, as distinct from references to a person, for example by name, is grouped together within a person element. Information about a group of people regarded as a single entity (for example ‘the audience’ of a performance) may be encoded using the personGrp element. Note however that information about a group of people with a distinct identity (for example a named theatrical troupe) should be recorded using the org element described in section 13.3.3 Organizational Data below.
These elements may appear only within a listPerson element, which groups such descriptions together, and optionally also describes relationships amongst the people listed.
- listPerson (list of persons) 特定可能な個人やグループに関する情報のリストを示す.例えば,言語交流 の参加者や,歴史資料中で参照される人物など.
- listRelation 人,場所,組織間の関係に関する情報を,散文またはリンクによる形式的表 現で示す.
One or more listPerson elements may be supplied within the standOff element (see 16.10 The standOff Container) or, when used to list the participants in a linguistic interaction, within the particDesc (participant description) element in the profileDesc element of a TEI header. Like other forms of list, however, listPerson can also appear within the body of a text when the module defined by this chapter is included in a schema.
<listPerson type="fictional">
<person xml:id="person_FAS">
<persName>Adam Schiff</persName>
<note>District Attorney for <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in
seasons 1 to 10 of <title>Law and Order</title>.</note>
<person xml:id="person_FML">
<persName>Mike Logan</persName>
<expan>New York Police
</choice> Detective regularly appearing in
seasons 1 to 5 of <title>Law and Order</title> and seasons 5 to 7
of <title>Law and Order: Criminal Intent</title>.</note>
<person xml:id="person_FBS">
<persName>Benjamin Stone</persName>
<note>Executive Assistant District Attorney for
<placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in seasons 1 to 4 of <title>Law
and Order</title>
<person xml:id="person_FJM">
<persName>Jack McCoy</persName>
<note>An Executive Assistant District Attorney then District
Attorney for <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in seasons 5 to 10
of <title>Law and Order</title>, in seasons 1, 9, 11, and 19 of
<title>Law and Order: Special Victims Unit</title>, and in
season 1 of <title>Law and Order: Trial by Jury</title>.</note>
<person xml:id="person_FJR">
<persName>Jamie Ross</persName>
<note>An Assistant District Attorney for
<placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in seasons 7 & 8 of
<title>Law and Order</title>, and a defense attorney in seasons
10 & 11, and then a judge in <title>Law and Order: Trial by
<person xml:id="person_FJF">
<persName>Joe Fontana</persName>
<expan>New York Police
</choice> Detective regularly appearing
in seasons 15 & 16 of <title>Law and Order</title>.</note>
<!-- == == -->
<listPerson type="real">
<person xml:id="person_RAS">
<persName>Adam Schiff</persName>
<note>U.S. Representative from California since 2013.</note>
<person xml:id="person_RML">
<persName>Mike Logan</persName>
<note>Gridiron football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers from
2001 to 2006.</note>
<person xml:id="person_RBS">
<persName>Benjamin Stone</persName>
<note>Michigan State Senator from 1968 to 1979.</note>
<person xml:id="person_RJM">
<persName>Jack McCoy</persName>
<note>Iowa State Representative from 1955 to 1959.</note>
<person xml:id="person_RJR">
<persName>Jamie Ross</persName>
<note>Broadway actor, with occasional forays into television,
from 1971 to roughly 2007.</note>
<person xml:id="person_RJF">
<persName>Joe Fontana</persName>
<note>A member of Canada’s House of Commons from 1987 to 2006,
and mayor of London, Ontario from 2010 to 2014.</note>
The person element carries several attributes. As a member of the classes att.global.responsibility, att.editLike, and att.global.source class, it carries the usual attributes for providing details about the information recorded for that person, such as its reliability or source:
- att.global.responsibility provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it.
cert (確実性) 当該解釈や調整の確信度を示す.介入や解釈に関する確信度を示す。 resp (責任者) 介入や解釈の責任者を示す.例えば,編集者,翻刻者など。 - att.editLike 学術的調整・解釈の性質を表す属性を示す.
evidence 当該解釈や調整の信頼度や正確さを判断する証拠を示す. 提案する値は以下の通り: 1] internal; 2] external; 3] conjecture - att.global.source 外部ソースを参照する要素によって用いられる属性を示す。
source この要素の何らかの側面を示すソースを指定する。
In addition, a small number of very commonly used personal properties may be recorded using attributes specific to person and personGrp:
- person (person) 特定可能な個人の情報を示す.例えば,言語交流の参加者,歴史資料中で参 照される人物など.
role 当該人物の第一位の役割や分類を示す. sex 当該人物の性別を示す. age 当該人物の年齢層を示す. - personGrp (personal group) 分析上,ひとりの人物として扱われる,個人のグループを示す.
These attributes are intended for use where only a small amount of data is to be encoded in a more or less normalized form, possibly for many person elements, for example when encoding basic facts about respondents to a questionnaire. When however a more detailed encoding is required for all kinds of information about a person, for example in a historical gazetteer, then it will be more appropriate to use the elements age, sex and others described elsewhere in this chapter.
module="namesdates" mode="change">
<attDef mode="replace" ident="age">
<dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="child">
<desc>less than 18 years of age</desc>
<valItem ident="adult">
<desc>18 to 65 years of age</desc>
<valItem ident="retired">
<desc>over 65 years of age</desc>
The person element may contain many sub-elements, each specifying a different property of the person being described. The remainder of this section describes these more specific elements. For convenience, these elements are grouped into three classes, corresponding with the tripartite division outlined above: one for traits, one for states and one for events. Each class may contain specific elements for common types of biographical information, and contains a generic element for other, user-defined, types of information.
All the elements in these three classes belong to the attribute class att.datable, which provides the following attributes:
- att.datable.w3c W3CのXML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Editionに準拠した年代測定可能なイベントを含む要素の正規化に関する属性を提供する.
when 標準形式での日付や時刻を提供する.たとえば、yyyy-mm-dd notBefore 当該事象の一番古い日付を,標準形式で示す.例えば,yyyy-mm-dd. notAfter 当該事象の一番新しい日付を,標準形式で示す.例えば,yyyy-mm-dd. from 標準形で当該時間幅の始点を示す. to 標準形で当該時間幅の終点を示す.
as discussed in 13.1 Attribute Classes Defined by This Module above.
TEI: Personal Characteristics¶ Personal Characteristics
- faith (faith) 人物の信仰・宗教を示す.
- langKnowledge (language knowledge) 個人の言語学的知識を散文または要素langKnownのリストでまとめ る.
- nationality (nationality) 人物の国籍や市民権の形式的でない解説を示す.
- persPronouns (personal pronouns) indicates the personal pronouns used, or assumed to be used, by the individual being described.
- sex (sex) 人物の性別を示す.
- age (age) 人物の年齢を示す.
- socecStatus (socio-economic status) ある個人の,社会的・経済的状態を示す,形式的でない解説を示す.
- persName (personal name) 人物の固有名詞を示す.例えば,名,姓,敬称,追加名など.
- occupation (occupation) 人物の仕事や職業の,形式的でない説明を示す.
- residence (residence) 人物の,現在または過去の住居を示す.
- affiliation (affiliation) 人物が所属している,またはしていた団体に関する情報を示す.例えば,雇 い主や出資者など.
- education (education) 人物の学歴を示す.
- floruit (floruit) 人物が活躍した時期に関する情報を示す.
- persona provides information about one of the personalities identified for a given individual, where an individual has multiple personalities.
- state (state) 人物,場所,組織などの,現在の社会的状態や地位を示す.
- trait (trait) 人物や場所の文化的な特性を示す.
The meanings of concepts such as sex, nationality, or age are highly culturally-dependent, and the encoder should take particular care to be explicit about any assumptions underlying their usage of them. For example, when recording personal age in different cultures, there may be different assumptions about the point from which age is reckoned. A statement of the practice adopted in a given encoding may usefully be provided in the editorialDecl element discussed in 2.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
The langKnowledge element contains either paragraphs or a number of langKnown elements; it may take a tags attribute, which provides one or more standard codes or ‘tag’s for the languages. The langKnown element must have a tag attribute, which indicates the language with the same kind of ‘language tag’. These ‘language tags’ are discussed in detail in vi.1. Language Identification.
<p>Speaks fluent Fulani, Wolof, and French. Some knowledge of
<langKnown level="fluent" tag="ff">Fulani</langKnown>
<langKnown level="fluent" tag="wo">Wolof</langKnown>
<langKnown level="fluent" tag="fr">French</langKnown>
<langKnown level="basic" tag="en">English</langKnown>
The persona element may contain the same component elements as a person element. Its function is to document a distinct persona assumed by the person element containing it. A person, not necessarily fictional, may take on different personas at different times or in different situations, each persona having different personal characteristics, such as name, age, sex etc. We distinguish a persona, which is a set of characteristics associated with one specific individual, from a role, which is a set of characteristics that many different people can assume. An actor does not change their persona when adopting a different role, but none of the personas associated with one person can properly be associated with another.
The persPronouns element may be used to indicate the personal pronouns used, or assumed to be used, by the individual being described. It is common practice in email signatures and biographies, for people to include their preferred personal pronouns along with their name or handle. This allows transgender and gender variant people to express how they wish to be identified, without having to share their gender identity (though some do). Cisgender people have also adopted the practice, which normalizes the idea that a person's personal pronouns should not be inferred by their name, sex, gender, or gender presentation. The persPronouns element may be used either in transcribed content to encode a phrase used to indicate preferred personal pronouns, or may be used inside a person or persona element to indicate the associated pronouns.
<forename>Miss Major</forename>
<birth when="1940-10-25"/>
<sex value="transFemale"
evidence="selfIdentification">trans woman</sex>
<persPronouns value="she"
<p>Veteran of the Stonewall Riots. Founder of the
Griffin-Gracy Educational Retreat and Historical
Center (the House of GG). Activist and advocate for
transgender and gender-nonconforming people of
<salute>Dear all,</salute>
<p>With apologies for length. I'm expanding a schema …</p>
<!-- ... -->
<persName>Diane Jakacki, Ph.D.</persName>
<roleName>Digital Scholarship Coordinator</roleName>
<roleName>Affiliate Faculty in Comparative & Digital Humanities</roleName>
<orgName>Bucknell University</orgName>
<roleName>Principal Investigator</roleName>,
<orgName>LAB Cooperative</orgName> and <orgName>REED London Online</orgName>
<roleName>Chair</roleName>, <orgName>ADHO Conference Coordinating Committee</orgName>
<label>eye colour</label>
<trait type="physical">
<label>hair colour</label>
If none of the more specialized elements listed above is appropriate, then a choice must be made between the two generic elements trait and state. If you wish to distinguish between characteristics that are generally perceived to be transient and those which are generally considered unchanging, use state for the former, and trait for the latter. It may also be helpful to note that traits are typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder. If the distinction between state and trait is not considered relevant or useful, use state.
<persName xml:lang="is">Árni Magnússon</persName>
<persName xml:lang="da">Arne Magnusson</persName>
<persName xml:lang="la">Arnas Magnæus</persName>
<persName>Simon, son of Richard</persName>
<floruit notBefore="1219" notAfter="1223">1219-1223</floruit>
<p>Jón's first living — which he apparently accepted rather reluctantly — was at <name type="place">Háls í
Hamarsfirði</name>, <name type="place">Múlasýsla</name>, to which he was presented on 7 April 1777. He was
ordained the following month and spent three years at Háls, but was never happy there, due largely to the general
penury in which he was forced to live — a recurrent theme throughout the early part of his life. In June of 1780
the bishop recommended that Jón should <q xml:lang="da">promoveres til andet bedre kald, end det hand hidindtil
har havt</q>, and on 12 July it was agreed that he should exchange livings with <name type="person"
ref="tag:projectname.org,2012:ThorJon">sr. Þórður Jónsson</name> at <name type="place">Kálfafell á Síðu</name>,
<name type="place">Skaftafellssýsla</name>.</p>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.15, p. 733.</bibl>
<bibl>ÞÍ, Stms I.17, p.
TEI: Personal Events¶ Personal Events
Events in a person's history are not characteristics of an individual, but often cause an individual to gain such characteristics, or to enter a new state. Most such events, for example marriage, appointment, promotion, or a journey may be recorded using the generic element event, which may be grouped with listEvent, and has a content model similar to that of state and trait. The chief difference is that event can include a placeName element to identify the name of the place where the event occurred.
Two particular events in a persons life, namely birth and death, are both ubiquitous and usually considered particularly important, and thus may be represented by specialized elements for the purpose:
<!-- ... -->
<event type="marriage" when="1859-04-26">
<name type="person" ref="#WM">William Morris</name> and <name type="person"
ref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Burden">Jane Burden</name> were married at <name type="place">St
Michael's Church, Ship Street, Oxford</name> on <date when="1859-04-26">26 April 1859</date>. The wedding was
conducted by Morris's friend <name type="person" ref="#RWD">R. W. Dixon</name> with <name type="person" ref="#CBF">Charles Faulkner</name> as the best man. The bride was given away by her father, <name type="person" ref="#RB">Robert Burden</name>. According to the account that <name type="person"
ref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Burne-Jones">Burne-Jones</name> gave <name type="person" ref="#JWM">Mackail</name>
<quote>M. said to Dixon beforehand <said>Mind you don't call her Mary</said> but he did</quote>. The entry in
the Register reads: <quote>William Morris, 25, Bachelor Gentleman, 13 George Street, son of William Morris decd.
Gentleman. Jane Burden, minor, spinster, 65 Holywell Street, d. of Robert Burden, Groom.</quote> The witnesses
were Jane's parents and Faulkner. None of Morris's family attended the ceremony. Morris presented Jane with a
plain gold ring bearing the London hallmark for 1858. She gave her husband a double-handled antique silver
<bibl>J. W. Mackail, <title>The Life of William Morris</title>, 1899.</bibl>
<person xml:id="RB">
<persName>Robert Burden</persName>
<person xml:id="RWD">
<persName>R.W. Dixon</persName>
<person xml:id="CBF">
<persName>Charles Faulkner</persName>
<person xml:id="EBJ">
<person xml:id="JWM">
<persName>J.W. Mackail</persName>
<persName notAfter="1966">David Jones</persName>
<persName notBefore="1966">David Bowie</persName>
<p>Born in <name type="place">Brixton</name> on 8 January
<event type="birth" resp="#ABC" cert="low">
<p>Born in <name type="place">Berkhamsted</name> on 9 January
TEI: Personal Relationships¶ Personal Relationships
When the module defined by this chapter is included in a schema, the following two elements may be used to document relationships amongst the persons, places, or organizations identified:
- listRelation 人,場所,組織間の関係に関する情報を,散文またはリンクによる形式的表 現で示す.
- relation (relationship) 指定された参加者グループ間の関連性の種類を示す.
name 当該関係の種類名を示す. active identifies the ‘active’ participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one. mutual supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally. passive 一方向の関係における‘受動的な’参加者を指定す る.
These elements are both members of the att.typed class, from which they inherit the type and subtype attributes in the usual way. The value specified for either attribute on a listRelation element is implicitly applicable to all of its child relation elements, unless overridden.
A relationship, as defined here, may be any kind of describable link between specified participants. A participant (in this sense) might be a person, a place, or an organization. In the case of persons, therefore, a relationship might be a social relationship (such as employer/employee), a personal relationship (such as sibling, spouse, etc.) or something less precise such as ‘possessing shared knowledge’. A relationship may be mutual, in that all the participants engage in it on an equal footing (for example the ‘sibling’ relationship); or it may not be if participants are not identical with respect to their role in the relationship (for example, the ‘employer’ relationship). For non-mutual relationships, only two kinds of role are currently supported; they are named active and passive. These names are chosen to reflect the fact that non-mutual relations are directed, in the sense that they are most readily described by a transitive verb, or a verb phrase of the form is X of or is X to. The subject of the verb is classed as active; the direct object of the verb, or the object of the concluding preposition, as passive. Thus parents are ‘active’ and children ‘passive’ in the relationship ‘parent’ (interpreted as is parent of); the employer is ‘active’, the employee ‘passive’, in the relationship employs. These relationships can be inverted: parents are ‘passive’ and children ‘active’ in the relationship is child of; similarly ‘works for’ inverts the active and passive roles of ‘employs’.
<relation name="parent" active="#P1 #P2"
passive="#P3 #P4"/>
<relation name="spouse" mutual="#P1 #P2"/>
<relation type="social" name="employer"
active="#P1" passive="#P3 #P4"/>
- P1 and P2 are parents of P3 and P4.
- P1 and P2 are linked in a mutual relationship called ‘spouse’—that is, P2 is the spouse of P1, and P1 is the spouse of P2.
- P1 has the social relationship ‘employer’ with respect to P3 and P4.
Relationships within places and organizations are further discussed in the relevant sections below. Relationships between for example organizations and places, or places and persons, may be handled in exactly the same way.
TEI: Organizational Data¶13.3.3 Organizational Data
The org and listOrg elements are used to store data about an organization such as its preferred name, its locations, or key persons within it.
- org (organization) 特定可能な団体の情報を示す.例えば,会社,集団など,人の集まり.
- listOrg (list of organizations) 特定可能な団体に関する情報を示す解説のリストを示す.
These elements are intended to be used in a way analogous to the place and person elements discussed elsewhere in this chapter, that is to provide a unique wrapper element for information about an entity, distinct from references to that entity which are typically encoded using a naming element such as <name type="org"> or orgName. The content of a naming element will represent the way an organization is named in a given context; the content of an org represents the information known to the encoder about that organization, gathered together in a single place, and independent of its textual realization.
An organization is not the same thing as a list or group of people because it has an identity of its own. That identity may be expressed solely in the existence of a name (for example ‘The Scythians’), but is likely to consist in the combination of that name with a number of events, traits, or states which are considered to apply to the organization itself, rather than any of its members. For example, a sports team might be described in terms of its membership (a listPerson), its fixtures (a listPlace), its geographical affiliation (a placeName), or any combination of these. It will also have properties which may be used to categorize it in some way such as the kind of sport played, whether the team is amateur or professional, and so on: these are probably best dealt with by means of the type attribute. However, it is the name of the sports team alone which identifies it.
The content model for org permits any mixture of generic state, trait, or event elements: the presence of the orgName element described in 13.2.2 Organizational Names is however strongly recommended.
<orgName notAfter="1960">The Silver Beetles</orgName>
<orgName from="1960-08">The Beatles</orgName>
<orgName notAfter="1960">The Silver Beetles</orgName>
<orgName notBefore="1960">The Beatles</orgName>
<state type="membership" from="1960-08"
<persName>John Lennon</persName>
<persName>Paul McCartney</persName>
<persName>George Harrison</persName>
<persName>Stuart Sutcliffe</persName>
<persName>Pete Best</persName>
<state type="membership" notBefore="1963">
<persName>John Lennon</persName>
<persName>Paul McCartney</persName>
<persName>George Harrison</persName>
<persName>Ringo Starr</persName>
<orgName>Oxford University Computing Services</orgName>
<org xml:id="OUCSisg">
<orgName>Information and Support Group</orgName>
<org xml:id="OUCSig">
<orgName>Infrastructure Group</orgName>
<org xml:id="OUCSig.nt">
<orgName>Networking Team</orgName>
<org xml:id="OUCSig.sdt">
<orgName>System Development Team</orgName>
<org xml:id="OUCSltg">
<orgName>Learning Technologies Group</orgName>
<org xml:id="bu">
<orgName>Brown University</orgName>
<desc>The host contribution is made jointly by the <name type="project">Brown University Women Writers
Project</name> and the <orgName>Brown University Library's Center for Digital Initiatives</orgName>.</desc>
<org xml:id="na">
<desc>Hosting is provided by a group of institutions located in Nancy, France, coordinated by
<orgName>Loria</orgName> and also including <orgName>ATILF</orgName> and <orgName>INIST</orgName>.</desc>
<org xml:id="ou">
<orgName>Oxford University</orgName>
<desc>Hosting is provided by the <orgName>Research Technologies Service</orgName> at <orgName>Oxford University
Computing Services</orgName>.</desc>
<org xml:id="uv">
<orgName>University of Virginia</orgName>
<desc>Virginia's host support comes jointly from the <orgName>Institute for Advanced Technology in the
Humanities</orgName> and the <orgName>University of Virginia Library</orgName>.</desc>
TEI: Places¶13.3.4 Places
In 13.2.3 Place Names we discuss various ways of naming places such as towns, countries, etc. In much the same way as these Guidelines distinguish between the encoding of names for people and the encoding of other data about people, so they also distinguish between the encoding of names for places and the encoding of other data about places. In this section we present elements which may be used to record in a structured way data about places of any kind which might be named or referenced within a text. Such data may be useful as a way of normalizing or standardizing references to particular places, as the raw material for a gazetteer or similar reference document associated with a particular text or set of texts, or in conjunction with any form of geographical information system.
The following elements are provided for this purpose:
The model.placeStateLike class contains elements describing characteristics of a place which have a definite duration, such as its name. Any member of the model.placeNamePart may be used for this purpose, since a place element will usually contain at least one, and possibly several, placeName-like elements indicating the names associated with it, by different people, in different languages, or at different times.
For example, the modern city of Lyon in France was in Roman times known as Lugdunum. Although the modern and the Roman city are not physically co-extensive, they have significant areas which overlap, and we may therefore wish to regard them as the same place, while supplying both names with an indication of the time period during which each was current.
Places usually have physical locations in addition to names. As with the example of Lyon, the precise geographic location and extent of a place may change over time, and so locations like names may need to be qualified with indications of the time period to which they apply. Locations may be specified in a number of ways: as a set of coordinates defining a point or an area on the surface of the earth, or by providing a description of how the place may be found, usually in terms of other place names. For example, we can identify the location of the Canadian city of London, either by specifying its latitude and longitude, or by specifying that we mean the city called London located in the province called Ontario within the country called Canada.
In addition we may wish to supply a brief characterization of the place identified, for example to state that it is a city, an administrative area such as a country, or a landmark of some kind such as a monument or a battlefield. If our typology of places is simple, the open ended type attribute is the easiest way to represent it: so we might say <place type="city">, <place type="battlefield"> etc.
Within the place element, the following elements may be used to provide more information about specific aspects of the place in a structured form:
TEI: Varieties of Location¶ Varieties of Location
A location may be specified in one or more of the following ways:
- by supplying a string representing its coordinates in some standardized way within a geo element, as shown below
- by supplying one or more place name component elements (e.g. country, settlement etc.) to place it within a geo-political context
- by supplying a postal address, e.g. using the address element
- by supplying a brief textual description, e.g. using the desc element
- by using a non-TEI XML vocabulary such as the Geography Markup Language
We give examples of all of these methods in the remainder of this section.
<placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
<placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
<geo>45.769559 4.834843</geo>
<placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
<placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
<placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
<country key="FR"/>
<settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
<district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>
<district type="quartier">Perrache</district>
<placeName type="street">
<num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>
<placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
<placeName notAfter="1969">Yasgur's Farm</placeName>
<placeName notBefore="1969">Woodstock Festival Site</placeName>
<measure>one mile</measure>
<offset>north west of</offset>
<region>New York</region>
<placeName>Protestant Cemetery</placeName>
<placeName type="official" xml:lang="it">Cimitero Acattolico</placeName>
<location type="geopolitical">
<location type="address">
<addrLine>Via Caio Cestio, 6</addrLine>
<addrLine>00153 Roma</addrLine>
The location element may thus identify a place to a greater or lesser degree of precision, using a variety of means: a name, a set of names, or a set of coordinates. The geo element introduced earlier is by default understood to supply a value expressed in a specific (and widely used) notation. If a location contains more than one geo, this is interpreted as being really the same place in the universe, but with different systems used to refer to it. If there is a lack of consensus about the location (of, for example, Camelot), more than one location should be used, each with its own geo.
By default, the content of geo is interpreted as following the standard known as the World Geodetic System (WGS). This may be modified, however, in two ways.
Firstly, the content of the geo element can be expressed some other way, that is, according to some different geodetic system. The decls attribute is used point to a geoDecl element defined in the document header, which describes a different datum.
Secondly, the element geo may be redefined to contain markup from a different XML vocabulary which is specifically designed to represent this kind of information. This technique is used throughout these Guidelines where specialized markup is required, for example to embed mathematical expressions or vector graphics, and is further described and exemplified in 23.3.4 Examples of Modification . For geographic information, suitable non-TEI vocabularies include:
- the OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) being defined by the OGC53
- the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) used by Google Maps54
<placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
<placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
<gml:LinearRing> 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.8 -109.2 45.256 -110.45 </gml:LinearRing>
A bibl element may be used within location to indicate the source of the location information.
<geo>53.226658 -0.541254</geo>
<title>Roman Inscriptions of Britain</title>, <idno>262</idno>
TEI: Multiple Places¶ Multiple Places
<country xml:lang="lt">Lietuva</country>
This does not, of course, imply that Vilnius and Kaunas are the only places constituting Lithuania; only that they are within it. A separate place element may indicate that it is a part of Lithuania by supplying a relation element, as discussed below ( Relations Between Places).
<placeName>Mascarene Islands</placeName>
<placeName>Mascarenhas Archipelago</placeName>
<place type="island">
<listPlace type="offshoreIslands">
<placeName>La roche qui pleure</placeName>
<placeName>Île aux cerfs</placeName>
<place type="island">
<place type="island">
<placeName xml:lang="cy">Cymru</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="en">Wales</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="la">Wallie</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="la">Wallia</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="fro">Le Waleis</placeName>
<place xml:id="carmarthenshire"
<region type="county" xml:lang="en"
<place xml:id="carmarthen"
<placeName xml:lang="en">Carmarthen</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="la"
notBefore="1090" notAfter="1300">Kaermerdin</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="cy">Caerfyrddin</placeName>
<place xml:id="carmarthen_castle"
<settlement>castle of Carmarthen</settlement>
As noted previously, country, region, and settlement are all specializations of the generic placeName element; they are not specializations of the place element. If it is desired to distinguish amongst kinds of place this can only be done by means of the type attribute as in the above example.
<listPlace type="villages">
<place xml:id="pl-v-AD">
<placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
<geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
<place xml:id="pl-v-AB">
<placeName>Acton Beauchamp</placeName>
<!-- ... -->
<listPlace type="towns">
<place xml:id="pl-t-H">
<place xml:id="pl-t-L">
<!-- ... -->
TEI: States, Traits, and Events¶ States, Traits, and Events
There are many different kinds of information which it might be considered useful to record for a place in addition to its name and location, and the categories selected are likely to be very project-specific. As with persons therefore these Guidelines make no claim to comprehensiveness in this context. Instead, the generic state, trait, and event elements defined by this module should be used. Each of these may be customized for particular needs by means of their type attribute. These are complemented by a small number of predefined elements of general utility:
- population (population) ある場所の人口に関する情報を示す.
- climate (climate) ある場所の天候に関する情報を示す.
- terrain (terrain) 場所の地形情報を示す.
These are all specializations of the generic trait element. This element may be used for almost any kind of event in the life of a place; no specialized version of this element is proposed, nor do we attempt to enumerate the possible values which might be appropriate for the type attribute on any of these generic elements.
<placeName xml:lang="en">Iceland</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="is">Ísland</placeName>
<geo>65.00 -18.00</geo>
<desc>Area: 103,000 sq km</desc>
<state type="governance" notBefore="1944">
<p>Constitutional republic</p>
<state type="governance" notAfter="1944">
<p>Part of the kingdom of <placeName key="DK">Denmark</placeName>
<event type="governance" when="1944-06-17">
<desc>Iceland became independent on 17 June 1944.</desc>
<state type="governance" from="1944-06-17">
<p>An independent republic since June 1944</p>
<desc>Greece's climate is divided into three well defined classes:</desc>
<desc>It features mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Temperatures rarely reach extremes, although snowfalls
do occur occasionally even in <placeName>Athens</placeName>, <placeName>Cyclades</placeName> or
<placeName>Crete</placeName> during the winter.</desc>
<desc>It is found primarily in <placeName>
<offset>Western</offset> Greece</placeName>
(<placeName>Epirus</placeName>, <placeName>
<offset>Central</offset> Greece</placeName>,
<placeName>Thessaly</placeName>, <placeName>
<offset>Western</offset> Macedonia</placeName> as well as
central parts of <placeName>Peloponnesus</placeName> like <placeName>Achaea</placeName>,
<placeName>Arcadia</placeName> and parts of <placeName>Laconia</placeName> where the Alpine range pass
<desc>It is found in <placeName>
<offset>Central</offset> and <offset>Eastern</offset> Macedonia</placeName> as
well as in <placeName>Thrace</placeName> at places like <placeName>Komotini</placeName>,
<placeName>Xanthi</placeName> and <placeName>
<offset>northern</offset> Evros</placeName>. It features cold,
damp winters and hot, dry summers.</desc>
notBefore="1901" notAfter="1902-01-11" resp="#strabo">
<population type="red" when="1901-01-10">
<population type="female">
<population type="male">
<population type="gray" when="1902-01-10"
<population type="female">
<population type="male" cert="low"
<desc>All day meeting to resolve content models</desc>
<event type="preamble" notAfter="13:00:00">
<desc>first part</desc>
<event type="conclusions"
<desc>second part</desc>
An event element is usually used to record information about a place, or a person; for this reason the element usually appears as content of a place or person. However, it is also possible to describe events independently of either a person or a place. This may be useful in such applications as chronologies, lists of significant events such as battles, legislation, etc.
The listEvent element is a member of the model.listLike class, and may therefore appear inside standOff, or wherever else lists are permitted, in the same way as the listPerson, listPlace etc. elements described elsewhere in this chapter.
<event when="1713"
<label>Treaty of Utrecht</label>
<desc>France ceded to Great Britain its claims to the <orgName>Hudson's Bay Company</orgName> territories in
<placeName>Rupert's Land</placeName>, <placeName>Newfoundland</placeName>, and <placeName>Acadia</placeName> and
recognized British suzerainty over <orgName type="tribe">the Iroquois</orgName> but retained its other pre-war
North American possessions, including <placeName key="PEI">Île-Saint-Jean</placeName> (now <placeName key="PEI">Prince Edward Island</placeName>)...</desc>
<event when="1774" key="14-GeoIII-c83">
<label>Quebec Act</label>
<desc>This act of the British Parliament guaranteed free practice of the Catholic faith and restored use of the
French Civil Code for private matters throughout the Province of Quebec, which had been expanded in territory
following the <ref>Treaty of Paris</ref>.</desc>
<event when="1778"
<label>Treaty of Fort Pitt</label>
<desc>Also known as the <name type="event">Treaty with the Delawares</name>, this was the first written treaty
between the newly formed <orgName>United States</orgName> and any Native American people, in this case, the
<orgName type="tribe">Lenape</orgName> or Delawares.</desc>
TEI: Relations Between Places¶ Relations Between Places
<place xml:id="MASC">
<placeName>Mascarene islands</placeName>
<placeName>Mascarenhas Archipelago</placeName>
<place xml:id="MRU">
<!-- ... -->
<place xml:id="ROD">
<place xml:id="REN">
<relation name="contains" active="#MASC"
passive="#ROD #MRU #REN"/>
TEI: Objects¶13.3.5 Objects
- object contains a description of a single identifiable physical object.
- objectName (name of an object) contains a proper noun or noun phrase used to refer to an object.
- listObject (list of objects) contains a list of descriptions, each of which provides information about an identifiable physical object.
An object is any material thing whether real, in existence, fictional, missing, or purported about which more information is known. Where objects have proper names the objectName element may be used to encode these. However, many objects are not named but the object element may still be used to provide a description of them. The object element is a more general descriptive form of the msDesc element. The latter should be used for describing manuscripts and similar text-bearing objects but can be viewed as a more specific form of the object element.
Please note: The object element is a recent addition to TEI P5 Guidelines as of version 3.5.0 and as such might be more prone to further revision in the next few releases as its use develops. This may be particularly evident where its contents have been borrowed from msDesc and have yet to be generalized from their use in the context of manuscript descriptions.
The object element usually appears inside the listObject element which is used to group descriptions of identifiable objects. The listObject element is a member of model.listLike and so may appear inside standOff, or anywhere else that list is allowed. This enables the flexibility of using listObject to contain a set of metadata descriptions stored in the TEI header, or as a list of objects transcribed from a source document. The equivalent list for manuscript descriptions is listBibl.
- objectIdentifier (object identifier) groups one or more identifiers or pieces of locating information concerning a single object.
- msContents (manuscript contents) 手書き資料の知的内容を,一連の段落または一連の構造化された手書き資料 項目として示す.
- physDesc (physical description) 手書き資料の物理的な解説を示す.選択的に,クラスmodel.physDescPartに ある要素に下位分解される.
- history (history) 手書き資料の歴史を表す要素をまとめる.
- additional (additional) 当該手書き資料に関する書誌情報などの付随情報まとめる.または当該資料 の複製に関する管理情報をまとめる.
Overall, the basic structure of an object element is akin to that of msDesc in that it is providing a structured description of an object. After a group of identifying information, it has the option of paragraphs or, if the msdescription module is loaded, msContents, physDesc, history, and additional elements for descriptive metadata about this object. Although these elements originate from manuscript description the object element may be used for all forms of object (whether text-bearing or not). Where descendents of object still have the hallmarks of their use in manuscript description, the descriptions as relating to manuscripts should be interpreted as applying to all forms of object (text-bearing) or not.
<p>Excalibur is the name for the legendary sword of King Arthur.</p>
<objectName type="main">Excalibur</objectName>
<objectName type="alt">Caliburn</objectName>
<objectName xml:lang="cy">Caledfwlch</objectName>
<objectName xml:lang="cornu">Calesvol</objectName>
<objectName xml:lang="br">Kaledvoulc'h</objectName>
<objectName xml:lang="la">Caliburnus</objectName>
<p>Excalibur is the main English name for the legendary
sword of King Arthur. In Welsh it is called
<mentioned>Caledfwlch</mentioned>, in Cornish it is called
<mentioned>Calesvol</mentioned>, in Breton it is called
<mentioned>Kaledvoulc'h</mentioned>, and in Latin it is
called <mentioned>Caliburnus</mentioned>. In some versions
of the legend, Excalibur’s blade was engraved with phrases on opposite
sides: <q>Take me up</q> and <q>Cast me away</q> (or similar).</p>
<objectName xml:lang="en">Mask of Tutankhamun</objectName>
<idno type="carter">256a</idno>
<idno type="JournalD'Entrée">60672</idno>
<idno type="exhibition">220</idno>
<institution>Museum of Egyptian Antiquities</institution>
<street>15 Meret Basha</street>
<geo>30.047778, 31.233333</geo>
<object xml:id="TutankhamunMask">
<objectName xml:lang="en">Mask of Tutankhamun</objectName>
<idno type="carter">256a</idno>
<idno type="JournalD'Entrée">60672</idno>
<idno type="exhibition">220</idno>
<institution>Museum of Egyptian Antiquities</institution>
<street>15 Meret Basha</street>
<geo>30.047778, 31.233333</geo>
<p>The back and shoulders of the mask is inscribed with a protective spell in Egyptian hieroglyphs formed of ten
vertical and horizontal lines. This spell first appeared on masks in the Middle Kingdom at least 500 years
before Tutankhamun, and comes from chapter 151 of the <title>Book of the Dead</title>.</p>
<p>The mask of Tutankhamun is 54cm x 39.3cm x 49cm. It is constructed from two layers of high-karat gold that
varies in thickness from 1.5-3mm. It weighs approximately 10.23kg and x-ray crystallography shows that it is
composed of two alloys of gold with a lighter 18.4 karat shade being used for the face and neck while a heavier
22.5 karat gold was used for the rest of the mask.</p>
<p>In the mask Tutankhamun wears a nemes headcloth which has the royal insignia of a cobra (Wadjet) and vulture
(Nekhbet) on it. These are thought respectively to symbolise Tutankhamun's rule of both Lower Egypt and Upper
Egypt. His ears are pierced for earrings. The mask has rich inlays of coloured glass and gemstones, including
lapis lazuli surrounding the eye and eyebrows, quartz for the eyes, obsidian for the pupils. The broad collar is
made up of carnelian, feldspar, turquoise, amazonite, faience and other stones.</p>
<p>The mask of Tutankhamun was created in <origPlace>Egypt</origPlace> around <origDate when="-1323" type="circa">1323 BC</origDate>. It is a death mask of the 18th-dynasty ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun
who reigned 1332–1323 BC.</p>
<p>The mask of Tutankhamun was found in his burial chamber at Theban Necropolis in the Valley of the Kings in
1922. On 28 October 1925 the excavation team led by English archaeologist Howard Carter opened the heavy
sarcophagus and three coffins and were the first people in around 3,250 years to see the mask of Tutankhamun.
Carter wrote in his diary: <quote> The pins removed, the lid was raised. The penultimate scene was disclosed –
a very neatly wrapped mummy of the young king, with golden mask of sad but tranquil expression, symbolizing
Osiris … the mask bears that god's attributes, but the likeness is that of Tut.Ankh.Amen – placid and
beautiful, with the same features as we find upon his statues and coffins. The mask has fallen slightly
back, thus its gaze is straight up to the heavens. </quote>
<acquisition> In December 1925, the mask was removed from the tomb, placed in a crate and transported 635
kilometres (395 mi) to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where it remains on public display. </acquisition>
<custEvent when="1944">When it was discovered in 1925, the 2.5kg narrow gold beard was no longer attached to
the mask and was reattached to the chin by use of a wooden dowel in 1944.</custEvent>
<custEvent when="2014-08"> In August 2014 when the mask was removed from its display case for cleaning, the
beard fell off again. Those working in the museum unadvisedly used a quick-drying epoxy to attempt to fix
it, but left the beard off-centre. </custEvent>
<custEvent when="2015-01">The damage was noticed and repaired in January 2015 by a German-Egyptian team who
used beeswax, a material known to be used as adhesives by the ancient Egyptians.</custEvent>
<!-- Inside <standOff>: --><listObject>
<object xml:id="Alfred-Jewel">
<country>United Kingdom</country>
<institution>University of Oxford</institution>
<repository>Ashmolean Museum</repository>
<collection>English Treasures</collection>
<idno type="ashmolean">AN1836p.135.371</idno>
<idno type="wikipedia">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Jewel</idno>
<objectName>Alfred Jewel</objectName>
<p>The Alfred Jewel is about 6.4 cm in length and is made of combination of filigreed <material>gold</material>
surrounding a polished teardrop shaped piece of transparent <material>quartz</material>. Underneath the rock
crystal is a cloisonné enamel image of a man with ecclesiastical symbols. The sides of the jewel holding the
crystal in place contain an openwork inscription saying "AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN", meaning 'Alfred ordered me
<origin>It is generally accepted that the Alfred Jewel dates from the <origDate>late 9th Century</origDate> and
was most likely made in <origPlace>England</origPlace>. </origin>
<provenance when="1693">The jewel was discovered in 1693 at Petherton Park, North Petherton in the English county
of Somerset, on land owned by Sir Thomas Wroth. North Petherton is about 8 miles away from Athelney, where King
Alfred founded a monastery. </provenance>
<provenance when="1698">A description of the Alfred Jewel was first published in 1698, in the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society.</provenance>
<acquisition> It was bequeathed to Oxford University by Colonel Nathaniel Palmer (c. 1661-1718) and today is in
the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. </acquisition>
<!-- Inside <text>: -->
<p> The <objectName ref="#MinsterLovellJewel">Minster Lovell Jewel</objectName> is probably the most similar to the
<objectName ref="#Alfred-Jewel">Alfred Jewel</objectName> and was found in <placeName ref="#MinsterLovell">Minster
Lovell</placeName> in <placeName ref="#Oxfordshire">Oxfordshire</placeName> and is kept at the <orgName ref="#AshmoleanMuseum">Ashmolean Museum</orgName>.
There is no restriction on the form, size, or type of object that may be described by an object element, however, some objects may be more adequately described by a place element depending on context. Where a description of an object is being provided in terms of identification, physical characteristics, or history, then an object element may be preferred. Where metadata is being recorded about the geo-political location, population, or similar traits, then the place element may be better suited. A corresponding relation between an object description and place may be recorded through the use of the corresp attribute. An example of a large object that might be described with the object element could be a building such as the Central Library of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
<objectName type="abbr">The Central Library of UNAM</objectName>
<objectName type="full">The Central Library of the National Autonomous University of Mexico</objectName>
<objectName xml:lang="es">La Biblioteca Central de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México</objectName>
<settlement>Mexico City</settlement>
<p>The Central Library encompasses an area of <dim unit="m" quantity="16000"
type="area">16 thousand square
meters</dim> and is built on a three meter platform. The base contains two <material>basalt</material>
<objectType>fountains</objectType> and <objectType>decorative reliefs</objectType> inspired by
pre-Hispanic art.</p>
<p>The library has ten windowless floors for book storage, each having enough space for 120 thousand volumes.
These storage areas have the necessary lighting, temperature and humidty conditions for book conservation.
In the reading room, flanked by a garden on each side, the diffuse and matte light is filtered through
<material>thin tecali stone slabs</material>. The semi-basement of the building contains the service
and administrative offices of the library.</p>
<p>The building facades are covered with one of the largest murals in the world and is made from naturally
colored stone tiles. It is entitled <title>Historical Representation of Culture</title> and is by
<persName role="artist">Juan O'Gorman</persName>.</p>
<label>Base</label> At the base of the building there are two basalt fountains and decorative reliefs
around the outside that are inspired by pre-Hispanic art. The color of the stone in these elements is left
exposed to take advantage of the stone's texture as an aesthetic and expressive element, and to give a
sense of continuity to the external pavement.</decoNote>
<p>The outside windowless portion of the building contains one of the largest murals in the world. This is
called <title>Historical Representation of the Culture</title> and is a <material>stone polychromatic
mosaic</material> based on the combination of 12 basic colors. The mural is created in an
impressionist style where the coloured tiles when seen from a distance form specific figures. The 12
colors where chosen from 150 samples of original stones with the criteria including the stone's
resistance to degredation by weather. According to the artist, <persName role="artist">Juan
O'Gorman</persName>, in the mosaic he represented three fundamental historical facets of the Mexican
culture: the pre-Hispanic era, the Spanish colonial era, and the modern age. For example with the North
Wall, this represents the pre-Hispanic era and is dominated by mythical elements relating to the
life-death duality. The left side of the main axis there are
deities and scenes pertaining to the creation of life. The right hand side of the mural contains figures
relating to death. For a more detailed description see <ref target="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Library_(UNAM)#Murals">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Library_(UNAM)#Murals</ref>.</p>
<origin> In <origDate when="1948" type="conceptual">1948</origDate> the architect and artist Juan O'Gorman, in
collaboration with architects Gustavo Saavedra and Juan Martinez de Velasco designed the building with a
functionalist approach, as part of the greater project of the construction of the University City on the
grounds of the Pedregal de San Angel in Mexico City. Originally the building was planned to host the National
Library and National Newspaper Library of Mexico. The library finally opened its doors for the first time on
<origDate when="1956-04-05"
type="opening">5 April 1956</origDate>. In July 2007 it was declared a UNESCO
world heritage site. </origin>
<custEvent from="1981" to="1983"> The library was significantly remodelled from 1981 - 1983 with the
purpose of changing from closed shelving to open stacks, providing users more direct access to the
collections. </custEvent>
TEI: Names and Nyms¶13.3.6 Names and Nyms
So far we have discussed ways in which a name or referring string encountered in running text may be resolved by considering the object that the name refers to: in the case of a personal name, the name refers to a person; in the case of a place name, to a place, for example. The resolution of this reference is effected by means of the key or ref attributes available to all elements which are members of the att.naming class, such as persName or placeName and their more specialized variants such as forename or country. However, names can also be regarded as objects in their own right, irrespective of the objects to which they are attached, notably in onomastic studies. From this point of view, the names John in English, Jean in French, and Ivan in Russian might all be regarded as existing independently of any person to which they are attached, and also independently of any variant forms that might be attested in different sources (such as Jon or Johnny in English, or Jehan or Jojo in French). We use the term nym to refer to the canonical or normalized form of a name regarded in such a way, and provide the following elements to encode it:
- listNym (list of canonical names) 別名,すなわち,一般的に使われている名前のリストを示す.
- nym (canonical name) 各種名前の,標準的な名前または名前の部分の定義を示す.
<nym xml:id="N123">
<!-- other nym definitions here -->
<!-- ... -->
<person xml:id="BLT">
<persName>Tony Blair</persName>
<orth xml:lang="en-US">Ian</orth>
<orth xml:lang="en-x-Scots">Iain</orth>
<etym>Means <gloss>favoured by God</gloss> from the <lang>Slavic</lang> elements <mentioned xml:lang="ru">bog</mentioned>
<gloss>God</gloss> and <mentioned xml:lang="ru">mil</mentioned>
<seg type="morph">
<seg type="morph">
<nym xml:id="M1" type="part">
<form xml:lang="la">Iohannes</form>
<nym xml:id="J450">
<form xml:lang="en">John</form>
<nym xml:id="J4501">
<nym xml:id="J4502">
<nym xml:id="J455">
<form xml:lang="ru">Ivan</form>
<nym xml:id="J453">
<form xml:lang="fr">Jean</form>
<geogFeat xml:lang="gd" nymRef="#LAIRG">Lairig</geogFeat>
</geogName> ... <nym xml:id="LAIRG">
<form xml:lang="gd">lairig</form>
<def>sloping hill face</def>
</nym> ...
As noted above, use of these elements implies that both the dictionaries and the namesdates modules are included in a schema.
TEI: Dates¶13.4 Dates
The following elements for the encoding of dates and times were introduced in section 3.6.4 Dates and Times:
The current module namesdates provides a mechanism for more detailed encoding of relative dates and times. A relative temporal expression describes a date or time with reference to some other (absolute) temporal expression, and thus may contain an offset element in addition to one or more date or time elements:
- offset (offset) 当該表現に含まれている2つの場所名,日付,時間のオフセットの方向を示 す,相対的な時空表現の部分を示す.
As members of the att.datable and att.duration classes, which in turn are members of att.datable.w3c and att.duration.w3c respectively, the date and time elements share the following attributes:
- att.datable.w3c W3CのXML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Editionに準拠した年代測定可能なイベントを含む要素の正規化に関する属性を提供する.
when 標準形式での日付や時刻を提供する.たとえば、yyyy-mm-dd - att.duration.w3c 正規化された時間幅を示す属性を提供する.
dur (時間幅) 時間幅を示す.
TEI: Relative Dates and Times ¶13.4.1 Relative Dates and Times
As noted above, relative dates and times such as ‘in the Two Hundredth and First Year of the Republic’, ‘twenty minutes before noon’, and, more ambiguously, ‘after the lamented death of the Doctor’ or ‘an hour after the game’ have two distinct components. As well as the absolute temporal expression or event to which reference is made (e.g. ‘noon’, ‘the game’, ‘the death of the Doctor’, ‘[the foundation of] the Republic’), they also contain a description of the ‘distance’ between the time or date which is indicated and the referent expression (e.g. ‘the Two Hundredth and First Year’, ‘twenty minutes’, ‘an hour’); and (optionally) an ‘offset’ describing the direction of the distance between the time or date indicated and the referent expression (e.g. ‘of’ implying after, ‘before’, ‘after’).
The ‘distance’ component of a relative temporal expression may be encoded as a temporal element in its own right using either date or time, or with the more generic measure element. A special element, offset, is provided by this module for encoding the ‘offset’ component of a relative temporal expression. The absolute temporal expression contained within the relative expression may be encoded with a date or time element; in turn, those elements may of course be relative, and thus contain date or time elements within themselves. This allows for deeply nested structures such as ‘the third Sunday after the first Monday before Lammastide in the fifth year of the King's second marriage ... ’ but so does natural language.
<date dur="P14D">A fortnight</date>
<date when="1786-12-25" type="holiday">Christmas 1786</date>
<time dur="PT30M0S">precisely half an hour</time>
<time when="13:45:00" type="occasion">the departure of the afternoon train to Boston</time>
<date>A week</date>
<date when="--12-09">
<date type="occasion">my birthday</date> on <date>9th December</date>
<date>A week</date>
<date type="occasion" when="--12-16">my birthday</date> on <date>9th December</date>
nucleus of immorality and wickedness; it sends our multitudes to pollute and demoralize the country.
<f name="event">
<string>the Fair</string>
<f name="place">
<f name="year">
<numeric value="1850"/>
<f name="from-value">
<f name="to-value">
TEI: Absolute Dates and Times¶13.4.2 Absolute Dates and Times
The following are examples of absolute temporal expressions.
produced a stinging attack by Edmund Burke in the Commons debate of <date when="1775-10-26">26 October
New York, <date type="occasion" when="--01-01">New Year's Day</date> is the quietest of holidays, <date when="--07-04" type="occasion">Independence Day</date> the most turbulent.
when="13:45:00-05:00"> a quarter of two </time>
TEI: More Expressive Normalizations¶13.4.3 More Expressive Normalizations
The attributes for normalization of dates and times so far described use a standard format defined by XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition. This format is widely accepted and has significant software support. It is essentially a profile of ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times. The full ISO standard provides formats not available in the W3C recommendation, for example, the capability to refer to a date by its ordinal date or week date, or to refer to a century. It also provides ways of indicating duration and range.
- att.datable.iso ISO8601に従い,時間事象の正規的方法を示す属性を示す.
when-iso 日付や時間を,標準形式で示す. notBefore-iso 当該事象の一番古い日付を,標準形式で示す.例えば,yyyy-mm-dd. notAfter-iso 当該事象の一番新しい日付を,標準形式で示す.例えば,yyyy-mm-dd. from-iso 当該時間幅の,始点を標準形で示す. to-iso 当該時間幅の,終点を標準形で示す. - att.duration.iso 正規化された時間幅を記す属性を提供する.
dur-iso (時間幅) 当該時間の長さを示す.
<date from="1301" dur="P100Y">fourteenth century</date>
<date when-iso="1301/1400">fourteenth century</date>
<date when-iso="1301/P100Y">fourteenth century</date>
TEI: Using Non-Gregorian Calendars¶13.4.4 Using Non-Gregorian Calendars
All date-related encoding described above makes use of the Gregorian calendar, on which both the ISO and W3C datetime formats are based. However, historical texts often pre-date the invention of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century, or its adoption in Europe over the following centuries, and many other calendars are used in texts from other cultures and contexts. Non-Gregorian dates can be encoded using methods described below.
First, a Calendar Description element needs to be supplied in the teiHeader as described in 2.4.5 Calendar Description:
<calendar xml:id="Julian_England">
<p>The Julian calendar, as used in late 16th-century England.</p>
- att.datable 日付や時間または時間事象を含む要素の正規化手法を示す属性を示す.
calendar この要素を含むコンテントにおける日付の暦やシステムを示す. - att.datable.custom 年代を特定できるイベントを含む要素を(たとえば、 W3CやISOで用いられるグレゴリオ暦以外の)なんらかの暦システムで正規化する属性を提供する.
when-custom 何らかの標準的な準形式で、日付や時刻の値を示す. notBefore-custom 何らかの標準的な形式で、あるイベントに関して「この時点より前ではない」という日付を示す. notAfter-custom 何らかの標準的な形式で、あるイベントに関して「この時点より後ではない」という日付を示す. from-custom 何らかの標準的な形式で期間の開始時点を示す. to-custom 何らかの標準的な形式で期間の終了時点を示す. datingMethod ここで提供するポインタは,calendar 要素や慣習的な日付をあらわす属性値を解釈する方法を指す。
his Inauguration into the Maioraltie of London, on Monday being the <date when-custom="1620-10-30"
datingMethod="#julianEngland" calendar="#julianEngland"> 30. of October, 1620. </date>
when="1620-11-09" datingMethod="#julianEngland"
calendar="#julianEngland"> 30. of
October, 1620. </date>
TEI: Module for Names and Dates¶13.5 Module for Names and Dates
The module described in this chapter makes available the following components:
- モジュール namesdates: 名前モジュール
- 定義済み要素: addName affiliation age birth bloc climate country death district education event faith floruit forename genName geo geogFeat geogName langKnowledge langKnown listEvent listNym listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation location nameLink nationality nym object objectIdentifier objectName occupation offset org orgName persName persPronouns person personGrp persona place placeName population region relation residence roleName settlement sex socecStatus state surname terrain trait
- 定義済みクラス: att.datable.custom att.datable.iso model.persNamePart
The selection and combination of modules to form a TEI schema is described in 1.2 Defining a TEI Schema.