TEI 부호화 스키마의 모든 요소에 공통 속성을 제공한다. [ Global Attributes]
모듈tei — The TEI Infrastructure
원소TEI ab abbr abstract accMat acquisition activity actor add addName addSpan additional additions addrLine address adminInfo affiliation age alt altGrp altIdent altIdentifier alternate am analytic anchor annotation annotationBlock anyElement app appInfo application arc argument att attDef attList attRef author authority availability back bibl biblFull biblScope biblStruct bicond binary binaryObject binding bindingDesc birth bloc body broadcast byline c cRefPattern caesura calendar calendarDesc camera caption case castGroup castItem castList catDesc catRef catchwords category cb cell certainty change channel char charDecl charName charProp choice cit citeData citeStructure citedRange cl classCode classDecl classRef classSpec classes climate closer code collation collection colloc colophon cond condition constitution constraint constraintSpec content conversion corr correction correspAction correspContext correspDesc country creation custEvent custodialHist damage damageSpan dataFacet dataRef dataSpec datatype date dateline death decoDesc decoNote def default defaultVal del delSpan depth derivation desc dictScrap dim dimensions distinct distributor district div div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 divGen docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle domain eLeaf eTree edition editionStmt editor editorialDecl education eg egXML elementRef elementSpec email emph empty encodingDesc entry entryFree epigraph epilogue equipment equiv etym event ex exemplum expan explicit extent f fDecl fDescr fLib facsimile factuality faith figDesc figure fileDesc filiation finalRubric floatingText floruit foliation foreign forename forest form formula front fs fsConstraints fsDecl fsDescr fsdDecl fsdLink funder fvLib fw g gap gb gen genName geo geoDecl geogFeat geogName gi gloss glyph glyphName gram gramGrp graph graphic group handDesc handNote handNotes handShift head headItem headLabel height heraldry hi history hom hyph hyphenation iNode iType ident idno if iff imprimatur imprint incident incipit index institution interaction interp interpGrp interpretation item join joinGrp keywords kinesic l label lacunaEnd lacunaStart lang langKnowledge langKnown langUsage language layout layoutDesc lb lbl leaf lem lg licence line link linkGrp list listAnnotation listApp listBibl listChange listEvent listForest listNym listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listPrefixDef listRef listRelation listTranspose listWit localName localProp locale location locus locusGrp m macroRef macroSpec mapping material measure measureGrp media meeting memberOf mentioned metDecl metSym metamark milestone mod model modelGrp modelSequence moduleRef moduleSpec monogr mood move msContents msDesc msFrag msIdentifier msItem msItemStruct msName msPart musicNotation name nameLink namespace nationality node normalization notatedMusic note noteGrp notesStmt num number numeric nym oRef object objectDesc objectIdentifier objectName objectType occupation offset opener org orgName orig origDate origPlace origin orth outputRendition p pRef param paramList paramSpec particDesc path pause pb pc per performance persName persPronouns person personGrp persona phr physDesc place placeName population pos postBox postCode postscript precision prefixDef preparedness principal profileDesc projectDesc prologue pron provenance ptr pubPlace publicationStmt publisher punctuation purpose q quotation quote rb rdg rdgGrp re recordHist recording recordingStmt redo ref refState refsDecl reg region relatedItem relation remarks rendition repository residence resp respStmt respons restore retrace revisionDesc rhyme role roleDesc roleName root row rs rt rubric ruby s said salute samplingDecl schemaRef schemaSpec scriptDesc scriptNote scriptStmt seal sealDesc secFol secl seg segmentation sense sequence series seriesStmt set setting settingDesc settlement sex shift sic signatures signed soCalled socecStatus sound source sourceDesc sourceDoc sp spGrp space span spanGrp speaker specDesc specGrp specGrpRef specList sponsor stage stamp standOff state stdVals street stress string styleDefDecl subc subst substJoin summary superEntry supplied support supportDesc surface surfaceGrp surname surplus surrogates syll symbol table tag tagUsage tagsDecl taxonomy tech teiCorpus teiHeader term terrain text textClass textDesc textLang textNode then time timeline title titlePage titlePart titleStmt tns trailer trait transcriptionDesc transpose tree triangle typeDesc typeNote u unclear undo unicodeName unicodeProp unihanProp unit unitDecl unitDef usg vAlt vColl vDefault vLabel vMerge vNot vRange val valDesc valItem valList value variantEncoding view vocal w watermark when width wit witDetail witEnd witStart witness writing xenoData xr zone
속성 (@rend, @style, @rendition) (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select) (@ana) (@facs) (@change) (@cert, @resp) (@source)
xml:id(확인소) 속성을 포함하는 요소에 대한 고유한 확인소를 제공한다.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 ID
n(수) 요소의 번호(또는 다른 표지)를 제시하며, 문서 내에서 반드시 고유값일 필요는 없다.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 teidata.text
xml:lang(언어) BCP 47에 따라 생성된 ‘tag’를 사용하는 요소 내용의 언어를 나타낸다.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 teidata.language
<p> … The consequences of
this rapid depopulation were the loss of the last
<foreign xml:lang="rap">ariki</foreign> or chief
(Routledge 1920:205,210) and their connections to
ancestral territorial organization.</p>
xml:base애플리케이션이 상대 URI 참조를 절대 URI 참조로 해결할 수 있게 해 주는 기본 URI 참조를 제공한다.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 teidata.pointer
<div type="bibl">
 <listBibl xml:base="">
    <name>Landon, Letitia Elizabeth</name>
   <ref target="LandLVowOf.sgm">
    <title>The Vow of the Peacock</title>
    <name>Compton, Margaret Clephane</name>
   <ref target="NortMIrene.sgm">
    <title>Irene, a Poem in Six Cantos</title>
    <name>Taylor, Jane</name>
   <ref target="TaylJEssay.sgm">
    <title>Essays in Rhyme on Morals and Manners</title>
xml:spacesignals an intention about how white space should be managed by applications.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 teidata.enumerated
적법한 값은:
signals that the application's default white-space processing modes are acceptable
indicates the intent that applications preserve all white space