<annotation> represents an annotation following the Web Annotation Data Model . [16.10 The standOff Container ]組件 linking — Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment 屬性 屬性att.global (xml:id , @n, @xml:lang, @xml:base, @xml:space) att.global.rendition (@rend, @style, @rendition) att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select) att.global.analytic (@ana) att.global.facs (@facs) att.global.change (@change) att.global.responsibility (@cert, @resp) att.global.source (@source) att.pointing (target , @targetLang, @evaluate) xml:id xml:id ¶ (identifier) 提供一個獨特識別符碼,識別帶有該屬性的元素。 target target ¶ 用一個或多個統一資源識別符參照 (URI References) 來說明參照所指位置。 motivation motivation ¶ 狀態 非必備的 資料類型 1–∞ 次可出現: teidata.enumerated 以空白鍵隔開 合法的值是: assessing intent is to assess the target resource in some way, rather than simply make a comment about it bookmarking intent is to create a bookmark to the target or part thereof classifying intent is to classify the target in some way commenting intent is to comment about the target describing intent is to describe the target, rather than (for example) comment on it editing intent is to request an edit or a change to the target resource highlighting intent is to highlight the target resource or a segment thereof identifying intent is to assign an identity to the target linking intent is to link to a resource related to the target moderating intent is to assign some value or quality to the target questioning intent is to ask a question about the target replying intent is to reply to a previous statement, either an annotation or another resource tagging intent is to associate a tag with the target
俱乐部会员 可包含在於 可包含 例子 <annotation xml:id ="ann1 " motivation ="linking " target ="#Gallia "> <respStmt xml:id ="fred "> <resp> creator
</resp> <persName> Fred Editor
</persName> </respStmt> <revisionDesc> <change status ="created " when ="2020-05-21T13:59:00Z " who ="#fred "/> <change status ="modified " when ="2020-05-21T19:48:00Z " who ="#fred "/> </revisionDesc> <licence target ="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "/> <ptr target ="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6) "/> <ptr target ="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7) "/> </annotation> 例子 <annotation xml:id ="TheCorrectTitle " motivation ="commenting " target ="#line1 "> <note> The correct title of this specification, and the correct full name of XML, is
"Extensible Markup Language". "eXtensible Markup Language" is just a spelling error.
However, the abbreviation "XML" is not only correct but, appearing as it does in the title
of the specification, an official name of the Extensible Markup Language.
</note> </annotation> Content model <content> <sequence> <elementRef key ="respStmt " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs ="unbounded "/> <elementRef key ="revisionDesc " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs ="unbounded "/> <elementRef key ="licence " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs ="unbounded "/> <classRef key ="model.annotationPart.body " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs ="unbounded "/> </sequence> </content> 宣告 簡潔式轉到XML式 XML式轉到簡潔式 <rng:element name ="annotation "> <rng:ref name ="att.global.attribute.n "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.attribute.xmllang "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.attribute.xmlbase "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.attribute.xmlspace "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.rendition.attribute.rend "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.rendition.attribute.style "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.rendition.attribute.rendition "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.corresp "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.synch "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.next "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.prev "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.exclude "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.linking.attribute.select "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.analytic.attribute.ana "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.facs.attribute.facs "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.change.attribute.change "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.responsibility.attribute.cert "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.responsibility.attribute.resp "/> <rng:ref name ="att.global.source.attribute.source "/> <rng:ref name ="att.pointing.attribute.targetLang "/> <rng:ref name ="att.pointing.attribute.evaluate "/> <rng:attribute name ="xml:id "> <rng:data type ="ID "/> </rng:attribute> <rng:attribute name ="target "> <rng:list> <rng:oneOrMore> <rng:ref name ="teidata.pointer "/> </rng:oneOrMore> </rng:list> </rng:attribute> <rng:optional> <rng:attribute name ="motivation "> <rng:list> <rng:oneOrMore> <rng:choice> <rng:value> assessing</rng:value> <rng:value> bookmarking</rng:value> <rng:value> classifying</rng:value> <rng:value> commenting</rng:value> <rng:value> describing</rng:value> <rng:value> editing</rng:value> <rng:value> highlighting</rng:value> <rng:value> identifying</rng:value> <rng:value> linking</rng:value> <rng:value> moderating</rng:value> <rng:value> questioning</rng:value> <rng:value> replying</rng:value> <rng:value> tagging</rng:value> </rng:choice> </rng:oneOrMore> </rng:list> </rng:attribute> </rng:optional> <rng:group> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name ="respStmt "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name ="revisionDesc "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name ="licence "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:zeroOrMore> <rng:ref name ="model.annotationPart.body "/> </rng:zeroOrMore> </rng:group> </rng:element>
element annotation
att.global.attribute.n ,
att.global.attribute.xmllang ,
att.global.attribute.xmlbase ,
att.global.attribute.xmlspace ,
att.global.rendition.attribute.rend ,
att.global.rendition.attribute.style ,
att.global.rendition.attribute.rendition ,
att.global.linking.attribute.corresp ,
att.global.linking.attribute.synch ,
att.global.linking.attribute.sameAs ,
att.global.linking.attribute.copyOf ,
att.global.linking.attribute.next ,
att.global.linking.attribute.prev ,
att.global.linking.attribute.exclude ,
att.global.linking.attribute.select ,
att.global.analytic.attribute.ana ,
att.global.facs.attribute.facs ,
att.global.change.attribute.change ,
att.global.responsibility.attribute.cert ,
att.global.responsibility.attribute.resp ,
att.global.source.attribute.source ,
att.pointing.attribute.targetLang ,
att.pointing.attribute.evaluate ,
attribute xml:id { xsd:ID },
attribute target { list { teidata.pointer + } },
attribute motivation
| "bookmarking"
| "classifying"
| "commenting"
| "describing"
| "editing"
| "highlighting"
| "identifying"
| "linking"
| "moderating"
| "questioning"
| "replying"
| "tagging"
( respStmt *, revisionDesc *, licence *, model.annotationPart.body * )