付録 B Attribute Classes

⚓︎付録 B.1 About the Attribute Classes Appendix

This appendix gives you a list of attribute classes and links to the reference pages for them. There are 81 distinctly-named attribute classes in revision f18deffba of TEI P5 Version 4.6.0 of the TEI Guidelines.

[analysis] 分析モジュール

att.lexicographic.normalized att.linguistic att.global.analytic

[core] コアモジュール


[dictionaries] 辞書モジュール

att.entryLike att.lexicographic

[figures] 図表式モジュール


[gaiji] 外字モジュール


[header] ヘダーモジュール

att.citeStructurePart att.patternReplacement

[linking] リンクモジュール


[msdescription] 手書きモジュール

att.msExcerpt att.msClass

[namesdates] 名前モジュール

att.datable.custom att.datable.iso

[spoken] 発話モジュール


[tagdocs] タグ定義モジュール

att.translatable att.predicate att.repeatable att.combinable att.identified att.deprecated att.namespaceable

[tei] 全TEIモジュールで使用可能なデータ型,クラス,マクロ.

att.anchoring att.ascribed att.ascribed.directed att.canonical att.ranging att.dimensions att.written att.damaged att.breaking att.cReferencing att.datable.w3c att.datable att.datcat att.declarable att.declaring att.fragmentable att.divLike att.docStatus att.duration.w3c att.global.responsibility att.editLike att.global.rendition att.global.source att.global att.handFeatures att.internetMedia att.media att.resourced att.interpLike att.measurement att.naming att.notated att.placement att.typed att.pointing att.pointing.group att.scoping att.segLike att.sortable att.edition att.spanning att.styleDef att.timed att.transcriptional att.citing att.formula att.locatable att.partials att.personal att.duration.iso

[textcrit] 校勘モジュール

att.rdgPart att.witnessed att.textCritical

[transcr] 転記モジュール

att.global.facs att.global.change att.coordinated

[verse] 韻文モジュール

att.metrical att.enjamb

[English] [Deutsch] [Español] [Italiano] [Français] [日本語] [한국어] [中文]

TEI Guidelines Version 4.6.0. Last updated on 4th April 2023, revision f18deffba. This page generated on 2023-04-04T17:28:00Z.