In the following example, the translator has supplied a footnote containing an explanation
of the term translated as "painterly":
And yet it is not only
in the great line of Italian renaissance art, but even in the
<note place="bottom" type="gloss"
resp="#MDMH"> <term xml:lang="de">Malerisch
</term>. This word has, in the German, two
distinct meanings, one objective, a quality residing in the object,
the other subjective, a mode of apprehension and creation. To avoid
confusion, they have been distinguished in English as
</mentioned> and
</mentioned> respectively.
</note> style of the
Dutch genre painters of the seventeenth century that drapery has this
psychological significance.
<respStmt xml:id="MDMH"> <resp>translation from German to English
</resp> <name>Hottinger, Marie Donald Mackie