Beispiel: <location> (location)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <location> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <location> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

14 Names, Dates, People, and Places

<eventName> (en)

 <event from="1939-09-01to="1945-09-02">
  <eventName xml:lang="de">Zweiter Weltkrieg</eventName>
  <eventName xml:lang="en">World War II</eventName>
  <idno type="GND"></idno>
  <idno type="Wikidata"></idno>
  <event from="1939-09-01to="1939-10-06"

   <eventName xml:lang="de">Überfall auf Polen</eventName>
   <eventName xml:lang="en">Invasion of Poland</eventName>
   <idno type="GND"></idno>
   <idno type="LOC"></idno>
   <listPlace type="affected">
     <placeName xml:lang="pl">Gdańsk</placeName>
      <geo>54.350556 18.652778</geo>
  <event from="1941-06-22to="1945-05-09">
   <eventName xml:lang="de">Deutsch-Sowjetischer Krieg</eventName>
   <eventName xml:lang="ru">Великая Отечественная война</eventName>
   <idno type="GND"></idno>
   <idno type="Wikidata"></idno>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<eventName> (en)

<event from="2019-09-16to="2019-09-20"

 <eventName type="full">TEI 2019: What is text, really? TEI and beyond</eventName>
 <eventName type="short">TEI 2019</eventName>
 <note> The abstract leading to the <gi>eventName</gi> element is available at <ref target=""></ref>.
   Other related documents are available through <ref target=""></ref>, as well as in the
 <ref target="">TEI 2019 Zenodo community</ref>.
 <listPerson type="LocalOrganizers">
 <place xml:lang="de">
  <placeName>Universität Graz</placeName>
    <addrLine>ReSoWi Gebäude</addrLine>
    <addrLine>Universitätsstraße 15</addrLine>
   <geo>15.451651587656 47.078215112534</geo>
  <relation active="#tei2019graz"

Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

14.3.1 Basic Principles

<place xml:id="Rome">
  <geo>41.891775 12.486137</geo>
 <idno type="Pleiades">423025</idno>
 <note>capital of the Roman Empire</note>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="LYON1type="city">
 <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
 <placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
  <geo>45.769559 4.834843</geo>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="LYON2">
 <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
 <placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="BGbldgtype="building">
 <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
  <country key="FR"/>
  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>
  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>
  <placeName type="street">
   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="Atltype="imaginary">
  <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="MYF">
 <placeName notAfter="1969">Yasgur's Farm</placeName>
 <placeName notBefore="1969">Woodstock Festival Site</placeName>
  <measure>one mile</measure>
  <offset>north west of</offset>
  <region>New York</region>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="locCAtype="cemetery">
 <placeName>Protestant Cemetery</placeName>
 <placeName type="officialxml:lang="it">Cimitero Acattolico</placeName>
 <location type="geopolitical">
 <location type="address">
   <addrLine>Via Caio Cestio, 6</addrLine>
   <addrLine>00153 Roma</addrLine>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

<place xml:id="locLyontype="city">
 <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
 <placeName notAfter="0640">Lugdunum</placeName>
     <gml:LinearRing> 45.256 -110.45 46.46 -109.48 43.84 -109.86 45.8 -109.2 45.256 -110.45 </gml:LinearRing>
⚓︎ Varieties of Location

 <geo>53.226658 -0.541254</geo>
  <title>Roman Inscriptions of Britain</title>, <idno>262</idno>
⚓︎ Multiple Places

<place xml:id="pl-c-Htype="county">
 <listPlace type="villages">
  <place xml:id="pl-v-AD">
   <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
    <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
  <place xml:id="pl-v-AB">
   <placeName>Acton Beauchamp</placeName>
<!-- ... -->
 <listPlace type="towns">
  <place xml:id="pl-t-H">
  <place xml:id="pl-t-L">
<!-- ... -->
⚓︎ States, Traits, and Events

<place xml:id="IS">
 <placeName xml:lang="en">Iceland</placeName>
 <placeName xml:lang="is">Ísland</placeName>
  <geo>65.00 -18.00</geo>
  <desc>Area: 103,000 sq km</desc>
 <state type="governancenotBefore="1944">
  <p>Constitutional republic</p>
 <state type="governancenotAfter="1944">
  <p>Part of the kingdom of <placeName key="DK">Denmark</placeName>
 <event type="governancewhen="1944-06-17">
  <desc>Iceland became independent on 17 June 1944.</desc>
 <state type="governancefrom="1944-06-17">
  <p>An independent republic since June 1944</p>

<event> (en)

 <event when="1618-05-23"

  <eventName>1618 Defenestration of Prague</eventName>
  <listPerson type="defenstrated">
    <persName>Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic</persName>
    <idno type="GND"></idno>
    <persName>Vilém Slavata z Chlumu a Košumberka</persName>
    <idno type="GND"></idno>
    <persName>Filip Fabricius</persName>
    <idno type="GND"></idno>
  <place xml:id="Prague">
 <event from="1618to="1648"

  <eventName>Thirty Years’ War</eventName>
  <event when="1643-03-19"

   <eventName>Battle of Rocroi</eventName>
   <idno type="Wikidata"></idno>
   <idno type="GND"></idno>
   <place xml:id="Rocroi">
     <geo decls="#WGS">49.926111 4.522222</geo>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<event> (en)

<listEvent type="generated">
 <event xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001"

  <head>Nr. 1 Ministerrat, Wien, 1. April 1848</head>
  <label>Ministerratssitzung <date when="1848-04-01">1848-04-01</date>, aus Band 1 1/1, März 1848–21. November 1848</label>
  <listEvent type="agenda_items">
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>I. Enthebung Baron Karl Friedrich v. Kübecks als Finanzminister und Ernennung des Freiherrn Philipp v. Krauß zu seinem Nachfolger</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>II. Ernennung FML. Peter Zaninis zum Kriegsminister</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>III. Öffentliche Erklärung über die konstitutionellen Grundsätze; Umformung des Staatsrates</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>IV. Kriegserklärung Sardiniens; Vorgehen Radetzkys; Bestellung eines Hofkommissärs für Lombardo-Venetien</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>V. Beeidigung der Minister</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>VI. Tumulte im Kärntnertortheater</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>VII. Bewegung der tschechischen demokratischen Partei; Berufung Paul Josef Safaiřiks nach Wien</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>VIII. Behandlung der aus Lombardo-Venetien vertriebenen Justiz- und politischen Beamten</label>
   <event type="agenda_item"

    <label>IX. Besetzung der Landeschef- und Ständepräsidentenposten in Prag; böhmische Deputation in Wien</label>
  <listPerson type="attendants">
   <person role="chair">
    <persName ref="">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="">
   <person role="attendant">
    <persName ref="">
   <person role="signed-protocol">
    <persName ref="">
    <note>BdE. <date when="1848-04-02">2. 4.</date>
   <person role="signed-protocol">
    <persName ref="">
     <surname>Franz Karl</surname>
    <note>BdE. <date when="1848-04-02">2. 4.</date>
   <place xml:id="Wien">
    <placeName xml:lang="de">Wien</placeName>
    <placeName xml:lang="en">Vienna</placeName>
     <geo>48.208199 16.37169</geo>
    <idno type="GeoNames"></idno>
<!-- ... -->
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<geo> (en)

<geoDecl xml:id="WGSdatum="WGS84">World Geodetic System</geoDecl>
<geoDecl xml:id="OSdatum="OSGB36">Ordnance Survey</geoDecl>
<!-- ... -->
 <desc>A tombstone plus six lines of
   Anglo-Saxon text, built into the west tower (on the south side
   of the archway, at 8 ft. above the ground) of the
   Church of St. Mary-le-Wigford in Lincoln.</desc>
 <geo decls="#WGS">53.226658 -0.541254</geo>
 <geo decls="#OS">SK 97481 70947</geo>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<location> (en)

 <placeName>Abbey Dore</placeName>
  <geo>51.969604 -2.893146</geo>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<location> (en)

<place xml:id="BGbuildingtype="building">
 <placeName>Brasserie Georges</placeName>
  <country key="FR"/>
  <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
  <district type="arrondissement">IIème</district>
  <district type="quartier">Perrache</district>
  <placeName type="street">
   <num>30</num>, Cours de Verdun</placeName>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<location> (en)

<place type="imaginary">
  <placeName>The Pillars of <persName>Hercules</persName>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

14.3.5 Events

<!-- ========= events ========= -->
  <event xml:id="DB-3Fwhere="#WWIIEast"

   <head>Luftwaffe shoots down Ilyushin Il-4</head>
   <head type="short">DB-3F</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="7000"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-IC">Іван Чиссов</persName>
  <event xml:id="SCPwhere="#l-GSN"

   <head>Snap, Crackle, Pop is shot down by German flak</head>
   <head type="short">B-17</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="6700"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-AM">Alan Magee</persName>
  <event xml:id="DS664where="#l-Obe"

   <head>Avro Lancaster shot down by Junkers Ju 88</head>
   <head type="short">Lancaster</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="5490"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-NA">Nicholas Alkemade</persName>
  <event xml:id="LANSA508where="#l-PI"

   <head>LANSA 508 struck by lightning</head>
   <head type="short">Amazon rainforest</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="3000"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-JK">Juliane Diller (née Koepcke)</persName>
  <event xml:id="jat367where="#l-Seb"

   <head>Bombing of Yugoslav Airlines Flight 367</head>
   <head type="short">JAT 367</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="10050"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-VV">Весна Вуловић</persName>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <event xml:id="BGwhere="#l-KorZ"

   <head>SAS parachute failure</head>
   <head type="short">Bear Grylls</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="4877"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-BG"/>
  <event xml:id="CMwhere="#l-Joh"

   <head>Johannesburg parachute failure</head>
   <head type="short">Christine McKenzie</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="3353"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-CM">Christine McKenzie</persName>
  <event xml:id="JBKwhere="#l-Kam"

   <head>Cameraman fails to open chute</head>
   <head type="short">Sport videographer</head>
   <ab type="altitude">
    <measure unit="mquantity="1829"/>
   <ab type="survivor">
    <persName ref="#p-JB"/>
<!-- ========= places ========= -->
  <place xml:id="l-GSN">
   <placeName xml:lang="fr">Gare de Saint-Nazaire</placeName>
    <geo>47.28657 -2.21171</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-Joh">
    <country>South Africa</country>
    <region type="province">Gauteng</region>
  <place xml:id="l-Kam">
   <placeName xml:lang="ru">Камчатке</placeName>
    <region>Kamchatka Krai</region>
  <place xml:id="l-Ken">
  <place xml:id="l-Obexml:lang="de">
    <region type="state">Nordrhein-Westfalen</region>
    <geo cert="low">51.154 8.357</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-PIxml:lang="es">
   <placeName>Puerto Inca</placeName>
    <district>Puerto Inca</district>
  <place xml:id="l-Sch">
   <placeName xml:lang="de">Schmallenberg</placeName>
   <placeName xml:lang="wep">Smalmereg</placeName>
  <place xml:id="l-Seb">
   <placeName xml:lang="de">Sebnitz</placeName>
    <geo>50.966667 14.283333</geo>
  <place xml:id="l-WWIIEast">
   <name>Eastern Front</name>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <place xml:id="l-Zam">
<!-- ========= people ========= -->
  <person xml:id="p-VV">
   <persName xml:lang="sr-Cyrl">Весна Вуловић</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="sr-Latn">Vesna Vulović</persName>
   <birth when="1950-01-03"/>
   <death when="2016-12-23"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-IC">
   <persName xml:lang="uk-Cyrl">Іван Михайлович Чиссов</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="ru-Cyrl">Иван Михайлович Чисов</persName>
   <persName xml:lang="uk-Latn">Ivan Mikhailovich Chisov</persName>
   <birth when="1916"/>
   <death when="1986"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-AM">
   <persName>Alan Eugene Magee</persName>
   <birth when="1919-01-13"/>
   <death when="2003-12-20"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-NA">
   <persName>Nicholas Stephen Alkemade</persName>
   <birth when="1922-12-10"/>
   <death when="1987-06-22"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-BG">
   <persName>Edward Michael Grylls</persName>
   <birth when="1974-06-07"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-JK">
   <persName>Juliane Koepcke</persName>
   <birth when="1954-10-10"/>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

  <person xml:id="p-JB">
   <persName>James Boole</persName>
   <birth>1978, give or take a year</birth>
   <ptr type="furtherInfo"

<!-- ========= conjunctions and disjunctions ========= -->
 <altGrp type="location">
  <alt xml:id="l-KorZ"
   target="#l-Ken #l-Zam"/>

bibliographie ⚓︎

14.3.6 Objects

 <objectName xml:lang="en">Mask of Tutankhamun</objectName>
 <idno type="carter">256a</idno>
 <idno type="JournalD'Entrée">60672</idno>
 <idno type="exhibition">220</idno>
 <institution>Museum of Egyptian Antiquities</institution>
  <street>15 Meret Basha</street>
   <geo>30.047778 31.233333</geo>

14.3.6 Objects

 <object xml:id="TutankhamunMask">
   <objectName xml:lang="en">Mask of Tutankhamun</objectName>
   <idno type="carter">256a</idno>
   <idno type="JournalD'Entrée">60672</idno>
   <idno type="exhibition">220</idno>
   <institution>Museum of Egyptian Antiquities</institution>
    <street>15 Meret Basha</street>
     <geo>30.047778 31.233333</geo>
   <p>The back and shoulders of the mask is inscribed with a protective spell in Egyptian hieroglyphs formed of ten
       vertical and horizontal lines. This spell first appeared on masks in the Middle Kingdom at least 500 years
       before Tutankhamun, and comes from chapter 151 of the <title>Book of the Dead</title>.</p>
   <p>The mask of Tutankhamun is 54cm x 39.3cm x 49cm. It is constructed from two layers of high-karat gold that
       varies in thickness from 1.5-3mm. It weighs approximately 10.23kg and x-ray crystallography shows that it is
       composed of two alloys of gold with a lighter 18.4 karat shade being used for the face and neck while a heavier
       22.5 karat gold was used for the rest of the mask.</p>
   <p>In the mask Tutankhamun wears a nemes headcloth which has the royal insignia of a cobra (Wadjet) and vulture
       (Nekhbet) on it. These are thought respectively to symbolize Tutankhamun's rule of both Lower Egypt and Upper
       Egypt. His ears are pierced for earrings. The mask has rich inlays of coloured glass and gemstones, including
       lapis lazuli surrounding the eye and eyebrows, quartz for the eyes, obsidian for the pupils. The broad collar is
       made up of carnelian, feldspar, turquoise, amazonite, faience and other stones.</p>
    <p>The mask of Tutankhamun was created in <origPlace>Egypt</origPlace> around <origDate when="-1323type="circa">1323 BC</origDate>. It is a death mask of the 18th-dynasty ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun
         who reigned 1332–1323 BC.</p>
    <p>The mask of Tutankhamun was found in his burial chamber at Theban Necropolis in the Valley of the Kings in
         1922. On 28 October 1925 the excavation team led by English archaeologist Howard Carter opened the heavy
         sarcophagus and three coffins and were the first people in around 3,250 years to see the mask of Tutankhamun.
         Carter wrote in his diary: <quote> The pins removed, the lid was raised. The penultimate scene was disclosed –
           a very neatly wrapped mummy of the young king, with golden mask of sad but tranquil expression, symbolizing
           Osiris … the mask bears that god's attributes, but the likeness is that of Tut.Ankh.Amen – placid and
           beautiful, with the same features as we find upon his statues and coffins. The mask has fallen slightly
           back, thus its gaze is straight up to the heavens. </quote>
   <acquisition> In December 1925, the mask was removed from the tomb, placed in a crate and transported 635
       kilometres (395 mi) to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where it remains on public display. </acquisition>
     <custEvent when="1944">When it was discovered in 1925, the 2.5kg narrow gold beard was no longer attached to
           the mask and was reattached to the chin by use of a wooden dowel in 1944.</custEvent>
     <custEvent when="2014-08"> In August 2014 when the mask was removed from its display case for cleaning, the
           beard fell off again. Those working in the museum unadvisedly used a quick-drying epoxy to attempt to fix
           it, but left the beard off-centre. </custEvent>
     <custEvent when="2015-01">The damage was noticed and repaired in January 2015 by a German-Egyptian team who
           used beeswax, a material known to be used as adhesives by the ancient Egyptians.</custEvent>

<object> (en)

 <object xml:id="MaskOfTutankhamun">
   <objectName xml:lang="en">Mask of Tutankhamun</objectName>
   <idno type="carter">256a</idno>
   <idno type="JournalD'Entrée">60672</idno>
   <idno type="exhibition">220</idno>
   <institution>Museum of Egyptian Antiquities</institution>
    <street>15 Meret Basha</street>
     <geo>30.047778 31.233333</geo>
   <p>The back and shoulders of the mask is inscribed with a protective spell in Egyptian hieroglyphs formed of ten
       vertical and horizontal lines. This spell first appeared on masks in the Middle Kingdom at least 500 years
       before Tutankhamun, and comes from chapter 151 of the <title>Book of the Dead</title>.</p>
   <p> The mask of Tutankhamun is 54cm x 39.3cm x 49cm. It is constructed from two layers of high-karat gold that
       varies in thickness from 1.5-3mm. It weighs approximately 10.23kg and x-ray crystallography shows that it is
       composed of two alloys of gold with a lighter 18.4 karat shade being used for the face and neck while a heavier
       22.5 karat gold was used for the rest of the mask.</p>
   <p>In the mask Tutankhamun wears a nemes headcloth which has the royal insignia of a cobra (Wadjet) and vulture
       (Nekhbet) on it. These are thought respectively to symbolize Tutankhamun's rule of both Lower Egypt and Upper
       Egypt. His ears are pierced for earrings. The mask has rich inlays of coloured glass and gemstones, including
       lapis lazuli surrounding the eye and eyebrows, quartz for the eyes, obsidian for the pupils. The broad collar is
       made up of carnelian, feldspar, turquoise, amazonite, faience and other stones.</p>
    <p>The mask of Tutankhamun was created in <origPlace>Egypt</origPlace> around <origDate when="-1323type="circa">1323 BC</origDate>. It is a death mask of the 18th-dynasty ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun
         who reigned 1332–1323 BC. </p>
    <p>The mask of Tutankhamun was found in his burial chamber at Theban Necropolis in the Valley of the Kings in
         1922. On 28 October 1925 the excavation team led by English archaeologist Howard Carter opened the heavy
         sarcophagus and three coffins and were the first people in around 3,250 years to see the mask of Tutankhamun.
         Carter wrote in his diary: <quote> The pins removed, the lid was raised. The penultimate scene was disclosed –
           a very neatly wrapped mummy of the young king, with golden mask of sad but tranquil expression, symbolizing
           Osiris … the mask bears that god's attributes, but the likeness is that of Tut.Ankh.Amen – placid and
           beautiful, with the same features as we find upon his statues and coffins. The mask has fallen slightly
           back, thus its gaze is straight up to the heavens. </quote>
   <acquisition> In December 1925, the mask was removed from the tomb, placed in a crate and transported 635
       kilometres (395 mi) to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where it remains on public display. </acquisition>
     <custEvent when="1944">When it was discovered in 1925, the 2.5kg narrow gold beard was no longer attached to
           the mask and was reattached to the chin by use of a wooden dowel in 1944.</custEvent>
     <custEvent when="2014-08"> In August 2014 when the mask was removed from its display case for cleaning, the
           beard fell off again. Those working in the museum unadvisedly used a quick-drying epoxy to attempt to fix
           it, but left the beard off-centre. </custEvent>
     <custEvent when="2015-01">The damage was noticed and repaired in January 2015 by a German-Egyptian team who
           used beeswax, a material known to be used as adhesives by the ancient Egyptians.</custEvent>
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17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

<standOff> (en)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
   <place xml:id="LATL">
     <region key="US-GA">Georgia</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.755 -84.39</geo>
    <population when="1963"

   <place xml:id="LBHM">
     <region key="US-AL">Alabama</region>
     <country key="USA">United States of America</country>
     <geo>33.653333 -86.808889</geo>
    <population when="1963"

<!-- ... -->
   <p>Moreover, I am <choice>
    </choice> of the interrelatedness of all communities and
   <lb/>states. I cannot sit idly by in <placeName ref="#LATL">Atlanta</placeName> and not be concerned about what happens
   <lb/>in <placeName ref="#LBHM">Birmingham</placeName>. <seg xml:id="FQ17">Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.</seg> We
   <lb/>are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment
   <lb/>of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never
   <lb/>again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial <soCalled rendition="#Rqms">outside agitator</soCalled>
    <lb/>idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered
   <lb/>an outsider anywhere in this country.</p>
<!-- ... -->
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