Beispiel: <supplied> (supplied)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <supplied> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <supplied> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

12 Representation of Primary Sources Correction and Conjecture

You see that I avoid
the word create for we create nothing <supplied>we</supplied> develope.
bibliographie ⚓︎ Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription

I am dr Sr yr
<supplied reason="illegibleresp="#msm"
very humble
Servt</supplied> Sydney Smith
⚓︎ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text

um aldr d<supplied reason="rubbingresp="#finjon">aga</supplied>
bibliographie ⚓︎ Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text

um aldr d<damage agent="rubbing">
 <supplied source="#msm">aga</supplied>
bibliographie ⚓︎

12.4.1 Space

By god if wommen had writen storyes As
<supplied reason="spaceresp="#ETD"
preestes</supplied> han within
her oratoryes

<damage> (en)

<l>The Moving Finger wri<damage agent="watergroup="1">es; and</damage> having writ,</l>
<l>Moves <damage agent="watergroup="1">
  <supplied>on: nor all your</supplied>
 </damage> Piety nor Wit</l>
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<supplied> (en)

I am dr Sr yr
<supplied reason="illegible"
very humble Servt</supplied>
Sydney Smith
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<supplied> (fr)

Je reste votre ts he de svt <supplied reason="illegible"
très humble et très dévoué serviteur
</supplied>Jean Martin
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<supplied> (zh-TW)

回首向來蕭瑟處,歸<supplied reason="faded-ink"
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<supplied> (en)

<supplied reason="omitted-in-original">Dedication</supplied> to the duke of Bejar
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3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents

3.5.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions

<table rows="3cols="2">
 <head>Tent supplies</head>
   <name>nylon tent</name>
   <name>steel stakes</name>
   <name>fiberglass poles</name>
    <metamark function="ellipsis">"</metamark>
bibliographie ⚓︎

3.5.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions

 <l>Amıgas sey eu be<ex>n</ex> dunha molher</l>
 <l>Que se trabalha de uosco buscar</l>
 <l>Mal a uossamigo polo matar</l>
 <l>Mays todaquestamiga ela q<ex>ue</ex>r</l>
 <metamark function="signalChorus"></metamark>
 <l>Por q<ex>ue</ex> nu<ex>n</ex>ca co<ex>n</ex> el pode poer</l>
 <l>Queo podesse por amigauer</l>
 <l>E buscalhi co<ex>n</ex> uosco q<ex>ua</ex>nto mal</l>
 <l>Ela mays pode aq<ex>ue</ex>sto sei eu</l>
 <l>E todaq<ex>ue</ex>stela faz polo seu</l>
 <l>E p<ex>or</ex>este p<unclear></unclear>te non por al</l>
 <metamark function="signalChorus"></metamark>
 <l rend="nobreakpart="I">Por q<ex>ue</ex> nu<ex>n</ex>ca</l>
  <metamark rend="nobreak"
   <l rend="nobreakpart="F">co<ex>n</ex> el pode poer</l>
   <l>Queo podesse por amigauer</l>
bibliographie ⚓︎

<ellipsis> (en)

 <l>You think you’ve lost your love </l>
 <l>Well, I saw her yesterday </l>
 <l>It’s you she's thinking of </l>
 <l>And she told me what to say</l>
<lg xml:id="chorus">
 <l>She says she loves you </l>
 <l>And you know that can’t be bad </l>
 <l>Yes, she loves you </l>
 <l>And you know you should be glad</l>
 <l>She said you hurt her so </l>
 <l>She almost lost her mind </l>
 <l>But now she said she knows </l>
 <l>You’re not the hurting kind</l>
 <supplied copyOf="#chorus"/>
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

<head> (en)

<div type="subsection">
 <head place="margin">Secunda conclusio</head>
  <lb n="1251"/>
  <hi rend="large">Potencia: habitus: et actus: recipiunt speciem ab obiectis<supplied>.</supplied>
  <lb n="1252"/>Probatur sic. Omne importans necessariam habitudinem ad proprium
bibliographie Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

9 Computer-mediated Communication

9.6.5 Named Entities and Anonymization

<post modality="written"

 <name ref="#f2213001a.A04type="NICK">
  <w pos="NExml:id="f2213001a.m27.t1">
   <gap reason="anonymizationunit="token"

   <supplied reason="anonymization">[_FEMALE-PARTICIPANT-A04_]</supplied>
 <w lemma="versuchenpos="VVPP">versucht</w>
 <name ref="#f2213001a.A03type="NICK">
  <w pos="NN">
   <gap reason="anonymizationunit="token"

   <supplied reason="anonymization">[_PARTICIPANT-A04_]</supplied>
 <w lemma="diepos="ART">den</w>
 <w lemma="Wunschpos="NN">wunsch</w>
 <w lemma="zupos="PTKZU">zu</w>
 <w lemma="erfüllenpos="VVINF">erfüllen</w>
<!-- ... -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

9.6.5 Named Entities and Anonymization

<post modality="written"

 <name ref="#f2213001p.A04type="NICK">
  <w pos="NExml:id="f2213001p.m27.t1">
   <gap reason="pseudonymization"

   <supplied reason="pseudonymization">Kornelia</supplied>
 <w lemma="versuchenpos="VVPP">versucht</w>
<!-- the rest of the post -->
bibliographie ⚓︎

11 Manuscript Description

<msItemStruct> (en)

<msItemStruct n="2defective="false"

 <locus from="24vto="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus
   in apoka<lb/>lipsin eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<ex>iscop</ex>i
   Pacensis eccl<ex>esi</ex>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<ex>IT</ex> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS
   DEO GR<ex>ACI</ex>AS AGO. FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
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<msItemStruct> (fr)

<msItemStruct n="2defective="false"

 <locus from="24vto="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniformxml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus in apoka<lb/>lipsin
   eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<ex>iscop</ex>i Pacensis eccl<ex>esi</ex>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<ex>IT</ex> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS QVA<ex>M</ex>
   FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
Alle anzeigen ⚓︎

17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment xpath()

<div xml:lang="latype="edition"
<ab> <lb n="1xml:id="line1"/><supplied reason="lost">si</supplied> non <choice><reg>habui</reg><orig>abui</orig></choice> quidquam vaco  <lb n="2"/>si<gap reason="illegiblequantity="3"
b<gap reason="illegiblequantity="3"
    cohort<unclear>e</unclear> mi rescribas  <lb n="3"/><unclear>s</unclear>emp<unclear>er</unclear> in <choice><reg>mente</reg><orig>mentem</orig></choice>    <choice><reg>habe</reg><orig>abe</orig></choice> supra res  <lb n="4"/>scriptas<gap reason="lostextent="unknown"
  <lb n="5"/>auge et opto u<unclear>t</unclear> bene valeas</ab>
bibliographie ⚓︎

22 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility

<respons> (en)

<!-- in the <teiHeader>: --><respStmt xml:id="enc01">
 <name>C. Colin Backslash</name>
<respStmt xml:id="prf01">
 <name>Erin Spelling</name>
<!-- in the <text>: -->
<p>Θερινὴ τροπή
 <foreign xml:lang="hboxml:id="mp0a8"> ת
 <supplied reason="undefined">קו</supplied>
   ת תמוז
<!-- elsewhere: -->
<respons target="#mp0a8locus="name value"
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