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Modul | core — Elements Available in All TEI Documents |
Attribute |
Mitglied des | |
Enthalten in |
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Kann enthalten |
tagdocs: listRef
Beispiel |
<monogr> <author>Blain, Virginia</author> <author>Clements, Patricia</author> <author>Grundy, Isobel</author> <title>The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: women writers from the middle ages to the present</title> <edition>first edition</edition> <imprint> <publisher>Yale University Press</publisher> <pubPlace>New Haven and London</pubPlace> <date>1990</date> </imprint> </monogr> </biblStruct> |
Beispiel |
<biblStruct type="newspaper">
<analytic> <author> <forename>David</forename> <surname>Barstow</surname> </author> <author> <forename>Susanne</forename> <surname>Craig</surname> </author> <author> <forename>Russ</forename> <surname>Buettner</surname> </author> <title type="main">Trump Took Part in Suspect Schemes to Evade Tax Bills</title> <title type="sub">Behind the Myth of a Self-Made Billionaire, a Vast Inheritance From His Father</title> </analytic> <monogr> <title level="j">The New York Times</title> <imprint> <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace> <publisher>A. G. Sulzberger</publisher> <date when="2018-10-03">Wednesday, October 3, 2018</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="volume">CLXVIII</biblScope> <biblScope unit="issue">58,104</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">1</biblScope> </monogr> </biblStruct> |
Content model |
<content> |
Schema Deklaration |
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