Esempio: <back> (back matter)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <back> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <back> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

4 Default Text Structure

<text> (fr)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!--[ en-tête du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ partie préfatoire du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ annex du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ encore de textes, simples ou composites ]-->
<!--[ annex du texte composite ]-->
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4 Default Text Structure

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- front matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
<!-- body of copy text goes here -->
<!-- back matter of copy text, if any, goes here -->
bibliografia ⚓︎

4 Default Text Structure

<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- front matter for composite text -->
<!-- front matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of first unitary text -->
<!-- back matter of first unitary text, if any -->
<!-- body of second unitary text -->
<!-- back matter for composite text, if any -->
bibliografia ⚓︎

<group> (fr)

<TEI xmlns="">
<!--[ en-tête du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du texte composite ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du premier texte ]-->
<!--[ partie préliminaire du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ corps du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ annexe du deuxième texte ]-->
<!--[ encore de textes, simples ou composites ]-->
<!--[ annexe du texte composite ]-->
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<divGen> (en)

 <div1 type="backmat">
<!-- ... -->
 <div1 type="backmat">
  <divGen n="Index Nominumtype="NAMES"/>
  <divGen n="Index Rerumtype="THINGS"/>
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<divGen> (fr)

 <div1 type="backmat">
<!-- ... -->
 <div1 type="backmat">
  <divGen n="Index Nominumtype="NAMES"/>
  <divGen n="Index Rerumtype="THINGS"/>
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<divGen> (zh-TW)

 <div1 type="backmat">
<!-- ... -->
 <div1 type="backmat">
  <divGen n="Index Nominumtype="人名"/>
  <divGen n="Index Rerumtype="事物"/>
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4.3.1 Grouped Texts

    <titlePart>The poems of Richard Crashaw</titlePart>
   <byline>Edited by J.R. Tutin</byline>
  <div type="preface">
   <head>Editor's Note</head>
   <p>A few words are necessary ... </p>
      <titlePart>Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems</titlePart>
    <div type="address">
     <head>The Preface to the Reader</head>
     <p>Learned Reader, The Author's friend will not usurp much
           upon thy eye ... </p>
       <titlePart>Sospetto D'Herode</titlePart>
      <div1 type="bookn="Herod I">
       <head>Libro Primo</head>
        <l>Casting the times with their strong signs</l>
       <lg n="I.1type="stanza">
        <l>Muse! now the servant of soft loves no more</l>
        <l>Hate is thy theme and Herod whose unblest</l>
        <l>Hand (O, what dares not jealous greatness?) tore</l>
        <l>A thousand sweet babes from their mothers' breast,</l>
        <l>The blooms of martyrdom ...</l>
       <titlePart>The Tear</titlePart>
      <lg n="I">
       <l>What bright soft thing is this</l>
       <l>Sweet Mary, thy fair eyes' expense?</l>
<!-- remaining poems of the Steps to the Temple appear here, each tagged as a distinct text element -->
<!-- back matter for the Steps to the Temple -->
<!-- start of Carmen deo Nostro -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- start of The Delights of the Muses -->
<!-- more texts here -->
<!-- back matter for the whole collection -->
bibliografia ⚓︎

4.3.1 Grouped Texts

<!-- the whole anthology -->
<!-- title page, acknowledgments, introductory essay -->
<!-- body of anthology starts here -->
   <head>The Beginnings</head>
<!-- sequence of texts or groups -->
<!-- The Eighteenth Century and the Grand Tour -->
<!-- prefatory essay by editor -->
<!-- Section on Lady Mary Wortley Montagu starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first letter -->
<!-- second letter -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of Montagu section -->
<!-- single text by Jonathan Swift starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- end of Swift section -->
<!-- Section on Alexander Pope starts -->
<!-- biographical notice by editor -->
<!-- first poem -->
<!-- second poem -->
<!-- end of Pope section -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of 18th century section -->
   <head>The Heyday</head>
<!-- texts and subgroups -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- end of the anthology proper -->
<!-- back matter for anthology -->
bibliografia ⚓︎

4.7 Back Matter

 <div type="index">
  <list type="index">
   <item>Actors, public, paid for the contempt attending
       their profession, <ref>263</ref>
   <item>Africa, cause assigned for the barbarous state of
       the interior parts of that continent, <ref>125</ref>
   <list type="indexentry">
     <item>ancient policy of Europe unfavourable to, <ref>371</ref>
     <item>artificers necessary to carry it on, <ref>481</ref>
     <item>cattle and tillage mutually improve each other, <ref>325</ref>
     <item>wealth arising from more solid than that which proceeds
           from commerce <ref>520</ref>
   <item>Alehouses, the number of, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref>461</ref>
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4.7 Back Matter

 <div type="letter">
  <head>A letter written to his wife, founde with this booke
     after his death.</head>
  <p>The remembrance of the many wrongs offred thee, and thy
     unreproued vertues, adde greater sorrow to my miserable state,
     than I can utter or thou conceiue. ...
     ... yet trust I in the world to come to find mercie, by the
     merites of my Saiuour to whom I commend thee, and commit
     my soule.</p>
  <signed>Thy repentant husband for his disloyaltie,
  <name>Robert Greene.</name>
  <epigraph xml:lang="la">
   <p>Faelicem fuisse infaustum</p>
bibliografia ⚓︎

4.7 Back Matter

 <div type="corrigenda">
  <salute xml:lang="la">M. Scriblerus Lectori</salute>
  <p>Once more, gentle reader I appeal unto thee, from the shameful
     ignorance of the Editor, by whom Our own Specimen of
  <name>Virgil</name> hath been mangled in such miserable manner, that
     scarce without tears can we behold it. At the very entrance, Instead
     of <q xml:lang="grc">προλεγομενα</q>, lo!
  <q xml:lang="grc">προλεγωμενα</q> with an Omega!
     and in the same line <q xml:lang="la">consulâs</q> with a circumflex!
     In the next page thou findest <q xml:lang="la">leviter perlabere</q>,
     which his ignorance took to be the infinitive mood of
  <q xml:lang="la">perlabor</q> but ought to be
  <q xml:lang="la">perlabi</q> ... Wipe away all these
     monsters, Reader, with thy quill.</p>
bibliografia ⚓︎

<back> (en)

 <div type="appendix">
  <head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head>
  <p>TO shew the Depravity of human Nature, and how apt the Mind is to be misled by Trinkets
     and false Appearances, Mrs. Two-Shoes does acknowledge, that after she became rich, she
     had like to have been, too fond of Money
<!-- .... -->
<!-- ... -->
 <div type="epistle">
  <head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head>
  <p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please;
<!-- ... -->
 <div type="advert">
  <head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr
     Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head>
   <item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item>
   <item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item>
<!-- ... -->
   <item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations,
       10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item>
 <div type="advert">
  <head>By the KING's Royal Patent, Are sold by J. NEWBERY, at the Bible and Sun in St.
     Paul's Church-Yard.</head>
   <item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &amp;c. 2s.
   <item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item>
<!-- ... -->
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<back> (fr)

 <div n="1type="appendice">
  <head>APPENDICE I </head>
  <head>CHAPITRE XV bis </head>
  <p>Des cruautez exercées par les Turcs, et autres peuples : et nommément par les
     Espagnols, beaucoup plus barbares que les Sauvages mesmes </p>
  <p>Premierement Chalcondile en son histoire de la decadence de l'Empire des Grecs, ...</p>
 <div n="2type="appendice">
  <head> Appendice 2</head>
  <head>Advertissement de l'autheur</head>
  <p>Outre les augmentations bien amples, et la revision beaucoup plus exacte que je n'avoye
     fait és precedentes Editions, j'ai pour le contentement des Lecteurs, plusieurs endroits
     de ceste quatrieme et derniere monstré ...</p>
bibliografia Mostra tutto ⚓︎

<back> (zh-TW)

 <div1 type="appendix">
 <div1 type="epistle">
 <div1 type="advert">
   <item n="1">陳芳明《詩與現實》,台北:洪範,1983。</item>
   <item n="2">洛夫《詩人之鏡》,台北:大業,1969。</item>
   <item n="42">廖炳惠《回顧現代》,台北:麥田,1994。</item>
 <div1 type="advert">
   <hi rend="center">詩集、詩選</hi>也可於網路書店購得。</head>
   <item n="1">余光中《天狼星》,台北:洪範,1976。</item>
   <item n="2">席慕蓉著《無怨的青春》,台北,大地,1983。</item>
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3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents Auto-generated Indexes

 <div type="appendix">
   <bibl> ... </bibl>
 <divGen n="Index Nominum"

 <divGen n="Index Locitype="INDEX-PLACES"/>
bibliografia ⚓︎ Auto-generated Indexes

 <divGen n="A1type="INDEX-NAMES">
  <head>An Index of Names</head>
bibliografia ⚓︎

7 Performance Texts

7.1.2 Prologues and Epilogues

  <div1 type="scene">
    <l part="Y">I'le deliver all,</l>
    <l>And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,</l>
    <l>Be free and fare thou well: please you, draw neere.</l>
    <stage>Exeunt omnes.</stage>
   <head>Epilogue, spoken by Prospero.</head>
    <l>Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne,</l>
    <l>And what strength I have's mine owne</l>
    <l>As you from crimes would pardon'd be,</l>
    <l>Let your Indulgence set me free.</l>
   <p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
   <head>Names of the Actors.</head>
   <castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
   <castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
   <castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>
bibliografia ⚓︎

13 Critical Apparatus

<listApp> (en)

  <lg type="stanzaxml:id="Y-36.01"

   <l xml:id="Y-36.01_L-1">
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-01">ahiiā</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-02">ϑβā</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-03">āϑrō</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-04">vərəzə̄nā</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-05">paouruiiē</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-06">pairijasāmaiδē</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-07">mazdā</w>
    <w xml:id="Y-36.01_L1_W-08">ahurā</w>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
  <listApp xml:id="CA_Y-36"

   <head>Variants from witnesses in Avestan script</head>
   <app from="#Y-36.01_L1_W-01">
    <rdg wit="#Pt4 #F2 #J2 #M1">ahiiā</rdg>
   <app from="#Y-36.01_L1_W-02">
    <rdg wit="#Pt4 #F2 #J2 #M1">ϑβā</rdg>
   <app from="#Y-36.01_L1_W-03">
    <rdg wit="#Pt4 #J2 #M1">āϑrō</rdg>
    <rdg wit="#F2">āϑrōi</rdg>
<!-- ... -->
  <listApp xml:id="CA_PY-36"

   <head>Variants from witnesses written in Pahlavi script</head>
   <app from="#PY-36.01_L1_W-01">
    <rdg wit="#Pt4 #F2 #J2 #M1">ʾytwnˈ</rdg>
   <app from="#PY-36.01_L1_W-02">
    <rdg wit="#Pt4 #F2 #J2 #M1">ʾwˈ</rdg>
   <app from="#PY-36.01_L1_W-03">
    <rdg wit="#Pt4 #F2 #J2 #M1">ḤNʾ</rdg>
<!-- ... -->
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17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

17.4.1 Aligning Synchronous Events

 <linkGrp xml:id="lg1"
  domains="#BNC-d1 #BNC-d1targFunc="speaker.a speaker.b"

  <link xml:id="L1target="#t1a #t1b"/>
  <link xml:id="L2target="#t2a #t2b"/>
  <link xml:id="L3target="#t3a #t3b"/>
  <link xml:id="l4target="#t4a #t4b"/>
  <link xml:id="l5target="#t5a #t5b"/>
  <link xml:id="l6target="#t6a #t6b"/>
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