
att.cmc (computer-mediated communication) provides attributes categorizing how the element content was created in a CMC environment.
Modulo tei — The TEI Infrastructure
Membri ab abbr add addName address affiliation alt altGrp anchor argument bibl biblFull biblStruct binaryObject bloc byline c cb choice cit cl climate closer corr country date dateline del desc distinct district docAuthor docDate email emph epigraph expan fLib figure floatingText foreign forename formula fs fvLib gap gb genName geo geogFeat geogName gloss graphic head hi idno incident index interp interpGrp join joinGrp kinesic l label lb lg link linkGrp list listBibl listEvent listNym listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation location m measure measureGrp media meeting mentioned milestone name nameLink notatedMusic note noteGrp num objectName offset opener orgName orig p pause pb pc persName persPronouns phr placeName population post postscript ptr q quote ref reg region roleName rs ruby s said salute seg settlement shift sic signed soCalled span spanGrp stage state surname table term terrain time timeline title trailer trait unclear unit vocal w writing
generatedBy⚓︎ (generated by) categorizes how the content of an element was generated in a CMC environment.
Stato Opzionale
Tipo di dati teidata.enumerated

<sch:rule context="tei:*[@generatedBy]">
<sch:assert test="ancestor-or-self::tei:post">The @generatedBy attribute is for use within a <post> element.</sch:assert>
I valori suggeriti includono:
the content was ‘naturally’ typed or spoken by a human user
the content was generated after a human user activated a template for its insertion
the content was generated by the system, i.e. the CMC environment
the content was generated by a bot, i.e. a non-human agent, typically one that is not part of the CMC environment itself
the content was generated by an unknown or unspecified process

automatic system message in chat: user moves on to another chatroom

<post type="eventgeneratedBy="system"

  <name type="nicknamecorresp="#A02">McMike</name> geht
   in einen anderen Raum: <name type="roomname">Kreuzfahrt</name>

automatic system message in chat: user enters a chatroom

<post type="eventgeneratedBy="system">
  <name type="nicknamecorresp="#A08">c_bo</name> betritt
   den Raum. </p>

automatic system message in chat: user changes his font color

<post type="eventgeneratedBy="system"

  <name type="nicknamecorresp="#A08">c_bo</name> hat die
   Farbe gewechselt.

An automatic signature of user including an automatic timestamp (Wikipedia discussion, anonymized). The specification of generatedBy at the inner element signed is meant to override the specification at the outer element post. This is generally possible when the outer generatedBy value is "human".

<post type="standardgeneratedBy="human"

 <p> Kurze Nachfrage: Die Hieros für den Goldnamen stammen
   auch von Beckerath gem. Literatur ? Grüße --</p>
 <signed generatedBy="template"

  <gap reason="signatureContent"/>
  <time generatedBy="template">18:50, 22. Okt. 2008 (CEST)</time>

Wikipedia talk page: user signature

<post type="writtengeneratedBy="human">
<!-- ... main content of posting ... -->
 <signed generatedBy="template">
  <gap reason="signatureContent"/>
  <time generatedBy="template">12:01, 12. Jun. 2009 (CEST)</time>