
att.predicate provides attributes for filtering by an XPath predicate expression. [23.4 Common Elements The TEI processing model Implementation of Processing Models]
모듈 tagdocs — Documentation Elements
원소 equiv model
predicate⚓︎ the condition under which the element bearing this attribute applies, given as an XPath predicate expression.
상태 수의적
자료 유형 teidata.xpath
<model predicate="parent::person"

 <desc versionDate="2015-08-21"
If it is a child of a person element, treat as inline</desc>

The following example declares that the name element can be mapped to, or is equivalent to, the external concepts of ‘PERSON’ and ‘PLACE’ depending on the ‘XPath’ expression given in predicate

<elementSpec ident="namemode="change">
 <equiv name="PERSON"
  predicate="@type eq 'person'"

 <equiv name="PLACE"
  predicate="@type eq 'place'"
