<msPart> (원고 부분) 원고 원본 또는 혼합 원고의 부분을 형성하는 원고의 부분에 관한 정보를 포함한다. [11.10 Manuscript Parts] | |
모듈 | msdescription — Manuscript Description |
속성 |
에 의해 포함된 | |
포함할 수 있다 | |
주석 |
As this last example shows, for compatibility reasons the identifier of a manuscript part may be supplied as a simple altIdentifier rather than using the more structured msIdentifier element. This usage is however deprecated. |
예 |
<msIdentifier> <idno>A</idno> <altIdentifier type="catalog"> <collection>Becker</collection> <idno>48, Nr. 145</idno> </altIdentifier> <altIdentifier type="catalog"> <collection>Wiener Liste</collection> <idno>4°5</idno> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier> <head> <title xml:lang="la">Gregorius: Homiliae in Ezechielem</title> <origPlace key="tgn_7008085">Weissenburg (?)</origPlace> <origDate notBefore="0801" notAfter="0815">IX. Jh., Anfang</origDate> </head> </msPart> |
예 |
<msIdentifier> <settlement>Amiens</settlement> <repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository> <idno>MS 3</idno> <msName>Maurdramnus Bible</msName> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <summary> <list> <item xml:lang="en">Miscellany of various texts;</item> <item xml:lang="la">Prudentius, Psychomachia;</item> <item xml:lang="la">Physiologus de natura animantium</item> </list> </summary> <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang> </msContents> <physDesc> <objectDesc form="composite_manuscript"/> </physDesc> <msPart> <msIdentifier> <idno>ms. 10066-77 ff. 140r-156v</idno> </msIdentifier> <msContents> <summary xml:lang="la">Physiologus</summary> <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang> </msContents> </msPart> <msPart> <msIdentifier> <altIdentifier> <idno>MS 6</idno> </altIdentifier> </msIdentifier> <!-- other information specific to this part here --> </msPart> <!-- more parts here --> </msDesc> |
Content model |
<content> |
선언 |
<rng:element name="msPart"> element msPart { att.global.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.rendition.attributes, att.global.responsibility.attributes, att.global.source.attributes, att.typed.attributes, ( msIdentifier, model.headLike*, ( model.pLike+ | ( msContents | physDesc | history | additional | msPart )* ) ) } |