<note> 注釈を示す. 3.8.1 Notes and Simple Annotation 2.2.6 The Notes Statement Notes and Other Additional Information Notes within Entries | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
モジュール | core — 3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
属性 | att.placement (@place)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当該モジュールを使用するもの | altIdentifier model.noteLike | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
下位 | core: abbr add address bibl biblStruct binaryObject cb choice cit corr date del desc distinct email emph expan foreign gap gloss graphic hi index l label lb lg list listBibl measure measureGrp mentioned milestone name note num orig p pb ptr q quote ref reg rs said sic soCalled sp stage term time title unclear gaiji: g header: biblFull msdescription: catchwords depth dimensions height heraldry locus material msDesc origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width namesdates: addName affiliation bloc country district forename genName geo geogFeat geogName listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace nameLink offset orgName persName placeName region roleName settlement state surname tagdocs: att classSpec code eg egXML elementSpec gi ident listRef macroSpec moduleRef moduleSpec schemaSpec specDesc specGrp specGrpRef specList tag val textstructure: floatingText | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
宣言 |
element note { att.global.attributes, att.placement.attributes, attribute type { data.enumerated }?, attribute resp { data.pointer }?, attribute anchored { data.truthValue }?, attribute target { list { data.pointer+ } }?, attribute targetEnd { list { data.pointer+ } }?, macro.specialPara } | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
例 | And yet it is not only in the great line of Italian renaissance art, but even in the painterly <note type="gloss"> <term xml:lang="de">Malerisch</term>. This word has, in the German, two distinct meanings, one objective, a quality residing in the object, the other subjective, a mode of apprehension and creation. To avoid confusion, they have been distinguished in English as <mentioned>picturesque</mentioned> and <mentioned>painterly</mentioned> respectively. (Tr.) </note> style of the Dutch genre painters of the seventeenth century that drapery has this psychological significance. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
解説 |
Mevorakh b. Saadya's mother, the matriarch of the family
during the second half of the eleventh century, <note n="126" anchored="true"> The alleged mention of Judah Nagid's mother in a letter from 1071 is, in fact, a reference to Judah's children; cf. above, nn. 111 and 54. </note> is well known from Geniza documents published by Jacob Mann. |