
<re> (sous-entrée) entrée concernant un item lié au mot-vedette comme un composé ou un dérivé, inclus dans une entrée plus large. 9.3.6 Related Entries
Moduledictionaries — 9 Dictionaries
Attributs att.lexicographic (@expand, @norm, @split, @value, @orig, @location, @mergedIn, @opt) att.typed (@type, @subtype)
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<rng:element name="re">
<rng:ref name="att.global.attributes"/>
<rng:ref name="att.lexicographic.attributes"/>
<rng:ref name="att.typed.attributes"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.gLike"/>
  <rng:ref name="sense"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.entryPart.top"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.phrase"/>
  <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
element re
    | model.gLikesensemodel.entryPart.topmodel.phrasemodel.global

The following example fromWebster's New Collegiate Dictionary (Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1975) shows a single related entry for which no definition is given, since its meaning is held to be readily derivable from the root entry:

 <sense n="1">
  <def>of, relating to, or affecting a nerve or the nervous system</def>
 <sense n="2"> ... </sense>
   <pron extent="suffix">-ə-lē</pron>
The following example from Diccionario de la Universidad de Chicago Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés / — The University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary, Fourth Edition, compiled by Carlos Castillo and Otto F. Bond (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987) shows a number of related entries embedded in the main entry. The original entry resembles the following:

abeja [a·bé·xa]f. bee;abejera [a·be·xé·ra]f. beehive;abejón [a·be·xóon]m. drone; bumblebee;abejorro [a·be·xó·rro]m. bumble bee.

One encoding for this entry would be:
  <gen>f. </gen>
 <sense n="1.">
  <usg type="domain"> (ento.) </usg>
  <def> bee </def>. </sense>
 <sense n="2.">
  <def> busy bee, hard worker </def>. </sense>
 <sense n="3.">
  <usg orig="A.type="domain"> (astron.) </usg>, <def> Musca </def></sense>
   <orth orig="a. albanila"> abeja albanila </orth>, </form>
   <def>mason bee</def>;</sense>
   <orth orig="a. carpintera"> abeja carpintera </orth>, </form>
   <def>carpenter bee </def>;</sense>
   <orth xml:id="re-o3orig="a. reina or maestra"> abeja reina </orth>
   <orth mergedIn="#re-o4"> abeja maestra </orth>
   <def> queen bee </def>;</sense>
   <orth xml:id="re-o4orig="a. neutra or obrera"> abeja neutra </orth>
   <orth mergedIn="#re-o3"> abeja obrera </orth>
   <def>worker bee</def>.</sense>
In the much larger Simon & Schuster Spanish-English dictionary,29 these derived forms of abeja are treated as separate main entries, but there are other embedded phrases shown asres in its main entry for abeja:

abeja, f. 1. (ento.) bee. 2. busy bee, hard worker. 3. (astron.) A., Musca. — a. albanila, mason bee; a. carpintera, carpenter bee; a. reina or maestra, queen bee; a. neutra or obrera, worker bee.

This entry may be encoded thus:
  <orth> abeja </orth>
  <gen> f. </gen>
 <sense n="1.">
  <usg type="domain"> (ento.) </usg>
  <def> bee </def>.
 <sense n="2.">
  <def> busy bee, hard worker </def>. </sense>
 <sense n="3.">
  <usg orig="A.type="domain"> (astron.) </usg>, <def> Musca </def>
   <orth orig="a. albanila"> abeja albanila </orth>,
   <def> mason bee </def>; </sense>
   <orth orig="a. carpintera"> abeja carpintera </orth>,
   <def> carpenter bee </def>; </sense>
   <orth xml:id="re-o1orig="a. reina or maestra"> abeja reina </orth>
   <orth mergedIn="#re-o1"> abeja maestra </orth>
   <def> queen bee </def>; </sense>
   <orth xml:id="re-o2orig="a. neutra or obrera"> abeja neutra </orth>
   <orth mergedIn="#re-o2"> abeja obrera </orth>
   <def> worker bee </def> . </sense>
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Dans les sous-éléments, il est identique à un élémententry, et utilisé là où un dictionnaire a enchâssé dans une entrée des informations qui auraient pu donner lieu à une entrée séparée. Quelques-uns distinguent des mots-composés et d'autres types d'entrées dérivées ; aucune de ces typologies n'a été utilisée ici.