Esempio: <code>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <code> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <code> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

23 Documentation Elements

23.1.1 Phrase Level Terms

<p>If the variable <ident>z</ident> has a value of zero, a statement such as <code>x=y/z</code> will
usually cause a fatal error.</p>
bibliografia ⚓︎

<code> (en)

<code lang="JAVA"> Size fCheckbox1Size = new Size();
fCheckbox1Size.Height = 500;
fCheckbox1Size.Width = 500;
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2 The TEI Header

<listPrefixDef> (en)

 <prefixDef ident="psn"

  <p> Private URIs using the <code>psn</code>
     prefix are pointers to <gi>person</gi>
     elements in the personography.xml file.
     For example, <code>psn:MDH</code>
     dereferences to <code>personography.xml#MDH</code>.
 <prefixDef ident="bibl"

  <p> Private URIs using the <code>bibl</code> prefix can be
     expanded to form URIs which retrieve the relevant
     bibliographical reference from
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9 Computer-mediated Communication

9.4.3 Multimodal CMC

  <u xml:id="cmr-archi21-slrefl-es-j3-1-a191"
     hm for me this presentation was hm <pause dur="PT1S"/> become too fast because it's
     always the same in our architecture school euh we have not time and hm <pause dur="PT1S"/> too quickly sorry [...]</u>
  <kinesic xml:id="cmr-archi21-slrefl-es-j3-1-a192"

<!-- more bodily activities of avatars -->
  <post modality="written"

   <p>it went too quickly?</p>
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9.5.3 Documenting the Sampling of CMC data

 <p>Sampled using the <name type="API">Twitter Filtered stream v2-API</name> (see <ptr type="APIdoc"
) Filtered for the German language and the following countries: Germany, Austria,
   Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, and Luxembourg. Downloaded on <date when="2022-12-12">Mon 12 Dec 22</date> using the command
     headers=headers, params=params, stream=True,)</code> in the python script <name type="script"></name>. </p>