<div2> (2 층위 텍스트 구역) 텍스트의 전면부, 본문 또는 후면부의 두 번째 층위 하위 구역을 포함한다. [4.1.2 Numbered Divisions] | |
모듈 | textstructure — Default Text Structure |
속성 |
클럽 회원 | |
에 의해 포함된 |
textstructure: div1
포함할 수 있다 |
cmc: post
core: bibl biblStruct cb cit desc divGen ellipsis gap gb head index l label lb lg list listBibl meeting milestone note noteGrp p pb q quote said sp stage
dictionaries: entry entryFree superEntry
figures: figure notatedMusic table
header: biblFull
msdescription: msDesc
namesdates: listEvent listNym listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation
nets: eTree forest graph listForest tree
tagdocs: classSpec constraintSpec dataSpec eg egXML elementSpec macroSpec moduleSpec outputRendition schemaSpec specGrp specGrpRef
textstructure: argument byline closer dateline div3 docAuthor docDate epigraph floatingText opener postscript salute signed trailer
transcr: addSpan damageSpan delSpan fw listTranspose metamark space substJoin
주석 |
any sequence of low-level structural elements, possibly grouped into lower subdivisions. |
예 |
<div1 n="2" type="part">
<head>The Second Partition: The Cure of Melancholy</head> <div2 n="2.1" type="section"> <div3 n="2.1.1" type="member"> <div4 n="" type="subsection"> <head>Unlawful Cures rejected.</head> <p>Inveterate melancholy, howsoever it may seem to be a continuate, inexorable disease, hard to be cured, accompanying them to their graves most part (as <ref target="#a">Montanus</ref> observes), yet many times it may be helped... </p> </div4> </div3> </div2> <div2 n="2.2" type="section"> <div3 n="2.2.1" type="member"> <head>Sect. II. Memb. I</head> <p/> </div3> </div2> <div2 n="2.3" type="section"> <div3 n="2.3.1" type="member"> <head>Sect. III. Memb. I</head> <p/> </div3> </div2> </div1> |
Content model |
<content> |
선언 |
<rng:element name="div2"> element div2 { att.global.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.rendition.attributes, att.global.responsibility.attributes, att.global.source.attributes, att.declaring.attributes, att.divLike.attributes, att.fragmentable.attributes, att.metrical.attributes, att.typed.attributes, ( ( model.divTop | model.global )*, ( ( ( ( ( ( model.div3Like | model.divGenLike ), model.global* )+ ) | ( ( ( ( schemaSpec | model.common ), model.global* )+ ), ( ( ( model.div3Like | model.divGenLike ), model.global* )* ) ) ), ( ( model.divBottom, model.global* )* ) )? ) ) } |