<re> (관련 표제 항목) 복합어, 또는 큰 표제 항목 내부에 포함된 파생 형태와 같이 표제 항목과 관련된 어휘 항목을 포함한다. [10.3.6 Related Entries] | |
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모듈 | dictionaries — Dictionaries |
속성 |
클럽 회원 | |
에 의해 포함된 | |
포함할 수 있다 |
core: abbr add address bibl biblStruct binaryObject cb choice cit corr date del distinct ellipsis email emph expan foreign gap gb gloss graphic hi index lb listBibl measure measureGrp media mentioned milestone name note noteGrp num orig pb ptr q ref reg rs ruby sic soCalled term time title unclear unit
figures: figure formula notatedMusic
gaiji: g
msdescription: catchwords depth dim dimensions height heraldry locus locusGrp material msDesc objectType origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width
namesdates: addName affiliation bloc climate country district eventName forename genName geo geogFeat geogName location nameLink objectName offset orgName persName persPronouns placeName population region roleName settlement state surname terrain trait
transcr: addSpan am damage damageSpan delSpan ex fw handShift listTranspose metamark mod redo restore retrace secl space subst substJoin supplied surplus undo
character data
주석 |
May contain character data mixed with any other elements defined in the dictionary tag set. Identical in sub-elements to an entry tag, and used where a dictionary has embedded information inside one entry which could have formed a separate entry. Some authorities distinguish related entries, run-on entries, and various other types of degenerate entries; no such typology is attempted here. |
예 |
The following example from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1975) shows a single related entry for which no definition is given, since its meaning is held to be readily derivable from the root entry: <entry>
<form> <orth>neu·ral</orth> <pron>'n(y)ūr-əl</pron> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>adj</pos> </gramGrp> <sense n="1"> <def>of, relating to, or affecting a nerve or the nervous system</def> </sense> <sense n="2"> ... </sense> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth>neurally</orth> <pron extent="suff">-ə-lē</pron> </form> <gramGrp> <pos>adv</pos> </gramGrp> </entry> </entry> |
예 |
The following example from Diccionario de la Universidad de Chicago Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés / The University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary, Fourth Edition, compiled by Carlos Castillo and Otto F. Bond (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987) shows a number of related entries embedded in the main entry. The original entry resembles the following: abeja [a·bé·xa]f. bee;abejera [a·be·xé·ra]f. beehive;abejón [a·be·xóon]m. drone; bumblebee;abejorro [a·be·xó·rro]m. bumble bee.
One encoding for this entry would be: <entry>
<form> <orth>abeja</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <gen>f. </gen> </gramGrp> <sense n="1."> <usg type="domain"> (ento.) </usg> <def> bee </def>. </sense> <sense n="2."> <def> busy bee, hard worker </def>. </sense> <sense n="3."> <usg orig="A." type="domain"> (astron.) </usg>, <def> Musca </def> — </sense> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth orig="a. albanila"> abeja albanila </orth>, </form> <sense> <def>mason bee</def>;</sense> </entry> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth orig="a. carpintera"> abeja carpintera </orth>, </form> <sense> <def>carpenter bee </def>;</sense> </entry> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth xml:id="re-o3" orig="a. reina or maestra"> abeja reina </orth> <orth mergedIn="#re-o4"> abeja maestra </orth> </form> <sense> <def> queen bee </def>;</sense> </entry> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth xml:id="re-o4" orig="a. neutra or obrera"> abeja neutra </orth> <orth mergedIn="#re-o3"> abeja obrera </orth> </form> <sense> <def>worker bee</def>.</sense> </entry> </entry> |
예 |
In the much larger Simon & Schuster Spanish-English dictionary (Tana de Gámez, ed., Simon and Schuster's International Dictionary (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973).) these derived forms of abeja are treated as separate main entries, but there are other embedded phrases shown as res in its main entry for abeja: abeja, f. 1. (ento.) bee. 2. busy bee, hard worker. 3. (astron.) A., Musca. — a. albanila,
mason bee; a. carpintera, carpenter bee; a. reina or maestra, queen bee; a. neutra
or obrera, worker bee.
This entry may be encoded thus: <entry>
<form> <orth>abeja</orth> </form> <gramGrp> <gen>f.</gen> </gramGrp> <sense n="1."> <usg type="domain">(ento.)</usg> <def>bee</def>. </sense> <sense n="2."> <def>busy bee, hard worker</def>. </sense> <sense n="3."> <usg orig="A." type="domain">(astron.)</usg>, <def>Musca</def> — </sense> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth orig="a. albanila">abeja albanila</orth>, </form> <sense> <def>mason bee</def>; </sense> </entry> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth orig="a. carpintera">abeja carpintera</orth>, </form> <sense> <def>carpenter bee</def>; </sense> </entry> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth xml:id="re-o1" orig="a. reina or maestra">abeja reina</orth> <orth mergedIn="#re-o1">abeja maestra</orth> </form> <sense> <def>queen bee</def>; </sense> </entry> <entry type="relatedEntry"> <form> <orth xml:id="re-o2" orig="a. neutra or obrera">abeja neutra</orth> <orth mergedIn="#re-o2">abeja obrera</orth> </form> <sense> <def>worker bee</def>. </sense> </entry> </entry> |
Content model |
<content> |
선언 |
<rng:element name="re"> element re { att.global.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.rendition.attributes, att.global.responsibility.attributes, att.global.source.attributes, att.lexicographic.attributes, att.datcat.attributes, att.lexicographic.normalized.attributes, att.typed.attributes, ( text | model.gLike | sense | model.entryPart.top | model.phrase | model.global )* } |