
<label> contiene l'etichetta associata ad una voce in una lista; nei glossari indica il dermine che viene definito 3.7 Lists
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Usato daarc eLeaf eTree graph iNode leaf list node root tree triangle model.labelLike
Può contenere
element label { att.global.attributes, macro.phraseSeq }

Labels are most commonly used for the headwords in glossary lists; note the use of the global xml:lang attribute to set the default language of the glossary list to Middle English, and identify the glosses and headings as modern English or Latin:

<list type="glossxml:lang="enm">
 <head xml:lang="en">Vocabulary</head>
 <headLabel xml:lang="en">Middle English</headLabel>
 <headItem xml:lang="en">New English</headItem>
 <item xml:lang="en">now</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">loudly</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">blooms</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">meadow</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">wood</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">ewe</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">lows</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">bounds, frisks
   (cf. <cit>
   <ref>Chaucer, K.T.644</ref>
   <quote>a courser,
   <term>sterting</term>as the fyr</quote>
 <item xml:lang="la">pedit</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">merrily</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">cease</item>
 <item xml:lang="en">never</item>

Labels may also be used to record explicitly the numbers or letters which mark list items in ordered lists, as in this extract from Gibbon's Autobiography. In this usage the <label> element is synonymous with the n attribute on the <item> element:

I will add two facts, which have seldom occurred in
the composition of six, or at least of five quartos.
<list rend="runontype="ordered">
 <item>My first rough manuscript, without any
   intermediate copy, has been sent to the press.</item>
 <label>(2) </label>
 <item>Not a sheet has been seen by any human
   eyes, excepting those of the author and the printer:
   the faults and the merits are exclusively my own.</item>

Labels may also be used for other structured list items, as in this extract from the journal of Edward Gibbon:

<list type="gloss">
 <label>March 1757.</label>
 <item>I wrote some critical observations upon Plautus.</item>
 <label>March 8th.</label>
 <item>I wrote a long dissertation upon some lines of Virgil.</item>
 <item>I saw Mademoiselle Curchod —
 <q xml:lang="la">Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori.</q>
 <item>I went to Crassy, and staid two days.</item>