- Syd Bauman Local Enumeration Constraint
- Marcus Bingenheimer, Aming Tu, and Jen-jou Hung TEI markup in a GIS project
- Hugh Cayless and Natasha Smith Publishing the Colonial and State Records of North Carolina
- Hugh Cayless and Raffaele Viglianti The Chapel Hill Electronic Text-Converter (CHET-C)
- James Cummings URI-based pointing in TEI P5
- Christiane Fritze The German Text Archive
- Maureen Jameson and Donald J. Trainor Litgloss on TEIRails: demonstration of a CMS for TEI-encoded documents
- Dorothy Carr Porter Facsimile: A Good Start
- Doug Reside Multimedia Tagging with the Ajax XML Encoder (AXE)
- Daniel Röwenstrunk Edirom – a workbench for digital historical-critical music editions
- Stephanie Schlitz and Garrick Bodine The TEIViewer: Layering XML, XSL, CSS and jQuery
- Aja Teehan, Damien Gallagher, John G. Keating, and Thomas O'Connor The Alcalá account book project - an interactive 18th century ledger
- Ulla Tschida and Natasa Bulatovic eSciDoc - a flexible infrastructure for management and storage of cultural heritage data
- Jose Miguel Vieira Ereuna search framework